Chapter 7. Preprocess Data

This chapter will explore common preprocessing steps using this data:

>>> X2 = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "a": range(5),
...         "b": [-100, -50, 0, 200, 1000],
...     }
... )
>>> X2
   a     b
0  0  -100
1  1   -50
2  2     0
3  3   200
4  4  1000


Some algorithms, such as SVM, perform better when the data is standardized. Each column should have a mean value of 0 and standard deviation of 1. Sklearn provides a .fit_transform method that combines both .fit and .transform:

>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> std = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>> std.fit_transform(X2)
array([[-1.41421356, -0.75995002],
       [-0.70710678, -0.63737744],
       [ 0.        , -0.51480485],
       [ 0.70710678, -0.02451452],
       [ 1.41421356,  1.93664683]])

After fitting, there are various attributes we can inspect:

>>> std.scale_
array([  1.41421356, 407.92156109])
>>> std.mean_
array([  2., 210.])
>>> std.var_
array([2.000e+00, 1.664e+05])

Here is a pandas version. Remember that you will need to track the original mean and standard deviation if you use this for preprocessing. Any sample that you will use to predict later will need to be standardized with those same values:

>>> X_std = (X2 - X2.mean()) / X2.std()
>>> X_std
          a         b
0 -1.264911 -0.679720
1 -0.632456 -0.570088
2  0.000000 -0.460455
3  0.632456 -0.021926
4  1.264911  1.732190

>>> X_std.mean()
a    4.440892e-17
b    0.000000e+00
dtype: float64

>>> X_std.std()
a    1.0
b    1.0
dtype: float64

The fastai library also implements this:

>>> X3 = X2.copy()
>>> from fastai.structured import scale_vars
>>> scale_vars(X3, mapper=None)
>>> X3.std()
a    1.118034
b    1.118034
dtype: float64
>>> X3.mean()
a    0.000000e+00
b    4.440892e-17
dtype: float64

Scale to Range

Scaling to range is translating data so it is between 0 and 1, inclusive. Having the data bounded may be useful. However, if you have outliers, you probably want to be careful using this:

>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> mms = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
>>> mms.transform(X2)
array([[0.     , 0.     ],
       [0.25   , 0.04545],
       [0.5    , 0.09091],
       [0.75   , 0.27273],
       [1.     , 1.     ]])

Here is a pandas version:

>>> (X2 - X2.min()) / (X2.max() - X2.min())
      a         b
0  0.00  0.000000
1  0.25  0.045455
2  0.50  0.090909
3  0.75  0.272727
4  1.00  1.000000

Dummy Variables

We can use pandas to create dummy variables from categorical data. This is also referred to as one-hot encoding, or indicator encoding. Dummy variables are especially useful if the data is nominal (unordered). The get_dummies function in pandas creates multiple columns for a categorical column, each with a 1 or 0 if the original column had that value:

>>> X_cat = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "name": ["George", "Paul"],
...         "inst": ["Bass", "Guitar"],
...     }
... )
>>> X_cat
     name    inst
0  George    Bass
1    Paul  Guitar

Here is the pandas version. Note the drop_first option can be used to eliminate a column (one of the dummy columns is a linear combination of the other columns):

>>> pd.get_dummies(X_cat, drop_first=True)
   name_Paul  inst_Guitar
0          0            0
1          1            1

The pyjanitor library also has the ability to split columns with the expand_column function:

>>> X_cat2 = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "A": [1, None, 3],
...         "names": [
...             "Fred,George",
...             "George",
...             "John,Paul",
...         ],
...     }
... )
>>> jn.expand_column(X_cat2, "names", sep=",")
     A        names  Fred  George  John  Paul
0  1.0  Fred,George     1       1     0     0
1  NaN       George     0       1     0     0
2  3.0    John,Paul     0       0     1     1

If we have high cardinality nominal data, we can use label encoding. This is introduced in the next section.

