


filter actions 242, 243, 244, 245

Go to Sheet actions 248

highlight actions 246

parameter actions 248, 249

set actions 249, 250, 251, 252, 253

URL actions 247, 248

working 241

ad hoc calculation 171

ad hoc calculations 144, 146

ad hoc custom territories 355, 356

advanced visualizations

using 305

with slope and bump charts 306, 307

aggregate calculations 118, 127

example 128, 130, 131

versus row-level calculations 131, 132, 133

aggregations 445, 458

example 458, 459, 460, 461, 462

aggregations, Tableau Prep Builder 490, 491, 492

AI, with Einstein

using, in Tableau 399

AI, with Einstein Discovery 391

datasets 392

alias 434

Alteryx 53

Analytics Extensions API 384

animated visualizations 318


analysis, enhancing with 318, 319

data storytelling, enhancing with 319, 320, 321

area charts 99

example 99, 100

Ask Data 522

leveraging 522, 523, 524

ask data lens 522


background images

data, plotting on 364, 365, 366, 367

bar charts 10, 11, 12

categories of interest, highlighting 82, 83

example 72, 73, 74

experimenting with 14

iterations, for deeper analysis 12

stacked bar chart 13, 14

variations 74

bar-in-bar chart 79

example 80, 81, 82

bins 109


example 431, 432, 434, 435

usage guidelines 436

using 428, 429, 430

box and whisker plots 106

example 106, 107

brushing 476

BUFFER() function

using 353, 354, 355

bullet graph 74, 75

example 76, 77

thresholds, calling 78, 79

bump chart 307, 308


Calculated Field 118

creating 118, 119

calculated level of detail 150

calculations 118

aggregate calculations 118, 127

data types 121

level of detail calculations 118

performance considerations 146, 147

row-level calculations 118, 123

table calculations 118

calculations, interface

aggregate 120

calculated field name 120

code editor 120

date 120

functions list 120

indicator 120

logical 120

number 120

Pass Through 120

spatial 121

string 120

table calculation 120

Type Conversion 120

user 120

Cartesian product 456

circle charts 103

example 103, 104


data, connecting 46, 47, 48, 49

clustering 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295

color legend

displaying 335, 336, 337

hiding 335, 336, 337

combination chart 114, 116

example 115, 116

connection 40

continuous fields 9, 10

continuous (green) fields

filtering 65, 66


displaying 334

hiding 334

Create Parameter interface

features 136

cross-data source filtering 68

cross join 456

custom date formatting 207, 208

custom number formatting 205, 207

custom table calculations 182

lookup and previous value functions 183, 184, 185

meta table functions 182, 183

rank functions 186, 187

running functions 185

script functions 187

Total function 187, 188

window functions 186

custom territories

ad hoc custom territories 355, 356

creating 355

field-defined custom territories 357, 358


dashboard 27, 223

actions, implementing 234, 235, 236

building 31, 33, 34

considerations 28

context filtering 237, 238, 239

device preview, designing 239, 240, 241

displays, designing 239, 240, 241

framework, creating 232, 233, 234

interface 28, 30

objectives 224

practical example 229

regional scorecard dashboard 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258

