of GEVs over conventional planes is the lack of
wingtip vortices that produce drag.
Pilots discovered the ground effect in the
1920s, when they found that their aircraft became
more efficient as they neared the runway. It was
another 40 years before working GEVs were built.
Rostislav Alexeyev in the Soviet Union and German
Alexander Lippisch, working in the United States,
were leaders in GEV design.
Last fall I stumbled onto John Ryland’s YouTube
videos of GEVs (youtu.be/TZ4U89POYNc). Cool!
I had never heard of them. I searched and found
more designs (youtu.be/JcUMO6xken8 and
vehicle). As a science teacher, I was more
interested in these simple homemade versions
than actual working crafts.
1. Make the GEV body
I tried simplifying the designs of others. I had
good luck with a body made out of one piece of
cardstock and a rear stabilizer made out of a
second. Although I varied the dimensions, this is
what I began with (Figure
Fold along the dotted lines (Figure
) at a 9
angle to produce the final body shape (Figure
2. Add the stabilizer
Next, a rear stabilizer is needed, and not just for
looks. Cut it out (Figure
), fold on the dotted lines
), and tape (Figure
Now attach the stabilizer to the body (Figure
3. Add clips for weight
Place your vehicle on smooth surface like a large
table or floor. Place your hand at the back of the
vehicle and give it a quick push. You’ll find that air
will flow under the body and push the front up.
Weight is needed in front. Mini binder clips work
well (Figure
Flying Your GEV
If the front still lifts too much, add more weight.
And if the vehicle wont lift off the ground, there’s
too much weight. In addition to binder clips, try
small paper clips; sliding them forward and
backward slightly produces noticeable effects.
When you’ve got it right, your GEV will glide
surprisingly far on its cushion of air!
7.7cm wide
12cm tall
10.5cm wide
See more mini GEV experiments to
try at youtu.be/Um80kldsOY0
Study up on quality woodworking finishes that won’t destroy the world
Written and photographed by Tim Sway
Eco Wood Finishes
Green Grain
ou build tables from reclaimed beams, using
solar-charged tools by daylight. Heck, you
even deliver via rickshaw! But what finish can you
use thats as eco-woke as you?
Most finishes, even thegreen” ones, contain
VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, which they
emit as fumes or gases. Many VOCs are known to
be bad for the atmosphere and for your personal
health. An easy VOC test: If it smells bad, it is
bad. Never mind the short-term side effects like
headaches and nausea, VOCs have been linked to
liver, kidney, and nervous system damage as well
as an increase in smog and tropospheric ozone.
(Its bad. You can look it up.) So our goal is to find
a finish with little to no VOCs that still gets the
job done.
Traditional finishes like shellacs, urethanes,
and varnishes are made with alcohol and oils that
are rich in VOCs, but there are safe and effective
alternatives with lower VOC footprints. The more
we learn about the negative effects of VOCs,
the more we realize we need to find solutions.
Many U.S. states are cracking down with stricter
regulations, and savvy manufacturers are staying
competitive by stepping up their Earth-friendly
game. Here are a few of my favorite top coats
from firsthand experience.
Just because a product qualifies
asLow VOCdoesnt guarantee its safe. It could
be made of products that are harmful to you or the
environment in other ways. Always read the labels
and follow manufacturersinstructions for use and
cleanup of their products.
Water-Based Polyurethanes
Cleaner, water-based polyurethanes have been
around for a while but are becoming better and
more popular. “Water poly” has a very low VOC
count, can be brushed or sprayed, and cleans up
easily with water. Several companies make these
finishes in a variety of mixtures and thicknesses
and they usually have little to no effect on the
color of the wood. With patience and wet sanding
in between coats, a thick, high-gloss shine that
rivals the bad stuff can be achieved.
Target Coatings (targetcoatings.com) makes a
fantastic line of water-based finishes including a
conversion varnish that features a hybrid blend
is a Connecticut-
based artist and maker who
specializes in reclaimed,
upcycled, and eco-friendly
woodworking. His mission
statement is to “Make Worthless
Things Pricelessand hes currently focused on
making affordable and eco-ethical guitars. You can
learn more about him at youtube.com/TimSway,
NewPerspectivesMusic.com, and timsway.net.
Low-VOC finishes I use in my shop.
TotalBoat tries to save on packaging and waste with its
bagged instead of canned Halcyon finishes.
Rubio Monocoat: This little soup-size can costs as
much as a gallon of other finishes, but a little goes an
incredibly long way.
of oils and resins. I have not yet tried it but I
have used their waterborne polyurethane and it
performed great.
In a pinch, Varathane water polyurethane
(varathanemasters.com) is usually available at
the box stores and works fine. They make a “triple
thick” formula that works well on very rustic
wood, filling in some of the cracks and voids. It
creates a plastic-like layer that you may or may
not like, so try it out on a cut-off first.
