© Peter Späth 2019
Peter SpäthLearn Kotlin for Android Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4467-8_18

18. Working in Parallel: Multithreading

Peter Späth1 
Leipzig, Germany

Modern computers and modern smartphones have several CPUs able to work in parallel. You probably think of several apps running at the same time, but there is more to concurrency; you can have several “actors” do work in parallel in one app, noticeably speeding up program execution. I deliberately say “actors” because simply saying that several CPUs work in parallel only covers part of the story. In fact, software developers prefer to think of threads, which are program sequences that can potentially run independent of each other. Which CPU actually runs a thread is left to the process scheduling managed by the operating system. We adopt that thread notion and by that abstract from operation system process handling and hardware execution internals.

Within one app, having several threads running concurrently is commonly referred to as multithreading. Multithreading has been a prominent part of Java for years now, and you can find Java’s relevant interfaces and classes inside packages java.lang and java.util.concurrent and subpackages. These are also included within Kotlin for Android. However, Kotlin has its own idea about multithreading and introduces a technique called coroutines. You can use both features, and in this chapter we discuss both of them.

Basic Multithreading the Java Way

Without any further preparation, when you start a Kotlin (or Java) app the program gets run in the main thread. However, you can define and start other threads that can be worked through concurrently while the main thread is running.


The Java multithreading classes are automatically available to Kotlin in an Android development environment.

The most important multithreading-related class in Java is java.util.Thread. You can create one using its constructor, but Kotlin has a function that simplifies thread creation: thread() . Its synopsis reads like this:
fun thread(
    start: Boolean = true,
    isDaemon: Boolean = false,
    contextClassLoader: ClassLoader? = null,
    name: String? = null,
    priority: Int = -1,
    block: () -> Unit
You use it as follows, for example:
val thr:Thread = thread(start = true) {
    ... do something ...
The thread() function creates a Thread using the following characteristics:
  • If you don’t explicitly specify the start parameter to read false, the Thread.start() function gets called immediately after thread creation.

  • If you set isDaemon to true, a running thread will not prevent the runtime engine from shutting down when the main thread has finished its work. In an Android environment, however, undaemonized threads will not make an app continue being active when the system decides to shut down or suspend an app, so this flag has no noticeable implications for Android.

  • Specifying a separate class loader is an advanced feature you can use if you want the thread to use a class loader different from the system class loader. In this book we don’t talk about class loading issues; usually you can safely ignore class loading issues in an Android environment.

  • Specifying a separate name for your thread helps troubleshooting if problems arise. The thread’s name could show up in log files.

  • Specifying a priority gives the system a hint for how a thread should be prioritized in relation to other threads. Values range from Thread.MIN_PRIORITY to Thread.MAX_PRIORITY. The default value is Thread.NORM_PRIORITY. For your first experiments you don’t have to be concerned with this value.

  • The block contains statements that get executed when the thread runs. The thread() function always exits immediately no matter what the block does and how long it runs.

The most basic thread example for an Android app might read (remember that a function as a last invocation parameter can go outside parentheses):
// inside an activity:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    thread {
        while(true) {
             Log.e("LOG", Date().toString())
For your experiments you can use the NumberGuess sample app we developed in earlier chapters. This thread starts an infinite loop (while( true ){ }), each iteration sleeps for 1,000 milliseconds and then writes the current date and time to the logging console. The thread() function returns the Thread instance, so if we need to later do more things with the thread we can also write
val thr:Thread = thread {
    while(true) {
        Log.e("LOG", Date().toString())
Because of the default start = true the thread immediately starts its work in the background. If, however, you want to start the thread yourself, you write
val thr = thread(start = false) {
    while(true) {
        Log.e("LOG", Date().toString())
This sounds easy so far, doesn’t it? There is a reason we talk about multithreading in a later chapter of this book, though. Consider the following example:
val l = mutableListOf(1,2,3)
var i = 0
thread {
    while(true) {
        if(i % 2 == 0) { l.add(i) }
              else { l.remove(l.first()) }
thread {
    while(true) {
        Log.e("LOG", l.joinToString())

Here we let one thread alter a list every 10 milliseconds, and another thread print the list to the logging console.

Once you start this it shouldn’t take longer than a few milliseconds before your app crashes. What happened? The logs say (abbreviated):
2018-12-29 09:40:52.570 14961-14983/
      E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-5
    Process: android.kotlin.book.numberguess, PID: 14961
        at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(...)
        at ...CollectionsKt.joinTo(...)
        at ...CollectionsKt.joinToString(...)
        at ...CollectionsKt.joinToString...
        at ...MainActivity$onCreate$2.invoke...
        at ...MainActivity$onCreate$2.invoke...
        at ...ThreadsKt....run()
The important parts are the two lines at java.util.ConcurrentModificationException and java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(...). The latter says something happens while we are iterating through the list. This iteration is needed to construct the string for the joinToString() function . The main clue comes from the exception name:

It basically says that we are iterating through a list while it is being modified by another thread, and this is the problem: We have a list data inconsistency if we let several threads at the same time modify a list’s structure and iterate through it.

Another issue that comes up when we talk about multithreading is that we need to find a clever way to synchronize threads. For example, one thread needs to wait for another thread to finish some work before it can start running.

These two issues—data consistency and synchronization—make multithreading kind of an art, and until now no final universal solution has been found. That is why, concerning multithreading, new ideas are constantly born and several approaches exist at the same time, all with mutual advantages and disadvantages over the others.

Before we talk about advanced approaches that Java and Kotlin follow, we finish our investigation of Java’s basic multithreading solutions, so we get an understanding of the problem sphere. If we consider that concurrent modification exception example again, wouldn’t it help if we could avoid multiple threads working on a shared list at the same time? This is possible, and the way we can do this is by wrapping the relevant code examples inside synchronized(){ } blocks as follows:
val l = mutableListOf(1,2,3)
var i = 0
thread {
    while(true) {
        synchronized(l) {
          if(i % 2 == 0) { l.add(i) }
                else { l.remove(l.first()) }
thread {
    while(true) {
        synchronized(l) {
          Log.e("LOG", l.joinToString())

Here the synchronized(l) blocks in all threads accessing the list make sure that no thread accessing the list can enter the code inside synchronized while another thread is inside any other synchronized block for the same list. Instead the thread that arrives first makes all the other threads wait until it has finished its synchronized block.

