Using AWS CloudFront to distribute content

Try to offload as much content as possible to the AWS CloudFront CDN service for distribution to Amazon edge locations. This can include both static and dynamic content. For example, static content or files would include CSS, HTML, images, and so on, that are stored in Amazon S3 (and not on your web server instance). This can reduce load on your web servers and improve the efficiency of maintaining content (by storing at one S3 location) while reducing latency for your end users and overall cost (by reducing the size or the number of EC2 instances required for your web servers).

In the case of dynamic content, for example, the repeated queries from many different users resulting in the same content response from your servers are cached and served up from the edge locations. This results in deriving similar benefits as in the case of static content distribution. This approach can be especially useful in speeding up responses to mobile apps.

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