
Welcome to Mac OS X: Advanced Development Techniques!

I hope you enjoy what I've put together for you here. The goal of this book is to create examples that you, as a developer, could use as jumping-off points for your own intermediate to advanced programming projects.

The book is being written for those of you who have had some OS X programming experience and understand basic programming concepts. Regarding experience, you should at least have created a “Hello World” application under OS X in either Cocoa or Carbon.

It is assumed that you will read the book more or less in order. Although each chapter can stand alone, similarities between projects are discussed in one chapter that might not be discussed in as much detail in later chapters. If you are unsure about anything, consult the list of online resources for help.

In addition, as I discuss a topic, I might not cover every possible aspect of it. My goal in writing this book is not to duplicate provided documentation but to show a working example of a particular project with enough insight to allow you to take it to the next level. Like any good teacher, I will not give you all the answers, but I will give you the tools to find them.

It is suggested that you explore the header files and Apple supplied documentation for any particular project. In fact, you might consider having your Web browser open to the online documentation so that you can look up unfamiliar classes that you come across in the book. The documentation provides cross-references to other classes and methods that can be very helpful as you learn the ins and outs of programming Mac OS X through my examples. The Cocoa Browser application, listed in Appendix B, “Online Resources,” is also a very useful tool to keep handy on your computer.

This book is filled with development examples. I attempt to show you how a technology works, yet not precisely how you should use it. Be sure to read up on Apple's Human Interface Guidelines before you dig in too deeply—especially if you are new to Mac OS X.

All sentences in the book could be prefaced with “As of this writing.” As you know, especially in the world of software development, things can change quite rapidly. If something isn't working properly, check the release notes of your development software to see if something has changed. Also, keep an eye on this book's Web site for errata and downloadable source code. You can visit the Web site at

So pull yourself up to the computer, crack your favorite beverage, and stay up late programming! I'll meet you when it's over.

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