views, building 229, 230, 231, 232

dashboard approaches 225

exploratory 225

guided analysis 225

narrative 225

scorecard/status snapshot 225

dashboard designing, Tableau 225

floating objects, using 227

objects, manipulating 228

objects, using 225, 226, 227

tiled objects, using 227

dashboard extension

code 379

creating 377

environment, setting up 378

files 379

HTML file 380

JavaScript file 380, 381

manifest file 379, 380

using 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377

working 382, 383, 384


connecting, in cloud 46, 47, 48, 49

connecting, in file 41, 42, 43

connecting, on server 44, 45, 46

connecting, shortcuts 49

connecting to 40

filtering 63, 64

filtering options 67, 68

plotting, on background images 364, 365, 366

structuring, for Tableau 437, 438, 439

data blending 428, 429, 430

data connection 2, 4, 5

data densification 455

data flow 469

data highlighters 247

data level of detail 149

data model

behaviors 415, 416, 417, 418, 419

creating 409, 410, 411, 412

data pane interface 414, 415

exploring 409

logical layer 412, 413

physical layer 412, 413

usage guidelines 435

using 413

data problems, advanced fixes

custom SQL 463

data blending 463

data model 463

data scaffolding 463

table calculations 463

data sampling 475


in chapter examples 122, 123

data source 40

data source metadata

managing 49, 50, 51

Data Source screen 409

data story

guidelines 224

data storytelling

enhancing, with animation 319, 320

data types, calculations 121

boolean 121

date 121

date and time 121

number (decimal) 121

number (whole) 121

spatial 121

string 121

data visualization 10

bar charts 10

geographic visualizations 19, 20

line charts 15


exact date 87

variations 88, 89

visualizing 84

DATEDIFF() function 139

date parts 84, 85, 86


filtering 66, 67

date value 87

density maps 24, 25

dimensions 7

dimension tables 443

discrete (blue) fields

filtering 64, 65

discrete fields 8

DISTANCE() function

using 352, 353

distributions 295, 296, 297

visualizing 102

dual axis 113, 116

example 113, 114

dual-axis map 354

dumbbell chart 312

dynamic set 61, 62


Einstein analytics extension

using 399, 400, 401

Einstein dashboard extension

using 402, 403, 404, 405

Einstein Discovery 384

Einstein Discovery story

creating 393, 394, 395, 397, 398, 399

exact date 87

exclude level of detail calculations 152

average credit score per loan type 163, 164, 165

examples 163

Explain Data 286, 287, 288, 289, 290

exponential trend 278

exporting 511, 512, 513

Extracted Dataset 69


creating 53, 55

performance 57, 58

portability and security 58

scenarios, for using 58, 59

using 55, 56, 57

working with 51, 52


fact tables 443

field-defined custom territories 357, 358

field-level formatting 204, 205

custom date formatting 207, 208

custom number formatting 205, 207


data, connecting to 41, 42, 43

filled maps 20, 21

filter action 242

creating 242

editing 242, 243, 244, 245

fixed level of detail calculations 151

examples 154

latest balance, for member 157, 158, 159

members, flagging based on historical values 155, 156, 157

fixed set 62, 63

fixed table calculation 173

flow 469

flow pane, Tableau Prep

example 469, 470, 471

forecasting 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303

foreign key 444

format level

dashboard level 199

data source level 199

locale level 199

story level 199

workbook level 199

worksheet level 199


additional formatting options 200, 213, 214

field-level formatting 200, 204, 205

leveraging 198

null formatting 208, 210, 211, 212

rich-text formatting 200

sheet formatting 199

workbook-level formatting 200

worksheet-level formatting 201, 202, 204

foundations, for building visualizations

continuous fields 7, 9, 10

dimensions 6, 7

discrete fields 7, 8

measures 5, 7

full outer join 420

functions 122

fundamental table calculation concepts 172

addressing 178, 179, 180, 181

partitioning 178, 179, 180, 181

relative, versus fixed 172, 173

scope and direction 174, 175


Gantt charts 89

example 89, 91

geographic visualizations 19, 20

density maps 24, 25

filled maps 20, 21

symbol maps 22, 23

geospatial data

definitions, importing 347

latitude, including 345, 346

longitude, including 345, 346

using 345

Git 378

Go to Sheet actions 248

group 59, 60


highlight actions 246

highlighters 247

histograms 107

example 108, 109, 110, 111


Image Map Filter extension 371

include level of detail calculations 152

alternative approaches 162

average loans per member 160, 161, 162

examples 160

Index() function 175

inner join 419

inner joins 444

Interquartile Range (IQR) 106


jittering 104, 105

join 419

considerations 425

cross-database joins 427

join calculation, using 426

tables, joining 422, 423, 424, 425

types 419

usage guidelines 436

warning 427, 428

join calculation 456

join culling 444

joins 445, 454

example 454, 455, 456, 457, 458

join types

full outer 420

inner 419

left 419

right 420

spatial 421, 422

jump lines 309, 310


k-means clustering 290


left join 419

level of detail

calculated level of detail 150

data level of detail 149

overview 149

view level of detail 149

level of detail calculations 118

level of detail calculations (LOD calcs) 149, 151

analyzing 152, 153, 154

exclude level of detail 152

fixed level of detail 151

include level of detail 152

syntax 151

types 151

level of detail calculations, Tableau Prep Builder 488, 489, 490

Level of Detail (LOD) calculations 461

Level of Detail (LOD) expressions 351, 418

linear trend 276

line charts 15

experimenting with 15, 16, 17

iterations, for deeper analysis 17, 18, 19

time series 15

live connections 444

logarithmic trend 277

logical layer, data model 412, 413


MAKELINE() function

using 351, 352

MAKEPOINT() function

using 351, 352

map layers 358, 359, 360, 361, 362


layers, customizing 341, 342, 344

options, customizing 344

overview 340

rendering, with Tableau 340, 341

Marimekko chart 315

creating 316, 317

measures 6

metadata 49

multiple axes

visualizing, to different measures 112


Natural Language Processing (NLP) 522

nested calculations 127

nesting 127

Node.js 378

non-Cartesian chart types 99

noodle 411

