Prevent fumbles and turnovers.



Fumbles and turnovers are part of football. They are among the costliest mistakes that a football team can make, often making the difference between victory and defeat. The number of fumbles and turnovers a team makes is often the most telling statistic at the end of the game. Turnovers not only end a team’s forward drive to the goal, but they also give the ball to the opposition. What’s worse is that they can defeat a team emotionally when players see their advantage handed over to the other team.

Organizations suffer their share of fumbles and turnovers. A deadline is missed on an important project. The competition stole your best customer, right out from under you. The sales team played hardball and lost out on a big contract. How does a business or organization lose the ball to the competition? By failing to pay attention. One late shipment, one rude employee, one promise broken—most of these things will be forgiven once, but if the problem isn’t addressed immediately, your customers will vote with their feet. How costly is a socalled fumble or turnover to your team? How can you help prevent them from happening?

Leadership Questions

Images  What fumbles or mistakes do you believe your organization is about to make or is likely to make if something isn’t done?

Images  What might be done to prevent these things from happening?

Images  How can you get your team involved in preventing future fumbles and turnovers?

How costly would a fumble or a turnover be to your team?

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