Book roadmap

This book, like most part of technical books, is organized in such a way that you do not need to read it from beginning to end. You can choose the parts that interest you the most and skip the rest.

This book is organized as follows:

  • If you are reading this, there's no need to specify what is going on in the first chapter.
  • Chapter 2, Fundamentals - Installing and Using, is pretty theoretical and will explain what's going on behind the scenes of Vue.js and its main parts. So, if you are not into theory and want to put your hands into coding, you are free to skip this part. In this part, we will also go through the installation and setup process.
  • From the third to the eighth chapter, we'll explore the main features of Vue.js while building the application:
    • In Chapter 3, Components - Understanding and Using, we will introduce Vue components and apply this knowledge to our application.
    • In Chapter 4, Reactivity - Binding Data to Your Application, we will use all the data binding mechanisms provided by Vue.
    • In Chapter 5, Vuex - Managing State in Your Application, we will introduce the Vuex state management system and explain how to use it in our applications.
    • In Chapter 6, Plugins - Building Your House with Your Own Bricks, we will learn how to create and use plugins for Vue applications to enrich their functionality.
    • In Chapter 7, Testing - Time to Test What We Have Done so Far!, we will cover and explore custom directives of Vue.js and create some in our application.
    • In Chapter 8, Deploying - Time to Go Live!, we will learn how to test and deploy JavaScript application written in Vue.js.
  • In Chapter 9, What Is Next?, we'll summarize what we've learned and see what we can do next.
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