It is also possible to add more parameters to the synchronized instruction. Just make it a comma-separated list as in
synchronized(l1, l2) {

where the synchronization makes sure that it is safe to let multiple threads work on both l1 and l2.

We still need a way to let one thread wait until another thread has finished its work. For this aim, the join instruction exists. Say you want to achieve the following:
val l = mutableListOf(1,2,3)
var i = 0
val thr1 = thread {
    for(i in 1..100) {
thread {
    // Here we want to wait until thread thr1 is done.
    // How can this be achieved?
    Log.e("LOG", l.joinToString())
Now, tell the second thread to explicitly wait for thread thr1 to finish its work via thr1.join():
val l = mutableListOf(1,2,3)
var i = 0
val thr1 = thread {
thread {
    Log.e("LOG", l.joinToString())

Now the instructions after thr1.join() only start after thread thr1 has finished its work.

These keywords and functions, and more interesting functions and constructs for basic multithreading the Java way, are listed in Table 18-1.
Table 18-1

Basic Multithreading the Java Way




Creates and possibly starts a thread. Parameters are:

start: Immediately start the thread after construction. Default: true.

isDaemon: If true, a running thread will not prevent the runtime engine from shutting down when the main thread has finished its work. Has no effect in Android. Default: false.

contextClassLoader: Specify a different class loader. Default is null, which signifies the system class loader. For Android you usually go with the default.

name: The name of the thread. Shows up in log files. Default: Use a default string with consecutive numbering.

priority: Specifying a priority gives the system a hint for how a thread should be prioritized in relation to other threads. Possible values: Between Thread.MIN_PRIORITY and Thread.MAX_PRIORITY, with Thread.NORM_PRIORITY being the default.

block: Contains the thread’s code. If you don’t need any special parameters you just write thread { [thread_code] }.

synchronized( object1, object2, ...) { }

The block inside the { } gets entered only if no other thread currently executes in a synchronized block with at least one of the same objects in its parameter list. Otherwise the thread will be put in a waiting state until the other relevant synchronized blocks have finished their work.

Thread.sleep(millis: Long)

Makes the current thread wait for the specified number of milliseconds. Can be interrupted, in which case the statement terminates immediately and an InterruptedException gets thrown.

Thread.sleep(millis: Long, nanos:Int)

Same as Thread.sleep(Long), but makes the function additionally sleep nanos nanoseconds.


Makes the current thread wait until thread thread has finished its work.


The current thread interrupts thread thread. The interrupted thread gets terminated and throws an InterruptedException. The interrupted thread must support interruption. It does so by invoking interruptible methods like Thread.sleep() or by periodically checking its own Thread.interrupted flag to see whether it is supposed to exit.

@Volatile var varName = ...

Only for class or object properties. Marks the backing field (the data behind the property) as volatile. The runtime engine (Java virtual machine) makes sure that updates to volatile variables get immediately communicated to all threads. Otherwise the cross-thread state under the circumstances might be inconsistent. The performance overhead is smaller compared to synchronized blocks.


Only from inside a synchronized block. Suspends the synchronization such that other threads can continue their work. At the same time, it makes this thread wait for an unspecified time, until notify() or notifyAll() gets called.

Any.wait( timeout:Long )

Same as wait(), but waits at most for the specified number of milliseconds.

Any.wait( timeout:Long, nanos:Int )

Same as wait(), but waits at most for the specified number of milliseconds and nanoseconds.


Only from inside a synchronized block. Wakes up one of the waiting threads. The waiting thread starts to work once the current thread leaves its synchronized block .


Only from inside a synchronized block. Wakes up all of the waiting threads. The waiting threads start to work once the current thread leaves its synchronized block.

For all other functions of class java.lang.Thread, consult the API documentation.

Advanced Multithreading the Java Way

Scattering synchronized blocks and join functions throughout your code poses a couple of problems: First, it makes your code hard to understand; understanding multithreaded state handling is anything but easy for nontrivial programs. Second, having several threads and synchronized blocks might end up in a deadlock: Some thread A waits for thread B while thread B is waiting for thread A. Third, writing too many join functions for gathering the threads’ calculation results might result in too many threads just waiting, thwarting the advantages of multithreading. Fourth, using synchronized blocks for any collection handling might also end up in too many threads just waiting.

At some point in the history of Java’s evolution, advanced higher level multithreading constructs were introduced, namely the interfaces and classes inside the java.util.concurrent package and subpackages. Without claiming completeness in this section, we cover some of these constructs, because they are also included within Kotlin and you can use them to any extent you wish.

Special Concurrency Collections

Wrapping any list or set access into synchronized blocks just for the sake of proper concurrent accessibility, or thread safety, leaves a feeling of discontent. If collections and maps are important for your app, it almost seems like thinking about multithreading is not worth the effort. Fortunately the java.util.concurrency package contains some list, set, and map implementations that help to avoid putting everything into a synchronized block.
  • CopyOnWriteArrayList: A list implementation where any mutation operations happen on a fresh copy of the complete list. At the same time, any iteration uses exactly the state of the list it had when the iterator got created, so a ConcurrentModificationException cannot happen. Copying the complete list is costly, so this implementation usually helps only where reading operations vastly outnumber writing operations. In such cases, however, no synchronized blocks are needed for thread safety.

  • CopyOnWriteArraySet: A set implementation where any mutation operations happen on a fresh copy of the complete set. What we said earlier for CopyOnWriteArrayList also holds for CopyOnWriteArraySet instances.

  • ConcurrentLinkedDeque: A thread-safe Deque where iteration operations are weakly consistent, meaning read elements reflect the deque’s state at some point at or since the creation of the iterator. No ConcurrentModificationException will be thrown.

