Do not rely on superstars to get you through.



Superstars in pro football get a great deal of attention and publicity, as well as lucrative contracts and bonuses. They are truly exciting to watch, and can make a tremendous difference in the success of a team. Superstars are especially adept at what they do, and are usually the ones who make the key play that becomes the turning point in the game. They make a difference in the success of a team, but they can easily overshadow the accomplishments of less talented but equally deserving players.

Relying solely on the performance of the company superstar is a big mistake. What if that superstar gets hurt and can’t play in the next big game? Or leaves for a better job somewhere else? It’s a formula for disaster. Championship football teams prove over and over again how important it is to rely on the entire team roster—not just the superstars. If you aren’t confident that they can do the job just as well, it’s time you start preparing them for it.

Leadership Questions

Images  Do you rely too much on a single employee, division, or department for your success?

Images  What contingency plans do you have if your “superstars” are no longer able to stay in the game?

Images  What should you do so that you have other employees prepared to step in when you need their help?


Relying totally on the performance of superstars is a formula for disaster.

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