
ABC’s, dialogue of, 3-4

Administrative allocation, 80-81

Assessment approaches, 39


Balance sheet, 91-94

Barriers, communication, 8-10

Behavioral interview questions, 51-53

Boredom, 109-110, 113-115

Budgeting, 69-70

administrative allocation, 80-81

concepts, 84

cycles, 71-72

example, 72-75

fiscal year periods, 71-72

formats, 83-84

grant funding, 78-79

managing, 70

way of spending, 70-71

Business goals, 97-98


Cash flows, 98

Cash flow statement, 85-88

Chart of accounts (COA), 77

Clinical practice, financial principles of, 97-100

business goals, 97-98

cash flow and, 98

healthy finance and, 99

mastery of business principles, 98-99

Coachability, 119-120

Communication, guidelines for, 2-10

ABC’s of dialogue, 3-4

barriers, 8-10

healthy, 6

omissions, 5-6

open dialogue, building of, 2

silos, 8-10

WENK model, 7

written communication, 4-5

Compensation, 59-60

Conflict, relationships and, 13-22

blame vs. contribution, 19-20

conversation and, 16-17

cues, adoption of, 15-16

discomfort, 17-18

embracement of, 14-15

handling in, 18-19, 22

initiation of, 19

perspectives of others, 20

reason for, 13-14

role-related powers, 20-21

Corrective feedback, 11-12

Culture, organization and, 33


Diversity, organization and, 34-35


Employee engagement, organization and, 32

Employee strengths, organization and, 31-32


Feedback, 10-13

corrective, 11-12

improvement and, 118-119

interviews and, 58-59

positive, 10-11

receiving of, 12

“Start, Stop, and Continue” approach, 12-13

Feedforward, improvement
and, 121

Financial management, 94-97. See also Budgeting; Money; Profit

contributions and alignment, 95-96

drivers, understanding of, 95

review reports and data, 94-95

spending, tracking and managing of, 96

variations, recognizing, 97

Financial principles, clinical practice and, 97-100

business goals, 97-98

cash flow and, 98

healthy finance and, 99

mastery of business principles, 98-99

Fiscal year periods, 71-72


Grant funding, 78-79, 129-130

Growth and improvement, 117-121

coachability, 119-120

feedback and, 118-119

feedforward and, 121


Healthy finance, 99

Hiring, 42-45. See also Selection process

advertisement, 48

contact with HR, 46-47

developing positive working relationships, 45

dissemination, 48

form for roadmap to, 63

job description, review of, 47-48

positions open up, 46

posting, 48

refilling, evaluate and plan for, 47

rehiring needs, communicate and evaluate, 46

Human resources (HR), 42-45. See also Hiring


Inclusiveness, organization and, 34-35

Income statement, 88-90

Interviews, 51-59

basic requirements, confirmation of matches with, 51

behavioral interview questions, 51-53

feedback from HR, 58-59

open-ended questions, 53-54

reference and background checks, 57-58

right candidates, selection of, 56

skills demonstrations, 55-56

styles and approaches, exploring, 54-55


Job advertisement, 48

Job description, review of, 47-48

Job offers, 59-60


Leadership, 104-106

business management skill, 104, 118

meetings, role of, 120, 122


Mastery of business principles, 98-99

Meetings, 120, 122

Mentoring, 115-116


economics, clinical practice and, 67-68

importance of, 66

management of, 67


Net profit, 69

Nonprofit organizations, 66-67


Omissions, communication, 5-6

Onboarding, 60

Open dialogue, building of, 2

Open-ended questions, interviews and, 53-54


People, importance of, 28-30

costs and consequences of turnover, 28-29

lower turnover in positive workplace cultures, 29-30

Place to work, organization and, 30-39

pillars of, 35-36

unified themes, 36-39

Positive feedback, 10-11

Profit, 68-69

Purpose, description of, 107


Recognition, organization and, 30-31

Relationships, conflict in, 13-22

blame vs. contribution, 19-20

conversation and, 16-17

cues, adoption of, 15-16

discomfort, 17-18

embracement of, 14-15

handling in, 18-19, 22

initiation of, 19

perspectives of others, 20

reason for, 13-14

role-related powers, 20-21


Selection process, organization of, 48-51

fairness and employment laws, 48-49

interview questions, 50-51

interview team, 50-51

reviewing applications, 50

screening, 50

Self-care, importance of, 106-107

Silos, communication and, 8-10

“Start, Stop, and Continue” approach, 12-13

Strengths-based employee development, 41

Strengths-based leadership, 39-40

Strengths-based teams, 42

Sustained success, 109-116


Team strengths, 39-42

assessment approaches, 39

by domain, 40

strengths-based employee development, 41

strengths-based leadership,

strengths-based teams, 42

Training, organization and, 31


Vacancies, 46

Values, description of, 107


Well-being, five elements of, 108

WENK model, 7


balancing life and, 108

purpose and, 107

success tips, 109-116

Written communication, 4-5

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