  • ConcurrentLinkedQueue: A thread-safe Queue implementation. What was said for the ConcurrentLinkedDeque earlier concerning thread safety also holds for this class. No ConcurrentModificationException will be thrown.

  • ConcurrentSkipListSet: A thread-safe Set implementation . Iteration operations are weakly consistent, meaning read elements reflect the set’s state at some point at or since the creation of the iterator. No ConcurrentModificationException will be thrown. Other than the type specification the API documentation suggests, the elements must implement the Comparable interface.

  • ConcurrentSkipListMap: A thread-safe Map implementation . Iteration operations are weakly consistent, meaning read elements reflect the map’s state at some point at or since the creation of the iterator. No ConcurrentModificationException will be thrown. Other than the type specification the API documentation suggests, the keys must implement the Comparable interface.


In the section “Basic Multithreading the Java Way” earlier in this chapter, we learned that synchronized blocks make sure program parts cannot be worked at the same time by different threads:
val obj = ...
thread {
    synchronized(obj) {
      ... synchronized code
Such a synchronized block is a language construct; we can, however, achieve the same thing in a more object-oriented way by using a lock object as follows:
import java.util.concurrent.lock.*
val lock:Lock = ...
try {
      ... synchronized code
} finally {
More precisely, synchronized has its equivalent in a so-called reentrant lock, and the corresponding lock class accordingly reads ReentrantLock. In the preceding code we would therefore use
val lock:Lock = ReentrantLock()

as a Lock implementation.

The name reentrant lock comes from the lock’s ability to be acquired by the same thread several times, so a thread would not fall into a waiting state when it already has acquired the lock via lock.lock() and tries to acquire the same lock again before an unlock() happens.

A Lock has more options compared to synchronized. Using a Lock you can, for example, avoid trying to lock while the current thread recently entered an interrupted state or does so while waiting for a lock. This can be achieved by writing
val lock:Lock = ReentrantLock()
try {
} catch(e: InterruptedException) {
    ... do things if we were interrupted
try {
      ... synchronized code
} finally {
You can also first check the lock, whether it can be acquired now or within some time before it actually gets acquired. The corresponding code reads
val lock:Lock = ReentrantLock()
if(lock.tryLock()) {
    try {
        ... synchronized code
    } finally {
} else {
    ... no lock acquired
    ... do other things
or in a variant that waits for a specific amount of time:
if(lock.tryLock(time:Long, unit:TimeUnit)) {
    // lock was acquired within that time span
} else {

A different lock interface is called ReadWriteLock. Compared to a normal Lock it has the ability to distinguish between read and write operations. This could be helpful in cases where several threads would be able to use variables in a read-only manner without any problem, whereas writing must block read operations and in addition must be confined to a single thread. A corresponding implementation reads ReentrantReadWriteLock. Its usage details are available in the API documentation.

Atomic Variable Types

Consider the following example:
class Counter {
    var c = 0
    fun increment() { c++ }
    fun decrement() { c-- }
Because the runtime engine (Java virtual machine JVM) internally decomposes c++ into (1) get the value of c, (2) increment what we just retrieved, and (3) write back the altered value to c, the following might happen:
Thread-A calls increment
Thread-B calls decrement
Thread-A retrieves c
Thread-B retrieves c
Thread-A increments its version of c
Thread-A updates c, c is now +1
Thread-B decrements its version of c
Thread-B updates c, c is now -1

The work of thread A therefore got lost entirely. This effect is commonly referred to as thread interference.

We saw in the previous section that synchronization via synchronized helps:
class Counter {
    var c = 0
    fun increment() { synchronized(c){ c++ } }
    fun decrement() { synchronized(c){ c-- } }

The updating of c by virtue of synchronized now can no longer be influenced by other threads. However, we might have a different solution. If we had a variable type that handles modification and retrieval in an atomic manner, without the chance of another thread interfering and destroying consistency, we could reduce the overhead a synchronized imposes. Such atomic data types do exist, and they are called AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, and AtomicBoolean. They are all from the java.util.concurrent.atomic package.

Using an AtomicInteger we can get rid of the synchronized blocks. A solution for the Counter class will then read:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*
class Counter {
    var c:AtomicInteger = AtomicInteger(0)
    fun increment() { c.incrementAndGet() }
    fun decrement() { c.decrementAndGet() }


The package java.util.concurrent.atomic has a few more atomic types that are for special use cases. Have a look at the documentation if you are interested.

Executors, Futures, and Callables

Inside the java.util.concurrent package you will find a couple of interfaces and classes that handle multithreading on a higher level. The following list shows the main interfaces and classes important for high-level multithreading.
  • Callable

    This is something that can be invoked, possibly by another thread, and returns a result.

  • Runnable

    This one is not in package java.util.concurrent, but in package java.lang. It is something that can be invoked, possibly by another thread. No result is returned.

  • Executors

    This is an important utility class for, among other things, obtaining ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService implementations.

  • ExecutorService

    This is an interface for objects that allows invoking Runnables or Callables and gathering their results.

  • ScheduledExecutorService

    This is an interface for objects that allows invoking Runnables or Callables and gathering their results. The invocation happens after some delay, or in a repeated manner.

  • Future

    This is an object you can use to fetch the result from a Callable.

  • ScheduledFuture

    This is an object you can use to fetch the result from a Callable submitted to a ScheduledExecutorService.

The primary usage pattern for these interfaces and classes goes as follows:
  1. 1.

    Use one of the functions starting with new from the singleton object Executors to get an ExecutorService or ScheduledExecutorService. Save it in a property; for our purposes we call it srvc or schedSrvc.

  2. 2.

    For registering tasks that need to be done concurrently, use any of the functions starting with invoke or submit for srvc, or any of the functions starting with schedule for schedSrvc.

  3. 3.

    Wait for termination, as signaled by suitable functions from ExecutorService or ScheduledExecutorService, or by the Futures or ScheduledFutures you might have received in the previous step.


As you can see, these interfaces, classes, and functions mainly orchestrate threads and their calculation results. They do not control the usage of shared data; for that you need to follow the techniques presented in the preceding sections.

