Setting goals frames and defines the focus of the work to be done. Clear goals eliminate ambiguity, provide a framework for gauging progress and measuring success, ground the learning, and set a context for mentoring. Goals harness and focus energy and invite action. If goals are too broad, neither mentoring partner will be satisfied with the learning process, the learning outcome, or the mentoring relationship. Let's return to Nick and Jon's initial conversation.

“So what's up?” Jon asked. Nick gave Jon an overview of the problem and went through the litany of complaints he had about Charlie. Jon pushed back and said: “Nick, you've got a lot of issues here. Which are the most important for you right now?”

Nick thought for a moment and said: “The first has to be how to get Charlie to stay focused on his job and stay out of my way. If that is called ‘managing up,’ then that has to be my first concern. Second, though, is my staff. I am starting to suspect that they are using Charlie's intrusions as a way to make excuses for deadline problems and their own performance issues.”

Jon asked Nick some challenging questions about the staff's responses, and it became clear as Nick described the interactions that he hadn't been paying attention to accountability and had let his own standards slip. By the end of the lunch, Nick had two mentoring goals clearly defined. He also agreed to write some descriptive notes about his interactions with Charlie and bring them to the next meeting.

Goals can change as priorities change, but energy and commitment to the mentoring relationship are sparked by the mentoring partners' work toward tackling relevant goals.

Setting goals is probably the most challenging aspect of establishing agreements for both mentors and mentees. Here are some questions for you to ask when setting your goals:

  • Are my goals clearly oriented toward the future?
  • Are they realistic, timely, and measurable?
  • Will they require me to make a personal investment of time, energy, and effort?
  • Will they contribute to my growth and development?
  • Will I feel a sense of pride and satisfaction upon accomplishing the goals?
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