1 Hour
» Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller board
or similar. I used an Arduino Nano for the
smaller, finished version.
» Ultrasonic sensor, HC-SRO4
» Solderless breadboard
» LED strip lights, WS2812B (30 LEDs)
» Jumper wires (10)
» DC power source, 5V 500mA
» Pushbutton, momentary (optional)
» Computer with Arduino IDE software
free at arduino.cc/downloads
» Soldering iron and solder
» Multimeter
» Pliers and basic home tools
Use an Arduino and
LED strip lights to
dock your land-
yacht with precision
PROJECTS: Garage Parking Sensor
Written and photographed by Krish Gupta
We live in a house with a very tight garage,
andour relatively big car leaves a tiny space in
front. I designed and built this simple project to
visually guide the driver into the optimal parking
distance, using real-time feedback about how
close the car is to the wall in front. In short, it tells
you when to stop.
The project uses an ultrasonic sensor and
Arduino to measure distance and then displays
it on a full-color LED strip as a progress bar. The
sensor is mounted on the wall; as the distance
between the car and wall shrinks, the light strip
shows an increasing number of illuminated LEDs,
which also change color from green to amber to
red, and then finally, flashing red.
This quick build will help anyone safely pull
their car into the garage without worrying about
hitting the wall or damaging the car. It is easy
to assemble, and its a fun project for learning
how how to work with LED strips and how to use
ultrasonic sensors to measure distances.
96 make.co
M75_096-7_ParkingSensor_F1.indd 96M75_096-7_ParkingSensor_F1.indd 96 10/9/20 1:01 PM10/9/20 1:01 PM
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