Using Amazon Kinesis Firehose

In this section, we will implement a delivery stream using Kinesis Firehose. The application reads data from a Kinesis Stream and stores it in a S3 bucket.

  1. Log in to the Management Console and go to the Kinesis Firehose console. Click on the Create delivery stream button. Specify a name (kinesisfirehosedeliverystream) for the Delivery stream name:
  1. Choose the source as Kinesis stream and select the Kinesis stream we created in a previous section (KinesisTestStream) from the dropdown list: 
  1. To keep our example simple, we will not do any Lambda-based processing of the incoming data. So select the Disabled option for the Record transformation parameter. Click on the Next button:
  1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket called kinesistestdata from the S3 console. Select Amazon S3 as the Destination for streaming data to be stored by Kinesis Firehose:
  1. Select  kinesistestdata from the S3 bucket dropdown list. Click on the Next button:
  1. Click on the Create new or Choose button:
  1. Select firehose_delivery-role.  Click on the Allow button:
  1. Click on the Next button.
  2. Review all the details of the delivery stream and then click on the Create delivery stream button:
  3. You should see the success message as shown in the following screenshot: 

The newly created Kinesis Firehose delivery stream should be listed:

  1. Insert a test record into the Kinesis stream KinesisTestStream  with the put-record command:
Aurobindos-MacBook-Pro-2:Downloads aurobindosarkar$ aws kinesis put-record --stream-name KinesisTestStream --partition-key 123 --data "Test Event Record"
  1. Go to the S3 console and you should see your test record data in the destination bucket (kinesistestdata):
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