npm 378

null formatting 208, 210, 211, 212


Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) 2, 41, 301

Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) 57

operators 122


pane (across) 176

pane (across then down) 177

pane (down) 177

parameter action 248, 249

parameters 133

creating 134

functionalities 134

parameters, Tableau Prep Builder

using 503, 504, 505

physical layer, data model 412, 413

pie charts 101, 102

example 101

pivots 445

example 445, 447, 448, 449, 450

polynomial trend 280

power trend 279

practical examples, parameters in calculations 137

business requirements, meeting 143

data, extending 139, 140

data issues, fixing 137, 138, 139

user analysis, enhancing 140, 141, 142, 143

user experience, enhancing 140, 141, 142, 143

user visualizations, enhancing 140, 141, 142, 143

presentation 507

Presentation mode 508

printing 508, 509, 510

proportional brushing 250

Python script

using, in Tableau 387, 388, 389, 390, 391


quick table calculations 170, 171, 172


relationship 411

relative table calculation 172

REST API 513, 525

right join 420

row-level calculations 118, 123

conditional logic 124, 125, 126

planning, for data variations 127

strings, concatenating 123, 124

strings manipulation 124, 125, 126

versus aggregate calculations 131, 132, 133

row-level calculations, Tableau Prep Builder 486, 487

RServe 384

R-Squared 281


sample dataset

using 408

scatterplot 112

example 112, 113

scope and direction

defining, for table calculation 174, 175


data, connecting on 44, 45, 46

set 60

set actions 249, 250, 251, 252

sheet swapping 329

principles 329

using, to modify views on dashboard 329, 330, 332, 333, 334

Show/Hide buttons 323

using 324, 325, 326, 328, 329

Show Me 25

features 26

using 26, 27

slope chart 306

features 306, 307

techniques 306, 307

with slope and bump charts 306, 308

sparklines 310, 312

spatial functions

AREA() 349

BUFFER() 350, 353, 354, 355

DISTANCE() 350, 352, 353

leveraging 349, 350, 351

MAKELINE() 350, 351, 352

MAKEPOINT() 350, 351, 352

spatial join 421, 422

spatial objects

leveraging 347, 349

stacked bar chart 13

stacked bars 92

example 93, 94, 95, 96

star schemas 443, 444

statistical model details

exporting 283, 284, 286

step lines 309, 310

stories feature 258

example 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265

Story interface 260

surrogate key 444

symbol charts 313, 314, 315

symbol maps 22, 23


Tabcmd 512, 525

table (across) 175

table (across then down) 176

Tableau 1

actions 241

connecting, to data 2, 4, 5

dashboards, designing 225

data, structuring 437, 438, 439

maps 340

Python script, using 387, 388, 389, 390, 391

Tableau analytics extensions 384

Python script example 385

Tableau Cloud

additional distribution options 524

publishing to 517, 518, 519

users, sharing with 514

Tableau Dashboard Extension 369, 370

architecture 370, 371

Tableau Dashboard Extensions API 370

Tableau Desktop

users, sharing with 513

Tableau Exchange 372

Tableau Extensions API SDK 378

Tableau Hyper API 40

Tableau mapping

tips 362, 363, 364

Tableau Mobile app 521

Tableau paradigm 35, 36

implementing 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Order of Operations 68, 69, 70

Tableau Prep 53

Tableau Prep Builder 465, 506

aggregations 490, 491, 492

batch mode 471

data cleaning 481, 482, 483, 484, 486

data, cleaning 479

data, connecting 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478

data, filtering 492, 493, 494

data grouping 481, 482, 483, 484, 486

data transformation, for analysis 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 503

design mode 471

download link 466

execution mode 471

exploring 466

flow pane 469, 470, 471

fundamental paradigm 469

level of detail calculations 488, 489, 490

mismatched fields, merging 479, 480

mismatched fields, unioning 479, 480

options, for automating flow 506

parameters, using 503, 504, 505

row-level calculations 486, 487

user interface 466, 468, 469

Tableau Prep Conductor 465, 506

Tableau Public

publishing to 516

users, sharing with 514

Tableau Reader 514

users, sharing with 514

Tableau Server

additional distribution options 524

interacting with 521

publishing to 517, 518, 519

users, sharing with 514

table calculation filtering (late filtering) 190

table calculations 118, 167

creating 169

custom table calculations 182

editing 169

fundamental concepts 172

overview 168

quick table calculations 170, 171

table calculations, practical examples 189

dynamic titles with totals 191, 192

table calculation filtering (late filtering) 193, 194

year over year growth of sales 189, 190, 191

table (down) 176

TabPy 384

setting up 385, 386, 387

tall data 439, 440

versus wide data 440, 441, 442

techniques, for data filtering

custom SQL filters 63

data source filters 63

extract filters 63


variations 88, 89

visualizing 84

time series 15

tooltips 218, 219

visualizations, embedding 220, 221


aggregation 458, 459, 460, 461, 462

aggregations 445

joins 445, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458

pivots 445, 447, 448, 449, 450

unions 445, 450, 451

treemaps 96, 99

example 97, 98

trend models 276

analyzing 280, 282, 283

exponential trend 278

linear trend 276

logarithmic trend 277

polynomial trend 280

power trend 279

statistical model details, exporting 283, 284, 286

trends 268, 270, 272

trend lines, customizing 272, 273, 274, 276

two-pass total technique 461


unions 445, 450

creating 452, 453

example 450, 451, 453, 454

unit chart 313

techniques 313, 314, 315

Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path 514

URL actions 247, 248



comparing 72

view level of detail 13, 149, 150

views, on dashboard

modifying, with sheet swapping 329, 330, 332, 333, 334

visible fields 55


considerations 197, 198

tooltips 218, 219

value, adding 215, 216, 217

Viz in Tooltip 220, 221


waterfall chart 308

features 308

techniques 308

web data connector 40

Web Data Connector (WDC) 437

wide data 439

versus tall data 440, 441, 442

workbook-level formatting 200

Workbook Optimizer

using 520

worksheet-level formatting 201, 202, 204

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