
  1. Foreword

  2. Acknowledgments

  3. About the Author

  4. Introduction

  5. Chapter 1: The Problem with IT Service Delivery

    1. Approach #1: Reduce Delivery Friction

      1. The Downsides of Targeting Delivery Friction

    2. Approach #2: Managing Service Delivery Risk

      1. The Downsides of Targeting Service Delivery Risk

      2. The Essence of Delivery

    3. Beginning the DevOps Journey

    4. Summary

  6. Chapter 2: How We Make Decisions

    1. Examining the Decision-Making Process

    2. Boyd and the Decision Process

    3. The OODA Loop

    4. The Ingredients of Decision Making

      1. Ingredient 1: The Target Outcome

      2. Delivering Measures over Outcomes

      3. Ingredient 2: Friction Elimination

      4. Ingredient 3: Situational Awareness

      5. The Challenge of Trust

      6. The Fragility of Mental Models and Cognitive Biases

      7. Ingredient 4: Learning

      8. Failing to Learn

    5. The Pathway to Improved Decision Making

    6. Summary

  7. Chapter 3: Mission Command

    1. The Origins of Mission Command

      1. Learning How to Lead Effectively the Hard Way

    2. Managing Through Unpredictability

      1. Knowledge and Awareness Weaknesses

      2. Misalignments

      3. Misjudgment of Ecosystem Complexity

    3. The Anatomy of Mission Command

    4. Commander’s Intent

      1. Brief

      2. Situational Overview

      3. Statement of the Desired Outcome or Overall Mission Objective

      4. Execution Priorities

      5. Anti-Goals and Constraints

    5. Backbriefing

    6. Einheit: The Power of Mutual Trust

      1. Creating Einheit in DevOps

      2. Continual Improvement

      3. Staff Rides

      4. After Action Reviews

    7. Organizational Impacts of Mission Command

    8. Summary

  8. Chapter 4: Friction

    1. Understanding Ohno’s Forms of Waste

      1. Muda (Pure Waste)

      2. Muri (Overburden)

      3. Mura (Fluctuation and Irregularity)

    2. See the Whole

    3. Summary

  9. Chapter 5: Risk

    1. Cynefin and Decision Making

      1. Ordered Systems

      2. Unordered Systems

    2. Reimagining Risk Management

      1. Have Clear and Understood Target Outcomes

      2. Make the Best Choice the Easiest Choice

      3. Continually Improve Ecosystem Observability

    3. Summary

  10. Chapter 6: Situational Awareness

    1. Making Sense of Our Ecosystem

    2. The Mental Model

      1. The Problems with Mental Models

    3. Cognitive Bias

    4. Gaining Better Situational Awareness

    5. Framing

      1. Finding and Fixing Framing Problems

    6. Information Flow

      1. Why Ecosystem Dynamics Matter

      2. Meeting Your Information Flow Needs

    7. Analysis and Improvement

    8. Summary

  11. Chapter 7: Learning

    1. The Emergence of Skills Attainment Learning

      1. The Rise of the One Right Way

    2. Outcome-Directed Learning

    3. Creating a Learning Culture

      1. Day-to-Day Kata

      2. Improvement and Problem-Solving Kata

      3. The Coaching Practice

    4. Summary

  12. Chapter 8: Embarking on the DevOps Journey

    1. The Service Delivery Challenge

      1. Traditional Delivery Fog in the Service World

      2. The Challenge of the “ilities”

    2. The Path to Eliminating Service Delivery Fog

      1. The Role of Managers in Eliminating Service Delivery Fog

      2. Identifying What You Can or Cannot Know

      3. Ways the Team Can Eliminate Service Delivery Fog

    3. Summary

  13. Chapter 9: Service Delivery Maturity and the Service Engineering Lead

    1. Modeling Service Delivery Maturity

      1. The Example of Measuring Code Quality

      2. Service Delivery Maturity Model Levels

      3. Service Delivery Maturity Areas of Interest

      4. Configuration Management and Delivery Hygiene

      5. Supportability

      6. Single Point of Failure Mitigation and Coupling Management

      7. Engagement

    2. The Service Engineering Lead

      1. Why Have a Separate Rotating Role?