Label Encoder

An alternative to dummy variable encoding is label encoding. This will take categorical data and assign each value a number. It is useful for high cardinality data. This encoder imposes ordinality, which may or may not be desired. It can take up less space than one-hot encoding, and some (tree) algorithms can deal with this encoding.

The label encoder can only deal with one column at a time:

>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> lab = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
>>> lab.fit_transform(X_cat)

If you have encoded values, applying the .inverse_transform method decodes them:

>>> lab.inverse_transform([1, 1, 0])
array(['Guitar', 'Guitar', 'Bass'], dtype=object)

You can also use pandas to label encode. First, you convert the column to a categorical column type, and then pull out the numeric code from it.

This code will create a new series of numeric data from a pandas series. We use the .as_ordered method to ensure that the category is ordered:

...     "category"
... ).cat.as_ordered() + 1
0    1
1    2
dtype: int8

Frequency Encoding

Another option for handling high cardinality categorical data is to frequency encode it. This means replacing the name of the category with the count it had in the training data. We will use pandas to do this. First, we will use the pandas .value_counts method to make a mapping (a pandas series that maps strings to counts). With the mapping we can use the .map method to do the encoding:

>>> mapping =
0    1
1    1
Name: name, dtype: int64

Make sure you store the training mapping so you can encode future data with the same data.

Pulling Categories from Strings

One way to increase the accuracy of the Titanic model is to pull out titles from the names. A quick hack to find the most common triples is to use the Counter class:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> c = Counter()
>>> def triples(val):
...     for i in range(len(val)):
...         c[val[i : i + 3]] += 1
>>> c.most_common(10)
[(', M', 1282),
 (' Mr', 954),
 ('r. ', 830),
 ('Mr.', 757),
 ('s. ', 460),
 ('n, ', 320),
 (' Mi', 283),
 ('iss', 261),
 ('ss.', 261),
 ('Mis', 260)]

We can see that “Mr.” and “Miss.” are very common.

Another option is to use a regular expression to pull out the capital letter followed by lowercase letters and a period:

...     "([A-Za-z]+).", expand=False
... ).head()
0      Miss
1    Master
2      Miss
3        Mr
4       Mrs
Name: name, dtype: object

We can use .value_counts to see the frequency of these:

...     "([A-Za-z]+).", expand=False
... ).value_counts()
Mr          757
Miss        260
Mrs         197
Master       61
Dr            8
Rev           8
Col           4
Mlle          2
Ms            2
Major         2
Dona          1
Don           1
Lady          1
Countess      1
Capt          1
Sir           1
Mme           1
Jonkheer      1
Name: name, dtype: int64

A complete discussion of regular expressions is beyond the scope of this book. This expression captures a group with one or more alphabetic characters. This group will be followed by a period.

Using these manipulations and pandas, you can create dummy variables or combine columns with low counts into other categories (or drop them).

Other Categorical Encoding

The categorical_encoding library is a set of scikit-learn transformers used to convert categorical data into numeric data. A nice feature of this library is that it supports outputting pandas DataFrames (unlike scikit-learn, which transforms them into numpy arrays).

One algorithm implemented in the library is a hash encoder. This is useful if you don’t know how many categories you have ahead of time or if you are using a bag of words to represent text. This will hash the categorical columns into n_components. If you are using online learning (models that can be updated), this can be very useful:

>>> import category_encoders as ce
>>> he = ce.HashingEncoder(verbose=1)
>>> he.fit_transform(X_cat)
   col_0  col_1  col_2  col_3  col_4  col_5  col_6  col_7
0      0      0      0      1      0      1      0      0
1      0      2      0      0      0      0      0      0

The ordinal encoder can convert categorical columns that have order to a single column of numbers. Here we convert the size column to ordinal numbers. If a value is missing from the mapping dictionary, the default value of -1 is used:

>>> size_df = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "name": ["Fred", "John", "Matt"],
...         "size": ["small", "med", "xxl"],
...     }
... )
>>> ore = ce.OrdinalEncoder(
...     mapping=[
...         {
...             "col": "size",
...             "mapping": {
...                 "small": 1,
...                 "med": 2,
...                 "lg": 3,
...             },
...         }
...     ]
... )
>>> ore.fit_transform(size_df)
   name  size
0  Fred   1.0
1  John   2.0
2  Matt  -1.0

This reference explains many of the algorithms of the categorical_encoding library.

