About the Technical Reviewers

These reviewers contributed their considerable hands-on expertise to the entire development process for Linux Clustering: Building and Maintaining Linux Clusters. As the book was being written, these dedicated professionals reviewed all the material for technical content, organization, and flow. Their feedback was critical to ensuring that this book fits our readers’ need for the highest quality technical information.

About the Technical Reviewers

Joe “Zonker” Brockmeier has been using Linux since 1996, and writing about it for nearly as long. A refugee from the world of dot-coms, Zonker regularly writes for Linux Magazine, UnixReview.com, and other online and print publications. You can contact Zonker through his web site at www.dissociatedpress.net/.

About the Technical Reviewers

John Marquart has seven years of computer industry experience. His focus has been UNIX system administration, with an emphasis on Linux. John worked for Indiana University, managing the Digital Library Program’s server infrastructure and digital assets. He now works for Planalytics, where he is responsible for the standardization, integration, and automation of the company’s UNIX platforms. John received a degree from Indiana University in Cognitive Science, with a focus on AI systems.

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