Play and task names

While not strictly necessary, it is a good practice to label your plays and tasks with names. These names will show up in the command-line output of ansible-playbook and will show up in the log file if ansible-playbook is directed to log to a file. Task names also come in handy to direct ansible-playbook to start at a specific task and to reference handlers.

There are two main points to consider when naming plays and tasks:

  • Names of plays and tasks should be unique
  • Beware of what kind of variables can be used in play and task names

Naming plays and tasks uniquely is a best practice in general that will help to quickly identify where a problematic task may reside in your hierarchy of playbooks, roles, task files, handlers, and so on. Uniqueness is more important when notifying a handler or when starting at a specific task. When task names have duplicates, the behavior of Ansible may be non-deterministic, or at least non-obvious.

With uniqueness as a goal, many playbook authors will look to variables to satisfy this constraint. This strategy may work well, but authors need to take care as to the source of the variable data they are referencing. Variable data can come from a variety of locations (which we will cover later in this chapter), and the values assigned to variables can be defined at a variety of times. For the sake of play and task names, it is important to remember that only variables for which the values can be determined at playbook parse time will parse and render correctly. If the data of a referenced variable is discovered via a task or other operation, the variable string will be displayed as unparsed in the output. Let's look at an example playbook that utilizes variables for play and task names:

- name: play with a {{ var_name }}
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false

- var_name: not-mastery

- name: set a variable
task_var_name: "defined variable"

- name: task with a {{ task_var_name }}
msg: "I am mastery task"

- name: second play with a {{ task_var_name }}
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false

- name: task with a {{ runtime_var_name }}
msg: "I am another mastery task"

At first glance, you might expect at least var_name and task_var_name to render correctly. We can clearly see task_var_name being defined before its use. However, armed with our knowledge that playbooks are parsed in their entirety before execution, we know better:

As we can see in the previous screenshot, the only variable name that is properly rendered is var_name, as it was defined as a static play variable.

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