Setting up CloudFormation

While working with CloudFormation, you define the AWS resources you need and then wire them together as per your architecture's requirements: 

"AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "",
"Description" : "",
"Parameters" : {
"Mappings" : {
"Conditions" : {
"Resources" : {
"Outputs" : {

The template JSON file includes the following sections; only the Resources section is mandatory while the rest are all optional:

  • AWSTemplateFormatVersion: Defines the capabilities of the template. Only one version has been defined so far.
  • Description: Free text; use it to include comments for your template. It should always follow AWSTemplateFormatVersion. The max size of this free text is 1,024 characters.
  • Parameters: It is used to pass values to the template while creating the stack, and helps customize the template each time you create a stack.
  • Mappings: As the name suggests, it is map of key-values pairs. For example, this can be used to select the correct AMI base image for a region where the stack is being created; the key will be the region and the value will be the AMI ID of the base image.
  • Conditions: Since JSON cannot have any logic embedded in it, a section was created to implement the basic conditional logic evaluation within the JSON template. The conditional logic functions available are AND, OR, EQUALS, IF and NOT.
  • Resources: This is the section in which you define your AWS resources and wire them together. This section is mandatory.
  • Outputs: In this section, you declare the values to be returned upon creation of each AWS resource. This is useful, for example, to find the ELB URL or a RDS endpoint.

Since a full CloudFormation template for our production deployment architecture can run into hundreds of lines of JSON code, we will only present the creation of key AWS resources; however, the complete script, a1ecommerceaws.json, is available for download in the source code repository.  

  • VPC: Here, a different CIDR block is used for production instead of the default You can skip this if you want to keep the default CIDR block, but remember to change the reference to the VPC in the subnets:
"EnableDnsSupport" : "true",
"EnableDnsHostnames" : "true",
"InstanceTenancy" :{"Ref":"EC2Tenancy"},
"Value":{"Ref":"AWS::StackName" }
{"Key":"Network","Value":"Public" },
{"Key":"Name","A1Ecommerce Production"}
0 }
  • Subnets: As an example only one sample is presented here for the public subnet. Remember to replace CidrBlock with and VPC ID with the default VPC identifier, for example vpc-e4ef7882. The DependsOn is not required if you wish to create the subnets in the default VPC. Similarly, create the other subnets:
{"Key":"Name","Value":"Public Subnet"}
  • Security Group: As an example, the ELB security group is specified here. Similarly, create the other security groups:
"GroupDescription":"ELB Base Security Group",
"Value":"ELB Security Group"}
"Fn::GetAtt": [ "WebSecurityGroupPublic","GroupId" ]
"Fn::GetAtt": [ "WebSecurityGroupPublic","GroupId" ]
  • RDS: An RDS subnet needs to be created so that the RDS service can run in the correct availability zones, us-west-2a and us-west-2c:
"Type" : "AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup",
"DBSubnetGroupDescription":"Availability Zones for CanvasDB ",
"SubnetIds" : [ { "Ref" : "PrivateSubnet" },
{ "Ref" : "DbPrivateSubnet" }
"A1EcommerceMasterDB" : {
"Type" : "AWS::RDS::DBInstance",
"Properties" : {
"DBName" :"a1ecommerce",
"DBInstanceIdentifier" : "a1ecommerce",
"AllocatedStorage" : "5",
"DBInstanceClass" : "db.t1.micro",
"BackupRetentionPeriod" : "7",
"Engine" : "MySQL",
"MasterUsername" : "a1dbroot",
"MasterUserPassword" : "a1dbroot",
"MultiAZ" : "rue",
"Tags" : [{ "Key" : "Name", "Value" : "A1Ecommerce Master Database" }],
"VPCSecurityGroups": [ { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "PrivateSecurityGroup", "GroupId" ] } ],
"DeletionPolicy" : "Snapshot"
  • ELB: The ELB is straightforward. It routes the incoming traffic to the two subnets in the two availability zones and is assigned the ELB security group:
  • Launch Configuration: The ImageId is your base AMI instance that the Auto Scaling group will launch. Replace the image ID with your own AMI:
"SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "WebSecurityGroupPublic" } ],
  • Scaling Configuration: There are two scaling configurations, one to scale up and the other to scale down. Auto scaling will add/remove new EC2 instances as defined in the ScalingAdjustment field whenever the alarm goes off. Due to lack of space, only WebServerScaleUpPolicy is presented:
  • Scaling Alarms: Next are the alarms that are the qualifiers for the Auto Scaling group to add or remove EC2 instances. In this example, a new EC2 instance is added whenever the average CPU load is > 90% for a period of 5 minutes, and an EC2 instance is removed whenever the average CPU load is < 70% for a period of 5 minutes. Due to lack of space, only CPUAlarmHigh is presented here:
"AlarmDescription":"Scale-up if CPU > 90% for 5 minutes",
"Value":{"Ref":"WebServerGroup" }
  • Auto Scaling Group: Finally, the Auto Scaling group itself is configured to send messages to the SNS topic upon the launch and termination of EC2 instances:
"AvailabilityZones" : [
{"Fn::GetAtt" : [ "HASubnet" , "AvailabilityZone"] },
{"Fn::GetAtt" : [ "PublicSubnet" , "AvailabilityZone"] }
{ "Ref" : "HASubnet" },
{ "Ref" : "PublicSubnet" }
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