
If you are not familiar with the concept of a closure, the easiest way to describe it would be as a scope (function) that can access the state (variables) of another scope. When you define local variables inside a function, then their scope is the body of that function. A function can also declare a lambda expression, which has its own scope. You can access local variables of the outer function from the lambda expression. This is a closure.

Java also supports a closure with anonymous classes and lambdas. But, there is one big difference between Kotlin and Java. When Java closes over a variable, it captures its value. That's why you can only close over variables that have the final modifier, that is, they are immutable.

The following example tries to modify a local variable from an anonymous class, but the compiler will throw an error here because the local variable is not final:

int a = 0;
Runnable runnable = new Runnable()
public void run() {
a++; //compiler error

But, if you put the final modifier into a variable, then you won't be able to modify it. So, the trick is to wrap the variable inside a final one-sized array or the AtomicReference type:

final int[] a = { 0 };
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {

In Kotlin, there are no restrictions like in Java. You can access non-final variables inside a closure and also modify them. Similar code in Kotlin shows this:

var a = 0
val closure = {
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