Order of operations

Ansible is designed to be as easy as possible for a human to understand. The developers strive to strike the best balance of human comprehension and machine efficiency. To that end, nearly everything in Ansible can be assumed to be executed in a top-to-bottom order; that is, the operation listed at the top of a file will be accomplished before the operation listed at the bottom of a file. Having said that, there are a few caveats, and even a few ways to influence the order of operations.

A playbook has only two main operations it can accomplish. It can either run a play, or it can include another playbook from somewhere on the filesystem. The order in which these are accomplished is simply the order in which they appear in the playbook file, from top to bottom. It is important to note that while the operations are executed in order, the entire playbook and any included playbooks are completely parsed before any executions. This means that any included playbook file has to exist at the time of the playbook parsing. They cannot be generated in an earlier operation. This is specific to playbook inclusions, and not necessarily to task inclusions that may appear within a play, which will be covered in a later chapter.

Within a play, there are a few more operations. While a playbook is strictly ordered from top to bottom, a play has a more nuanced order of operations. Here is a list of the possible operations and the order in which they will happen:

  • Variable loading
  • Fact gathering
  • The pre_tasks execution
  • Handlers notified from the pre_tasks execution
  • Roles execution
  • Tasks execution
  • Handlers notified from roles or tasks execution
  • The post_tasks execution
  • Handlers notified from the post_tasks execution

Here is an example play with most of these operations shown:

- hosts: localhost 
  gather_facts: false 
    - a_var: derp 
    - name: pretask 
        msg: "a pre task" 
      changed_when: true 
      notify: say hi 
    - role: simple 
      derp: newval 
    - name: task 
        msg: "a task" 
      changed_when: true 
      notify: say hi
    - name: posttask 
        msg: "a post task" 
      changed_when: true 
      notify: say hi 

Regardless of the order in which these blocks are listed in a play, the order detailed in the previous code block is the order in which they will be processed. Handlers (the tasks that can be triggered by other tasks that result in a change) are a special case. There is a utility module, meta, which can be used to trigger handler processing at a specific point:

- meta: flush_handlers 

This will instruct Ansible to process any pending handlers at that point before continuing on with the next task or next block of actions within a play. Understanding the order and being able to influence the order with flush_handlers is another key skill to have when there is a need for orchestrating complicated actions, where things such as service restarts are very sensitive to order. Consider the initial rollout of a service.

The play will have tasks that modify config files and indicate that the service should be restarted when these files change. The play will also indicate that the service should be running. The first time this play happens, the config file will change and the service will change from not running to running. Then, the handlers will trigger, which will cause the service to restart immediately. This can be disruptive to any consumers of the service. It would be better to flush the handlers before a final task to ensure the service is running. This way, the restart will happen before the initial start, so the service will start up once and stay up.

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