      2. How the SE Lead Improves Awareness

      3. Organizational Configurations with the SE Lead

    3. Challenges to Watch Out For

      1. Incentivizing Collaboration and Improvement

      2. Developers Running Production Services

      3. Overcoming the Operational Experience Gap

    4. Summary

  14. Chapter 10: Automation

    1. Tooling and Ecosystem Conditions

    2. Building Sustainable Conditions

      1. 5S

      2. Seeing Automation 5S in Action

    3. Tools & Automation Engineering

      1. Organizational Details

      2. Workflow and Sync Points

    4. Summary

  15. Chapter 11: Instrumentation and Observability

    1. Determining the “Right” Data

      1. Know the Purpose and Value

      2. Know the Audience

      3. Know the Source

    2. Making the Ecosystem Observable

      1. Instrumenting for Observability

      2. Instrumenting Development

      3. Instrumenting Packaging and Dependencies

      4. Instrumenting Tooling

      5. Instrumenting Environment Change and Configuration Management

      6. Instrumenting Testing

      7. Instrumenting Production

      8. Queryable/Reportable Live Code and Services

      9. Presenting Task, Change, Incident, and Problem Records Together

      10. Environment Configuration

      11. Logging

      12. Monitoring

      13. Security Tracking and Analysis

      14. Service Data

    3. Pulling It All Together

      1. Instrumenting a Wastewater Ecosystem

      2. Instrumenting an IT Ecosystem

    4. Summary

  16. Chapter 12: Workflow

    1. Workflow and Situational Awareness

    2. Managing Work Through Process

    3. Managing Work Organically

    4. The Tyranny of Dark Matter

      1. Learning to See the Disconnects in Action

      2. Resolving Disconnects by Building Context

    5. Visualizing the Flow

      1. Workflow Board Basics

      2. State Columns

      3. State Columns for Operations

      4. Swim Lanes

    6. Task Cards

    7. Preventing Dark Matter

    8. Using the Board

    9. Seeing the Problems

    10. Limiting Work in Progress

    11. The Limits of a Workflow Board

      1. Managing the Board

      2. Managing Flow and Improvement

    12. Summary

  17. Chapter 13: Queue Master

    1. An Introduction to the Queue Master

      1. Role Mechanics

      2. “Follow the Sun” Queue Mastering

    2. Queue Master Rollout Challenges

      1. Team Members Don’t See the Value

      2. More Traditionally Minded Managers Thwarting Rollout

      3. Pushy Queue Masters

      4. Junior Team Members as Queue Masters

      5. Queue Masters Who Struggle to Lead Sync Points

    3. Summary

  18. Chapter 14: Cycles and Sync Points

    1. Inform, Align, Reflect, and Improve

      1. Top-Down Alignment Control Approach

      2. Alignment Through Iterative Approaches

    2. Service Operations Synchronization and Improvement

      1. The Tactical Cycle

    3. Important Differences Between Kickoffs and Sprint Planning

      1. Daily Standup

      2. Retrospective

      3. General Meeting Structure

    4. The Learning and Improvement Discussion

      1. The Strategic Cycle

    5. Strategic Review

      1. General Review Structure

      2. A3 Problem Solving for the Strategic Review

    6. Summary

  19. Chapter 15: Governance

    1. Factors for Successful Governance

      1. Meeting Intent

      2. No Target Outcome Interference

      3. Maintain Situational Awareness and Learning

    2. Common Governance Mistakes

      1. Poor Requirement Drafting and Understanding

      2. Using Off-the-Shelf Governance Frameworks

      3. Out-of-the-Box Process Tooling and Workflows

    3. Tips for Effective DevOps Governance

      1. Understand Governance Intent

      2. Make It Visible

      3. Propose Reasonable Solutions

      4. Automation and Compliance

      5. Be Flexible and Always Ready to Improve

    4. Summary

  20. Appendix

  21. Index

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