
How a music revolution powered the Maker Movement.

Written by Chris Anderson image Illustrated by Matthew Billington

LAST YEAR AT SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST, FORMER NIRVANA DRUMMER Dave Grohl gave a speech about his beginnings that should resonate with any maker:

As much as I wanted to be in a band, I was there, alone in my bedroom, day in day out with my records and my guitar, playing with myself for hours. I would set up pillows in the formation of a drum set on my bed and play along to records until there was literally sweat dripping down the Rush posters on my walls. Eventually I figured out how to be a one-man band. I took my crappy old handheld tape recorder, hit record and laid down a guitar track. I would then take that cassette, place it in the home stereo, take another cassette, place THAT into the handheld recorder, hit play on the stereo, record on the handheld, and play drums along to the sound of my guitar. Voila! Multi-tracking! At 12 years old!

This was the experience of an entire generation, the indie/punk scene of the early ’80s. And in that underground music revolution you can see the roots of today’s Maker Movement. What Grohl and his contemporaries were doing was democratizing the tools of production in a way that is now echoed in everything from desktop manufacturing to crowdfunding.

I learned this firsthand as a teenager in Washington, D.C., in the early 1980s, when it was one of the hot spots of the American punk rock movement. Bands such as Minor Threat and the Teen Idles were being formed by suburban kids and playing in church basements. Despite not knowing how to play an instrument and having limited talent, I got caught up in the excitement of the moment and played in some of the lesser bands in the scene. It didn’t lead to music stardom, but it did instill a DIY spirit that largely informed the rest of my career.


What was new about the 1980s punk phenomenon was that the bands did more than just play; they also started to publish. Photocopiers were becoming common (Kinko’s copy shops went national in the early ’80s), and from them started a “zine” culture of DIY magazines that were distributed at stores, shows, and by mail. Cheap four-track tape recorders such as the TEAC Portastudio ($1,200 when it was introduced in 1981) hit that market, allowing bands to record and mix their own music without a professional studio. And a growing industry of small vinyl pressing plants let them make small-batch singles and EPs, which they sold via mail order and local shops.

This was the start of the DIY music industry. The tools of the major labels — recording, manufacturing, and marketing music — were now in the hands of individuals. Eventually, some of these bands, led by Minor Threat and then Fugazi, started their own indie label, Dischord Records, which produced hundred of albums and is still running today. They didn’t need to compromise their music to get published and they didn’t need to sell in big numbers or get radio play. They could find their own fans; indeed, the fans found them via word-of-mouth, and postcards poured into micro-labels to order music that couldn’t be found in most stores. The relative obscurity conferred authenticity and contributed to the rise to the global underground that defines web culture today.

My bands did all of this, from the photocopied fliers to the zines to the four-track tapes to the indie-label albums. We never got very big, but that wasn’t the point. We still had day jobs, but we were doing what we thought was genuinely innovative and getting people at our shows.

Where the DIY punk movement co-opted the means of production, in the web age people used desktop publishing, then websites, then blogs, and now social media. Indie-pressed vinyl became YouTube music videos. Four-track tape records became Pro Tools and iPad music apps. Garage bands became Apple’s GarageBand.

Yesterday’s garage bands are today’s garage hardware startups and Kickstarter is the new indie launch pad. Punk’s not dead — it’s just traded electric guitars for soldering irons. image

CHRIS ANDERSON is the founder of drone company 3D Robotics, author of Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, and former editor-in-chief of Wired.

The people-and-solar-powered ELF

Driving better health and a healthier planet


Who: Organic Transit


Where: Durham, NC

Tool: ShopBot 96 X 48 CNC router


“We used the ShopBot at a TechShop in the prototype stage, and now use our own ShopBot to cut several flat panels for the ELF, to cut inexpensive molds, and to make quick models of new products. We continue to work with ShopBot; they’re really good at helping people improve on various steps in the manufacturing process.”

Rob Cotter, Founder and CEO, Organic Transit

Organic Transit is on a mission to help people get around without hurting the planet. Their first product, the ELF, is a solar-and-pedal driven hybrid trike that gets the equivalent of 1800 MPG. Each ELF is hand built and legally a bicycle, so it can travel on bike paths, park on sidewalks and requires no gas, license, registration or insurance. You can travel up to 20 mph on electric power only and up to 30 mph combined with pedaling. And it can handle an amazing 350 lb. payload!

This innovative company has been collaborating since the beginnings of the ELF “project” with another forward-thinking North Carolina company, ShopBot Tools.

Ted Hall, ShopBot’s Founder and CEO, is excited to be involved. “Our mantra is to make digital fabrication technology readily accessible and usable. We make affordable tools that empower starting and growing a business. We love to see the tools put to work in innovative ways, and helping create new jobs.”

What project are you trying to get off the ground (or drive down the street)? Give ShopBot a call. We’ll help you choose the right tool for the job.


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