As an example, we develop a multithreaded program that calculates π. The idea is simple: Obtain a pair of random numbers from the [0; 1]×[0; 1] plane. Calculate the distance to the origin and count the number of points with distances smaller than 1.0 and those with distances 1.0 or higher. Call the number of all points n and the number of points inside the quarter unit circle p. Because the area of a [0; 1] × [0; 1] plane is 1.0, but the area of the region within the quarter unit circle is π/4, we have $$ frac{p}{n} $$ = π/4 or π = 4 · $$ frac{p}{n} $$ (see Figure 18-1).
Figure 18-1

Pi calculation


This is definitely not the cleverest way to calculate π, but it is easy to understand and you can easily distribute the workload among multiple threads.

In Android Studio, start a new app, and proceed as described in Chapter 1 for your first Kotlin app, renaming the app and packages accordingly. For the activity, create a layout with the following elements:
  • Any labels, as shown in Figure 18-2.

  • A TextView with ID @+id/procs next to the Processors label.

  • An EditText with ID @+id/iters next to the Iterations label. Add attribute android:text="1000000".

  • An EditText with ID @+id/threads next to the Threads label. Add attribute android:text="4".

  • A TextView with ID @+id/cumulIters next to the Cumul Iters label.

  • A TextView with ID @+id/pi next to the Current Pi label.

  • A TextView with ID @+id/calcTime next to the Calc Time label.

  • A Button with text CALC and attribute android:onClick="calc".

  • A Button with text RESET and attribute android:onClick="reset".

Figure 18-2

Pi user interface

We leave the the details of the layout up to you. For the actual calculation, the view IDs and the onClick handlers shown in the list are important. The calculation is not too complicated, so we do everything in the activity class. For more complex projects you should outsource the calculation to one or more dedicated calculation classes. In our case, let the activity class read
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    var points = 0L
    var insideCircle = 0L
    var totalIters = 0L
fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    savedInstanceState?.run {
        points = getLong("points")
        insideCircle = getLong("insideCircle")
        totalIters = getLong("totalIter")
    val cores = Runtime.getRuntime().
fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle?) {
    outState?.run {
        putLong("totalIter", totalIters)
fun calc(v:View) {
    val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val nThreads = threads.text.toString().
          takeIf { it != "" }?.toInt()?:1
    val itersNum = iters.text.toString().
          takeIf { it != "" }?.toInt()?:10000
    val itersPerThread = itersNum / nThreads
    val srvc = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads)
    val callables = (1..nThreads).map {
        object : Callable<Pair<Int,Int>> {
            override fun call(): Pair<Int, Int> {
                var i = 0
                var p = 0
                    (1..itersPerThread).forEach {
                        val x = Math.random()
                        val y = Math.random()
                        val r = x*x + y*y
                        if(r < 1.0) p++
                    return Pair(i, p)
        val futures = srvc.invokeAll(callables)
        futures.forEach{ f ->
            val p = f.get()
            points += p.first
            insideCircle += p.second
        val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
    fun reset(v:View) {
        points = 0
        insideCircle = 0
    private fun report() {
        if(points > 0) {
            val pipi = 1.0 * insideCircle / points * 4
        } else {
The characteristics are as follows:
  • The class has as state the total number of points in points, the number of points inside the quarter unit circle in insideCircle, and the total number of iterations in totalIters.

  • In onSaveInstanceState() and onCreate() we make sure the state gets saved and restored whenever Android decides to suspend the app.

  • Also in onCreate() we determine the number of CPUs the device has and write it to the user interface.

  • Inside reset() , the algorithm gets reinitialized.

  • Inside report() , we calculate π according to the preceding formula and write it to the user interface.

  • The multithreading happens inside calc() . We read the number of threads and iterations to use from the user interface, distribute the iteration number evenly among the threads, obtain a thread pool from Executors, define and register the calculation algorithm, and eventually gather the results from all threads.

  • At the end of calc(), we determine the time needed for the calculation and write it to the user interface.

You can play around with the thread and iteration numbers to see the impact of multithreading. On most devices you should see a noticeable difference between running on one and two or more threads. By the way, pressing the CALC button several times improves the accuracy of the calculated π as the numbers get accumulated.

Exercise 1

Implement the multithreaded π calculation app as described in this section.

Kotlin Coroutines

Kotlin has its own idea of how to handle multithreading. It uses a concept that has been around for a while in older computer languages, coroutines. Here the idea is implemented to write functions that can get suspended and later resumed at certain locations during their inner program flow. This happens in a nonpreemptive way, which means during running a program in a multithreaded way the program flow context doesn’t get switched by the operating system, but rather by language constructs, library calls, or both.

Coroutines are not by default included within Kotlin. To install them, open the “app” module’s build.gradle file and add to the “dependencies” section:

(one line).

Before we continue to discuss coroutines for Kotlin, we first present an extended glossary to help you get used to coroutines programming. You can quickly scan over it or entirely skip it for now and come back later, as after the list we give a more comprehensive introduction to coroutines.
  • Coroutine scope: Any coroutine functionality runs within a coroutine scope. A scope is like a bracket around a multithreading ensemble, and scopes can have a parent scope defining a scope hierarchy. The root of the scope hierarchy can either be the GlobalScope or it can be obtained by the function runBlocking { } where inside the { } block you entered a new blocking scope. The blocking here means that the runBlocking() invocation only finishes after all included scopes finished their work. Because CoroutineScope is an interface, you can also define any class to spawn a coroutine scope. A very prominent example is to have an activity also represent a coroutine scope:

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(),
      CoroutineScope by MainScope() {
  override fun onDestroy() {
    cancel() // CoroutineScope.cancel
The CoroutineScope by MainScope() refers to delegation: Any CoroutineScope function gets forwarded to an instance of MainScope, which is a scope especially tailored for user interface activities. Here, because of the cancel() on the root of the scope hierarchy, any currently active scope inside the hierarchy gets shut down in the activity’s onDestroy().
  • Coroutine context: A CoroutineContext object is a data container associated with a coroutine scope. It contains the objects that are necessary for a coroutine scope to properly do its work. Without any further intervention in a scope hierarchy, scope children inherit the context from their parents.

