Defining availability objectives

It is easy to get confused between HA and cost optimization objectives because product owners will often push for cost optimization while ignoring their availability requirements until something fails. As a standard practice, remember to always prioritize availability goals and only then look at ways to optimize your costs.

Achieving high availability can be costly. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you align your application's availability requirements with your business objectives. There are several options to achieve the level of availability that is right for your application. Hence, it is essential to start with a clearly defined set of availability objectives and then make the most prudent design choices to achieve those objectives at a reasonable cost. Typically, all systems' functionality and services do not need to achieve the highest levels of availability possible, but at the same time, ensure that you do not introduce a single point of failure in your architecture through dependencies between your components. For example, a mobile taxi ordering service needs its ordering-related service to be highly available; however, a specific customer's travel history need not be addressed at the same level of availability.

The best way to approach high availability design is to assume that anything can fail, at any time, and then consciously design against it.

“Everything fails, all the time.” - Werner Vogels, CTO,

In other words, think in terms of availability for each and every component in your application and its environment because any given component, at any given time, can turn into a single point of failure for your entire application. Availability is something you should consider early in your application design process, as it can be hard to retrofit the same later. In addition, it is important to understand that availability objectives can influence and or impact your design, development, test, and running of your system on the cloud.

Finally, ensure that you proactively test all your design assumptions and reduce uncertainty by injecting or forcing failures instead of waiting for random failures to occur.

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