Mentoring unfolds in many different ways. Some relationships just seem to flow, but others meander. What makes the difference? The simple answer is taking the time and making the effort to work on the relationship. Real progress depends on good communication, monitoring progress toward achieving the goals, and continuing to grow the relationship. None of this can happen without a respect for and openness to the feedback process.

Over the next three months, Nick and Jon made steady progress. Jon helped Nick see that he lacked clear plans and strategies. Nick became more proactive and less reactive at work, and the more he submitted plans and progress updates to Charlie, the less interference seemed to occur. Nick was really pleased with the results of the mentoring he was receiving from Jon. He was learning that much of what was harming his relationship with Charlie was self-generated by his own lack of planning. He also met with his staff and laid out a set of expectations and rules of engagement for the team. Up-front planning and preparation produced a big payoff in performance. Nick monitored his progress by making weekly notes, which he then shared with Jon at their mentoring meetings. Seeing business results as well as his own growth and development as a leader lifted his spirits. He brought a new energy to his work as he saw real progress from his team.

It is important to regularly assess your mentoring relationship to make sure you are on track to achieve your mentoring goals. Here are some questions to consider to keep the momentum up:

  • Am I meeting regularly with my mentor?
  • Are we doing a good job of communicating meeting schedule changes?
  • Are we able to eliminate outside influences and distractions when we meet?
  • How clear is our communication with each other?
  • Are we able to acknowledge and address conflicts as they occur?
  • Do we talk about my progress?
  • Do I receive regular feedback?
  • Are we being conscientious about safeguarding confidentiality?
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