8 make.co
t goes without saying, but what a start to a year,
for us and for everyone.
We began laying out the framework for this
issue last December. At the beginning of January
we shipped our previous issue the printer and
shifted focus to generating this new edition
assigning and approving articles, traveling to
events, conducting interviews, and writing pieces.
Normal magazine production processes.
It feels odd to now look back at those
months, knowing that what was developing
elsewhere would turn into an unprecedented
worldwide shutdown.
We pushed forward with the issue into the start
of the spring, but as Covid-19 made its way from
country to country, closing schools, businesses,
and entire communities, and as crucial medical
supplies suddenly became impossible to find
worldwide, we shifted our efforts to online
coverage of how the maker community was
stepping up — using their tools and training to
combat the effects of the coronavirus (read those
stories at makezine.com/go/plan-c). We’ve never
seen a globally distributed force rapidly coalesce
like this, determining needed equipment,
then designing, producing, and delivering it to
front-line medical providers, while navigating
material shortages and implementing necessary
modifications in real time.
With a few weeks left in the magazine
production cycle, it became apparent that this
was much bigger than the themes we were
working on for the issue. So we started over,
generating an entirely new special section based
on the people and projects that have been helping
in the fight against this virus, and the lifestyle
changes we’re now navigating.
What you’re seeing in these pages is a
snapshot of the Covid-19 response at mid-April
2020. When this issue of Make: gets to your
house, it’ll likely be outdated. But the stories, the
tools, the output, they’re all part of a new world.
Our immense appreciation goes out to
everyone thats working tirelessly and selflessly
to keep us goingthe medical professionals, the
makers, the volunteers, the delivery people and
food workers and everyone else. We hope that its
over when you read this letter. It doesn’t seem
like it will be. But remember, there’s never been
a challenge the human spirit couldn’t overcome,
and this will prove to be the same. With everones
help, we can do this.
by Mike Senese, Executive Editor
Everythings Changed
Adobe Stock – astrosystem
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