  • Global scope: The GlobalScope is a singleton object with a lifetime determined by the application as a whole. Although it is tempting to use the global scope as a basis for the most important coroutines, it is generally not recommended that you use it for the sake of properly structuring the multithreading aspects of your app. Use a dedicated coroutine builder instead.

  • Job: A job is a task that possibly runs in its own thread.

  • Coroutine builder: These are functions that start a coroutine either in a blocking or nonblocking manner. Examples for builders are:
    • runBlocking() : This defines and runs a blocking coroutine. If runBlocking() gets used inside a coroutine scope, the block defined by runBlocking{ } spawns a new child scope.

    • launch() : This defines and runs a nonblocking coroutine. It cannot be used outside a coroutine scope. It immediately returns a Job object and runs its block in the background.

    • async() : This defines and runs a nonblocking coroutine that returns a value. It cannot be used outside a coroutine scope. It immediately returns a Deferred object and runs its block in the background.

    • coroutineScope() : This creates a new scope with the context inherited from the outer scope, except for a new Job object. It calls the specified block in the new scope.

    • supervisorScope() : This creates a new scope with a SupervisorJob. It calls the specified block in the new scope. Supervisor jobs are special jobs that can fail independently of each other.

All of them expect a lambda function as a last parameter, which serves as the block of instructions to run. Because such parameters can be noted outside the parentheses, you’ll most often use them as in launch { ..instructions.. }.
  • Joining: If you get the result of invoking launch() in a property: val job = launch{ ... }, you can later call job.join() to block the program execution until the job has finished.

  • Suspending function: The keyword suspend is the only coroutine-related keyword you will find in the Kotlin language. All other coroutine material is available via the coroutines library. You need to add the suspend to functions that you want to be callable from inside a scope and that you want to be able to use with coroutines. For example, suspend fun theFun() { }. Consider the suspend as a coroutine scope forwarder.

  • Cancellation: Once you have a Job object, you can invoke cancel() on it to signal canceling the job. Note that the job usually doesn’t immediately quit its work, so you have to wait for the actual termination via a join() invocation, or you use cancelAndJoin(). You must ensure the coroutine you want to cancel is cancelable. To meet this aim you can either let the code call a suspending function like yield(), or you can periodically check for the isActive property you automatically have inside a coroutines scope.

  • Timeout: To explicitly specify a timeout for a block of statements you use

    withTimeout(3000L) { // milliseconds
      ... code here
Once the timeout limit is reached, a TimeoutCancellationException gets thrown, which is a subclass of CancellationException and gets ignored if you don’t use a custom exception handler. A variant of withTimeout() reads withTimeoutOrNull(); it does not throw a TimeoutCancellationException but returns the value of the last expression in its block if no timeout happened, or otherwise null:
val res = withTimeoutOrNull(3000L) {
  ... code here
// -> res is null if timeout happened
  • Coroutine exception handler: Coroutines have their own idea about how to handle exceptions. For example, if you do not provide a separate CoroutineExceptionHandler in the coroutine context, while canceling a job a CancellationException gets thrown, but that is ignored. What you still can do is wrap your code in a try { } finally { } block if you need to perform cleanup actions once a job gets canceled:

    runBlocking {
      val job = launch {
        try {
          ... do work
        } finally {
          ... cleanup if canceled
  • Delay: Use delay(timeMillis) to specify a temporary suspension. The API documentation here speaks of a nonblocking suspension, as the thread running behind the coroutines actually is allowed to do other work. After the delay, the program flow can continue with the instructions behind the delay function.

  • Blocking : You use

    runBlocking {

    to initiate a blocking execution of the statements inside the { } block. You usually apply it in the main function of your program to have a first coroutine scope that you can use for coroutines.

  • Coroutine dispatcher: An instance of a CoroutineDispatcher is part of the coroutine context you find in the property coroutineContext of each scope.

    runBlocking {
        val ctx:CoroutineContext =
The dispatcher controls what thread a coroutine is running in. This could be a specific thread, a thread pool, or the caller’s thread (until the first suspension point) if an unconfined dispatcher gets used (not for general use).
  • Structured concurrency: This describes the dependencies of job concurrency characteristics mirrored in a structure depicted by a hierarchy of { ... } constructs . Kotlin’s coroutines strongly favor a structured concurrency style of setting up concurrency.

  • Channel: Channels provide a means to communicate a data stream between coroutines. As of Kotlin version 1.3, this API is considered experimental. Check the official documentation to learn about the current state of this API.

  • Actor: An actor is both a coroutine launcher and a channel endpoint. As of Kotlin version 1.3, this API is considered experimental. Check the official documentation to learn about the current state of this API.

The following paragraphs outline basic and advanced coroutine usage patterns.

Basic Coroutines

The most important thing to know about coroutines is that we need a coroutine scope before we can use the coroutine way of multithreading. For simplicity it would be nice if we had a construct like this:
openScope {
    // Scope now automatically available
Kotlin knows how to do that by virtue of functions with receivers. Look, for example, at the coroutines-related function runBlocking() . In the source code you’ll basically find this:
fun <T> runBlocking(context: CoroutineContext =
        block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
    // code to run block in a blocking thread

In the block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T you can see the block runs inside an object that extends CoroutineScope. Such a CoroutineScope is an interface with a val named coroutineContext of type CoroutineContext. See later for details about the context.


Interfaces can have vals. We didn’t mention this feature in the object orientation introductory chapters, and during the runtime engine evolution it was primarily introduced for technical reasons. Here it gets used to make coroutines handling easier. Using vals and vars in your app’s interfaces is discouraged though, because variables usually belong to implementation aspects, not to declaration aspects, which is what interfaces are for. Use variables in interfaces with caution!

Your options to use an existing scope if we already are running inside a coroutine or to generate a new scope are as follows:
  • runBlocking { ... }

    This enters a new blocking scope. Blocking here means the runBlocking() invocation will only return after all activities inside the { ... } lambda finished their work. The runBlocking() can be started from inside and outside a coroutine scope, although using it from inside a coroutine scope is discouraged. In both cases a fresh context is created that includes using the currently running thread for the job.