TotalBoat (totalboat.com) also makes a
water-based product called Halcyon that comes
in clear or amber tinted formulas. It’s a little
thicker than most but slightly thinner than the
triple thick Varathane. I find it to be “just right
for my projects. I am fond of the warm amber
wood coloring, and I prefer their foil packages
with resealable caps over old-fashioned cans,
which reduces packaging and product waste.
(Disclosure: I have a sponsorship agreement with
TotalBoat so I am admittedly biased.)
Epoxy Resins
Spend any time looking at woodworking videos
online and you’ll see that epoxy is all the rage. It
can create clear, glass-like coverings or be used
with pigments to create startling, colorful effects.
But is it doing more harm than good?
Epoxy resin is typically made of two separate
chemical mixtures that, when combined, harden
into a clear, ultra durable surface. There are
certainly many types and brands out there in
varying degrees of harmfulness, but more and
more attention is being paid to their effects. Once
cured, most epoxies are safe and many are low
VOC and made with Earth-friendly ingredients.
If you need a finish that is super thick and
durable, I would choose epoxy over spar urethane
or other old-fashioned varnishes. Read the
labels to get the right epoxy for your project; use
and clean it up properly and you can still feel
OK about your footprint in the morning. There
are companies like EcoPoxy (ecopoxy.com), who
make eco-friendly epoxies that a trustworthy peer
tells me work well. ArtResin (artresin.com) also
makes agreenepoxy with rave reviews.
Working with reclaimed wood, I sometimes find
myself using epoxy to fill voids and secure highly
damaged parts of the wood. TotalBoat makes
Eco Wood Finishes
Emtech by Target Coatings: They make a water-based
version of all your traditional favs.
I found this cool, half-
filled bottle of mineral oil
at a junk shop years ago
and now refill it often.
Local beeswax mixed
with mineral oil; good
enough to eat!
Guitars HVLP sprayed with about 10 thin coats of
TotalBoat amber-tinted Halcyon.
Water-based polyurethane brushed on and wet sanded
between every third coat.
many epoxies including a thin penetrating epoxy
designed for this type of work that is low VOC and
environmentally friendly.
Oils (the Good Kind)
Water poly is more of a top-coat that wraps a
protective layer around the work. If you want
something that penetrates the wood pores, you
are looking for oil. Mineral oil and linseed oil are
old-fashioned, tried-and-true wood finishes that
are inexpensive, readily available, and not horrible
for the world. Linseed oil is made from flax (its
also known as flaxseed oil) and, by itself, makes
a fine finish that leaves wood darker, richer,
and feeling natural. Sometimes it is mixed with
turpentine and other less pleasant things, but this
is not necessary. Read on for my favorite recipe.
Mineral oil is made from petroleum but highly
cleaned and distilled. I buy it in my local drug
store as it is also used as a laxative and relatively
benign. I understand why one might not want to
use anything petroleum-based but it is certainly
better than many of the alternatives and is food-
safe right out of the bottle. You can literally drink it!
A few years ago I melted some wax from a local
beekeeper and made my own polishes. One was
beeswax and linseed, the other mineral oil and
wax, mixed about 50/50. I love using these and the
wax adds to the protection. Telling clients you use
a homemade finish is also a plus.
There are many other kinds of plant-based
oil products out there like Walrus Oil (walrusoil.
com), Odies Oil (odiesoil.com) and SafeCoat
(afmsafecoat.com), to name a few, but I have not
used them so I cannot speak to their quality. One I
have used and love is Rubio Monocoat (monocoat.
us). Monocoat is a 2-part plant oil and hardener
that you mix and apply with a cloth or foam
brush. It is expensive but a little goes a very long
way. Use it sparingly and you’ll get your money’s
worth. Monocoat creates a fantastic, low sheen,
penetrating finish that is hard to beat if you like
the “au naturale” look and feel. And it smells
really good.
Tung oil is another natural oil made from
the nuts of the tung tree. It provides a safe and
hardened finish but beware! Many products
described as tung oil are chemical concoctions
that will make you dizzy, literally. While based on
tung and linseed oils, Danish oil is another brew
that is usually full of pretty bad stuff.
Read the Label
Perhaps the most important thing you can do is
be aware of what you are buying beyond the logo
and pretty pictures on the can. Many products
may be packaged and named to look “green,” but
read the fine print. Manufacturers are required to
list the ingredients. If there are words in there you
have never heard, take a minute to look them up
(thanks, smartphones!). You’ll feel better knowing
what you’re usingphysically and emotionally
and knowing that environmentally friendly
finishes add value to your work.
To learn more about volatile organic
compounds, visit epa.gov and search
for VOC.
Reclaimed cumaru finished with nothing but my
homemade beeswax and mineral oil polish.
This reclaimed chestnut was first treated with boiled
linseed oil to penetrate and bring out the natural beauty.
Then, after drying for days, it was covered with a 2-part
epoxy finish.
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