About the Author

Haje Jan Kamps graduated with a degree in International Journalism from Liverpool John Moores University, and resolutely decreed he would never work in journalism again. Instead, he started working as a freelance photographer and writer. As part of his company, Haje founded www.photocritic.org. The Web site became one of the most-visited photography blogs when one of his creations — a macro extension tube made out of a Pringles can — spread rapidly over the Internet via blogs and news Web sites.

About the Author

A couple of years later, Haje decided that he preferred keeping photography as a hobby. Naturally, he started a career in journalism. Haje currently works as an editor for an automotive magazine and lives in Bristol, England. When he is not working, writing, or taking photos, Haje sleeps because there isn't a lot of time left in the day.

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