  • runBlocking(context:CoroutineContext) { ... }

    This is the same as runBlocking(), but with a base context as given by the parameter.

  • GlobalScope

    Use of this is discouraged. Use this singleton object if you want to use a scope that is tied to the application itself and its life cycle. You can, for example, use GlobalScope.launch{ ... } or GlobalScope.async{ ... }. Normally you should start from a runBlocking{ ... } instead. Not explicitly using GlobalScope improves the structuring of your app.

  • coroutineScope { ... }

    This creates a new coroutine scope that inherits the context from the outer coroutine scope; that is, the scope in which the coroutineScope() gets invoked. However, it overwrites the job and uses its own job derived from the contents of its lambda function parameter (the content of { ... }). This function can only be called from inside a scope. Using coroutineScope() is a prominent example for structured concurrency: Once any child inside the { ... } fails, all the rest of the children will fail as well and eventually the whole coroutineScope() will fail.

  • supervisorScope { ... }

    This is the same as coroutineScope(), but lets its child scopes run independent of each other. In particular, if any of the children get canceled, the other children and the supervisor scope do not get canceled.

  • launch { ... }

    This defines a background job. The launch() invocation returns immediately while the background job defined by the { ... } lambda starts doing its work in the background. The launch() returns an instance of class Job. You can use the join() function from Job to wait for the job to finish.

  • async { ... }

    This is the same as launch(), but allows for the background job to produce a result. For this aim launch() returns an instance of class Deferred. You can use its await() function to retrieve the result; of course, this implies waiting for the job to have finished.

  • Implement CoroutineScope

    In any of your classes, you can implement class CoroutineScope: class MyClass : CoroutineScope { ... }. The problem with this approach is that, because CoroutineScope is just an interface, we need to implement the coroutine functionality by filling the coroutine context with sensible objects. A simple way to do that is using delegation: class MyClass : CoroutineScope by MainScope() { ... }, which delegates all coroutine builders to a MainScope object. That one is particularly useful for user interfaces. Once this is done we can freely use builders like launch() and async() , and also control functions like cancel(), from anywhere inside MyClass.

The launch() function has a couple of default parameters. Its complete synopsis reads as follows:
public fun CoroutineScope.launch(
  context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
  start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
  block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
): Job
You can use the context parameter to set the context name, for example, as in
launch(context = coroutineContext +
                 CoroutineName("CoRou1")) {

The start parameter can be used to tweak the way the coroutine starts. See the API documentation for details (enter “CoroutineStart” in Android Studio, then press Ctrl+B).

The async() function has the same default parameters as launch(), so you can also tweak the async() startup characteristics.

Consider the following example code. For Android you could test it directly inside the onCreate() function inside an activity.
runBlocking {
    // This starts in the current thread.
    // We are now inside a coroutine scope. This means
    // we have a
    //     val coroutineContext:CoroutineContext
    // for the context. The runBlocking() ends
    // after all work is done.
    Log.d("LOG", "1. Started inside runBlocking()")
    coroutineScope {
        Log.d("LOG", "2. coroutineScope()")
        Log.d("LOG", "3. coroutineScope()")
        coroutineScope {
            Log.d("LOG", "4. coroutineScope() II")
            // If you add this, both coroutineScope()
            // fail and runBlocking() prematurely ends:
            // throw CancellationException("4.")
            // Also, because runBlocking transports the
            // exception to the outside world, (15.)
            // below will not be reached.
        Log.d("LOG", "5. inner done")
    val job1 = launch {
        // This runs in the background, so
        // (8.) happens before (7.)
        Log.d("LOG", "6. inside launch()")
        Log.d("LOG", "7. done with launch()")
    Log.d("LOG", "8. returned from launch()")
    val deferr1 = async {
        // This runs in the background as well, but it
        // returns something
        Log.d("LOG", "9. inside async()")
        Log.d("LOG", "10. done with async()")
    Log.d("LOG", "11. returned from async()")
    Log.d("LOG", "12. launch finish")
    val res1 = deferr1.await()
    Log.d("LOG", "13. async finish")
    Log.d("LOG", "14. End of runBlocking()")
Log.d("LOG", "15. Returned from runBlocking()")
It has the following characteristics.
  • Running the code, the logs will show this:

1.  Started inside runBlocking()
2.  coroutineScope()
3.  coroutineScope() - 0.5secs later
4.  coroutineScope() II
5.  inner done
8.  returned from launch()
11. returned from async()
6.  inside launch()
9.  inside async()
7.  done with launch()
10. done with async()
12. launch finish
13. async finish
14. End of runBlocking()
15. Returned from runBlocking()
Items 6, 9, 7, and 10 might show up in a different order because they belong to background processing.
  • The outer runBlocking() introduces a root in the coroutine scope hierarchy.

  • The runBlocking() only returns if all its children finish their work or a cancellation of their work occurs.

  • If a CancellationException gets thrown (uncomment the throw to see that happen), it gets transported up the scope hierarchy and consequentially 15 will not be reached.

  • Both async() and launch() introduce asynchronicity (concurrency); they return immediately while their { ... } lambdas do their work in the background.

  • The job1.join() and deferr1.await() synchronize the background jobs; both wait for the corresponding job to finish.

Coroutine Context

A CoroutineContext holds the state of the coroutine scope as a set of context elements. Although the CoroutineContext does not implement the normal Set, List, or Map interface you’d normally use for such cases, you still can get its elements by one of these methods.
  • coroutineContext[Job]

    This retrieves the Job instance that holds the instructions of which the coroutine consists.

  • coroutineContext[CoroutineName]

    Optionally, this retrieves the name of the coroutine. You can specify the name via coroutineContext + CoroutineName("MyFancyCoroutine") as the first parameter of a coroutine builder (e.g., launch() or async()) invocation.

  • coroutineContext[CoroutineExceptionHandler]

    This is an optional dedicated exception handler. We’ll talk about exceptions later.

  • coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor]

    This internal item holds the object that is responsible for correctly continuing a coroutine after it was suspended and resumes its work.

Although any scope builder like runBlocking(), launch(), or async() spawns a new coroutine context that gets forwarded to other coroutine functions invoked from inside, you can temporarily tweak the context by using
withContext(context: CoroutineContext) {
As a parameter you are free to build your own context, or use + to change dedicated elements of the current context. For example, to temporarily set the coroutine name you’d write
... we are inside a coroutine scope
withContext(context = coroutineContext +
          CoroutineName("TmpName")) {
    ... here we have a scope with a tweaked context

In the same way, you can alter or redefine other context elements.

What a delay() Does

At first glance the delay(timeMillis:Long) function has the same use as the basic Thread.sleep(millis:Long) function from the Java way of using concurrency: Let the program flow wait for some time before it can continue with the instructions after the delay() or sleep() statement. However, there is a major difference between the two: The function Thread.sleep() actually blocks the current thread and lets other threads do their work, whereas delay() calls a suspending function that does not block the current thread but instead schedules a resumption of the program flow after the specified time elapses.

From a use-case view you use both for the same purpose: to continue with the program flow only after the specified time has elapsed. Knowing that for coroutines the thread does not get blocked, however, helps to tailor concurrency for maximum stability and performance.

What Is a Suspending Function?

A suspending function is a function that might or might not execute immediately or be suspended once invocation starts, and then eventually ends. It does not block a thread, even when it or parts of it are suspended.

From a coding point of view, you must make your own functions suspendable if you extract functions from a coroutine:
runBlocking {
    launch {
converts to
runBlocking {
suspend fun doLaunch() {
   launch {

Internally the suspend keyword leads to adding a hidden parameter for the coroutine context.

Waiting for Jobs

Dispatching work to several concurrently acting coroutines is one part of the story. First, if the coroutines calculated something, after the coroutines do their work we need to make sure we can gather the results before we continue with the program flow. Second, we must make sure the program as a big state machine is in a consistent state before we can continue doing more work after the coroutines finish. Here we are talking about result gathering and concertation or synchronization.

For synchronization, to make sure a Job or a Deferred has finished its work, use join() as in
val job = launch { ... }
val deferr = async { ... }
job.join() // suspend until job finished
deferr.join() // suspend until deferr finished
We can do this also for the Deferred, because it is a subclass of Job. In both cases it ensures that all the coroutine children of the jobs also finished their work. For the Deferred, however, we actually want to get the result of the calculation, which leads us to coroutines result gathering. You do so by writing
val deferr1 = async { ... }
val deferr2 = async { ... }
val deferr1Res = deferr1.await()
val deferr2Res = deferr2.await()

Again the await() function invocations suspend the program flow until the Deferreds finish their work. Again, the coroutine children of the async jobs also will have finished their work.

For a Deferred there is also a function getCompleted() you can use to get an already calculated result:
val deferr1Res = deferr1.getCompleted()

Here you must have made sure, though, that the Deferred actually finished its calculation, otherwise you’ll get an IllegalStateException. You can read the isCompleted property to check whether a Deferred or a Job has completed.

In a hierarchical setup of coroutines with parent–child relationships, the coroutines library makes sure that children will finish their work before a parent quits, so we don’t have to write
runBlocking {
    val job1 = launch {
    job1.join() // unnecessary!

The join will happen automatically.

Canceling Coroutines

To cancel any job, invoke the cancel() function on the Job or Deferred object.
val job = launch { ... }
val deferr = async { ... }
job.cancel() // or deferr.cancel()
Canceling does not mean a job immediately quits its work. Instead it is marked and stops working at a feasible time.
  • Inside a canceled job, any invocation of a suspend function will lead to the job finishing its execution. An example is delay(); inside the delay() function a cancellation check will occur and if the job was canceled, the job will immediately quit.

  • If there are no suspend function calls or not enough of them, you can use the yield() function to initiate such a cancellation check.

  • Inside your code you can regularly check whether the isActive property gives false. If this is the case, you know the job was canceled and you can finish the job execution.

Because a cancellation does not normally lead to an immediate job termination, you must append a join():
val job = launch { ... }
Another option is to use
val job = launch { ... }

which combines those two.

What a cancellation leads to concerning the coroutine scope hierarchy is discussed in the section “Exception Handling” later in this chapter.


You can specify timeouts to instructions inside a coroutine via
withTimeout(1000L) { // milliseconds
This throws a TimeoutCancellationException (a subclass of CancellationException) if the timeout limit gets reached, or
val res = withTimeoutOrNull(1000L) { // milliseconds
    [result expression]
which does not throw an exception but instead assigns null to the result if the elapsed time exceeds the given time. Because of Kotlin’s idiomatic ?: operator for null value handling, we can also throw our own exceptions as in
withTimeoutOrNull(1000L) { // milliseconds
} ?: throw Exception("Timeout Exception")


A coroutine dispatcher actually tells where and how a job gets run. More precisely, it describes which thread the coroutine runs in and how a thread gets created or looked up (e.g., from a thread pool). You can get hold of the current dispatcher with
If you don’t want to go with the defaults that a builder like launch() or async() uses, you can explicitly prescribe a dispatcher. Remember we can give launch() or async() the context as a first parameter. If we have a dispatcher, then, we can write
val myDispatcher = ...
runBlocking {
    val job = launch(coroutineContext + myDispatcher) {
You don’t have to develop such a dispatcher on your own, because some dispatchers are provided by the coroutines library:
  • Dispatchers.Default

    This is the default dispatcher used if the context does not yet contain a dispatcher. It uses a thread pool with at least two threads, and the maximum number of threads is the number of CPUs the current device has minus 1. You can, however, overwrite that number by writing System.setProperty( "kotlinx.coroutines.default.parallelism", 12 ) early in your app (before any coroutine gets built).

  • Dispatchers.Main

    This is a dispatcher tied to user interface processing. For Android, if you want to use the main dispatcher, you must add library kotlinx-coroutinesandroid to the dependencies section inside build.gradle. If you route your coroutines structure like
    class MyClass :
        CoroutineScope by MainScope()

    the Dispatchers.Main gets used automatically.

