Develop a playbook.



Every football team needs a playbook that explains what each player’s exact job assignment and responsibilities are for each play. A football team develops and practices a wide variety of plays so that it can flexibly deal with whatever its opponent throws at them. A well-executed offensive play can help defeat even the strongest defense.

Each player on the team understands the playbook and knows what he or she has to do. If these assignments are not clearly understood by each individual player, the play will not lead to the desired objective. The team places its trust in everyone involved in the organization not to leak anything in its playbook to the competition. It’s that important.

Every business organization should have its own version of a playbook that consists of strategic business goals, project proposals, marketing strategies, and even job descriptions. This critical tool helps leaders and all other employees understand where the organization is trying to go and how it intends to get there in the short term. Based on the organization’s present talent and current goals, a playbook should also include an outline of worker roles and responsibilities so that every employee understands where he or she fits into the big picture. It should be reviewed regularly and updated each year or two to reflect changes in the global or regulatory environment.

Company leaders must make certain that each and every employee knows and understands the playbook—if, that is, the company is serious about achieving its goals! They will need to develop a plan for communicating and implementing the playbook, and provide some guidelines regarding confidentiality.

No football team or business organization will be successful unless all its members have read the playbook.

Leadership Questions

Images  Does your team have the business equivalent of a playbook that gives members of the team a clear understanding of each person’s job assignment and responsibilities?

Images  If not, develop a playbook for everyone on the team. How can you make certain that yours stays in the hands of the right people at all times?


A well-executed offensive play can help counter even the strongest of defenses.

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