If you have high cardinality data (a large number of unique values) consider using one of the Bayesian encoders that output a single column per categorical column. These are TargetEncoder, LeaveOneOutEncoder, WOEEncoder, JamesSteinEncoder, and MEstimateEncoder.

For example, to convert the Titanic survival column to a blend of posterior probability of the target and the prior probability given the title (categorical) information, use the following code:

>>> def get_title(df):
...     return
...         "([A-Za-z]+).", expand=False
...     )
>>> te = ce.TargetEncoder(cols="Title")
>>> te.fit_transform(
...     df.assign(Title=get_title), df.survived
... )["Title"].head()
0    0.676923
1    0.508197
2    0.676923
3    0.162483
4    0.786802
Name: Title, dtype: float64

Date Feature Engineering

The fastai library has an add_datepart function that will generate date attribute columns based on a datetime column. This is useful as most machine learning algorithms would not be able to infer this type of signal from a numeric representation of a date:

>>> from fastai.tabular.transform import (
...     add_datepart,
... )
>>> dates = pd.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "A": pd.to_datetime(
...             ["9/17/2001", "Jan 1, 2002"]
...         )
...     }
... )

>>> add_datepart(dates, "A")
>>> dates.T
                            0           1
AYear                    2001        2002
AMonth                      9           1
AWeek                      38           1
ADay                       17           1
ADayofweek                  0           1
ADayofyear                260           1
AIs_month_end           False       False
AIs_month_start         False        True
AIs_quarter_end         False       False
AIs_quarter_start       False        True
AIs_year_end            False       False
AIs_year_start          False        True
AElapsed           1000684800  1009843200

add_datepart mutates the DataFrame, which pandas can do, but normally doesn’t!

Add col_na Feature

The fastai library used to have a function for creating a column to fill a missing value (with the median) and indicate that a value was missing. There might be some signal in knowing that a value was missing. Here is a copy of the function and an example using it:

>>> from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype
>>> def fix_missing(df, col, name, na_dict):
...     if is_numeric_dtype(col):
...         if pd.isnull(col).sum() or (
...             name in na_dict
...         ):
...             df[name + "_na"] = pd.isnull(col)
...             filler = (
...                 na_dict[name]
...                 if name in na_dict
...                 else col.median()
...             )
...             df[name] = col.fillna(filler)
...             na_dict[name] = filler
...     return na_dict
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"A": [0, None, 5, 100]})
>>> fix_missing(data, data.A, "A", {})
{'A': 5.0}
>>> data
       A   A_na
0    0.0  False
1    5.0   True
2    5.0  False
3  100.0  False

Here is a pandas version:

>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"A": [0, None, 5, 100]})
>>> data["A_na"] = data.A.isnull()
>>> data["A"] = data.A.fillna(data.A.median())

Manual Feature Engineering

We can use pandas to generate new features. For the Titanic dataset, we can add aggregate cabin data (maximum age per cabin, mean age per cabin, etc.). To get aggregate data per cabin and merge it back in, use the pandas .groupby method to create the data. Then align it back to the original data using the .merge method:

>>> agg = (
...     df.groupby("cabin")
...     .agg("min,max,mean,sum".split(","))
...     .reset_index()
... )
>>> agg.columns = [
...     "_".join(c).strip("_")
...     for c in agg.columns.values
... ]
>>> agg_df = df.merge(agg, on="cabin")

If you wanted to sum up “good” or “bad” columns, you could create a new column that is the sum of the aggregated columns (or another mathematical operation). This is somewhat of an art and also requires understanding the data.

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