  • Dispatchers.IO

    This is a dispatcher especially tailored for blocking IO functionality. It is similar to the Dispatchers.Default dispatcher, but if necessary creates up to 64 threads.

  • newSingleThreadContext("MyThreadName)"

    This starts a dedicated new thread. You should finish using it by applying close() at the end or otherwise store the instance returned by the newSingleThreadContext() function call at some global place for reuse.

  • Dispatchers.Unconfined

    This is not for general use. An unconfined dispatcher is a dispatcher that uses the surrounding context’s thread until the first suspending function gets called. It resumes from the first suspending function in the thread that got used there.

Exception Handling

During a coroutine’s execution, we basically have three kinds of exceptions, and unless further precautions are taken, the following will happen:
  • For CancellationException exceptions and launch(): Remember that cancellation exceptions occur when you explicitly invoke cancel() on a Job element. If a CancellationException gets thrown, it will lead to a quitting of the current coroutine, but not to a quitting of any of the parents; they will just ignore it. The hierarchy’s root coroutine will just as well ignore the exception, so outside the coroutine machinery such an exception will not be detected.

  • For CancellationException exceptions and async(): Other than for launch(), a cancellation of a Deferred job by invoking cancel() on the Deferred element will not lead to the exception being ignored. Instead, we must react on the exception, which will show up in the await() function.

  • For TimeoutCancellationException exceptions: If a timeout in a withTimeout( timeMillis:Long ) { ... } happens, a TimeoutCancellationException gets thrown. This is a subclass of CancellationException and receives no special treatment, so what is true for normal cancellation exceptions holds for timeouts as well.

  • Any other exception: Normal exceptions lead to an immediate quitting of any running job in the coroutines hierarchy, and will also be thrown by the root coroutine. If you expect such an exception, you must, for example, wrap a root runBlocking() into a try-catch clause. You can, of course, add try-catch clauses inside the jobs to catch such exceptions early.

To see what happens with a cancellation exception and how it gets propagated through the coroutines hierarchy, try the following code:
var l1:Job? = null
var l11:Job? = null
var l111:Job? = null
runBlocking {
    Log.d("LOG", "A")
    l1 = launch {
        Log.d("LOG", "B")
        l11 = launch {
             Log.d("LOG", "C")
             Log.d("LOG", "D")
            l111 = launch {
                 Log.d("LOG", "E")
                 Log.d("LOG", "F")
                 Log.d("LOG", "G")
             Log.d("LOG", "H")
        Log.d("LOG", "I")
    Log.d("LOG", "X1")
    Log.d("LOG", "X2")
    Log.d("LOG", "X3")
If you run this the logging will look like this:
10:05:31.295: A
10:05:31.295: X1
10:05:31.299: B
10:05:31.301: C
10:05:32.300: I
10:05:32.302: D
10:05:32.302: E
10:05:32.796: X2
10:05:32.796: X3
10:05:34.802: H
We observe the following characteristics:
  • The runBlocking() does not forward the cancellation exception to the outside world. This exception thus is a somewhat “expected” exception.

  • Label X1 gets reached immediately after A. This is not a surprise, as all launch() invocations lead to background processing.

  • Labels B and C get reached shortly after A, because other than background processing startup, no delays are specified.

  • Label I gets reached 1 second later, because of the delay(1000L) immediately in front of it. At that time the delay after label C has almost passed by. A few milliseconds later D and E get reached.

  • While label E gets reached, the delay after X1 has not yet passed by completely, but half a second later X2 gets reached and we fire a cancellation on job l111. At that time we are in the middle of the delay(1000L) after E.

  • Because of the cancellation, the delay after E is quit immediately and job l111 prematurely exits. Labels F and G thus never get reached.

  • The parent coroutines of l111 continue with their work, they just ignore the cancellation of job l111. That is why a little later label H gets reached.

  • Label X3 happens before H. We know that runBlocking() continues its work while any noncanceled child is still running. Job l111 was canceled, but neither job l11 nor l1 have been canceled, so both H and I get reached.

If in the latter example you replace l111.cancel() by l11.cancel(), the following output is produced:
11:40:35.893: A
11:40:35.894: X1
11:40:35.894: B
11:40:35.896: C
11:40:36.896: I
11:40:36.898: D
11:40:36.899: E
11:40:37.394: X2
11:40:37.395: X3

Here we can see both the parent job l11 and its children (job l111) get canceled; labels F, G, and H never get reached.

Exercise 2

In the preceding example, remove the cancel() statement and instead add a timeout of 0.5 seconds to the delay() immediately after label E. What do you expect? Will the logging differ from the logging with the cancel() statement?

If you want to make sure a passage of the code cannot be canceled despite it containing suspending function calls, you can wrap it into a special new context:
withContext(NonCancellable) {
    // uncancellable code here
If you need to tailor the exception handling, it is possible to explicitly register an ExceptionHandler with a builder invocation:
val handler = CoroutineExceptionHandler {
    _, exception ->
    Log.e("LOG", "Caught $exception")
runBlocking(handler) {
val handler = ...
runBlocking {
    launch(coroutineContext + handler) {

Note that despite it starting with a capital letter, the CoroutineExceptionHandler() actually is a function invocation. There is also an interface using the same name CoroutineExceptionHandler if you want to write a class for handling exceptions.

Such an exception handler only handles exceptions that do not otherwise get caught by the coroutines. We know that for launch() jobs a CancellationException does not get transported up the coroutines hierarchy; in this case and for this particular exception type, the exception handler does not get invoked either.

If you don’t want all that exception propagation stuff, you can either use a supervisor job as in
// we are inside a coroutine scope
val supervisor = SupervisorJob()
withContext(coroutineContext + supervisor) {
    // the coroutines hierarchy here
or you use a supervisor scope:
// we are inside a coroutine scope
supervisorScope {
    // the coroutines hierarchy here

A supervisor leads to all coroutines handling their exceptions independent of each other. No child will, however, live longer than its parent.

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