Module transport and execution

Once a module is found, Ansible has to execute it in some way. How the module is transported and executed depends on a few factors; however, the common process is to locate the module file on the local filesystem and read it into memory, and then add in the arguments passed to the module. Then, the boilerplate module code from core Ansible is added to the file object in memory. This collection is compressed, Base64-encoded, and then wrapped in a script. What happens next really depends on the connection method and runtime options (such as leaving the module code on the remote system for review).

The default connection method is smart, which most often resolves to the ssh connection method. With a default configuration, Ansible will open an SSH connection to the remote host, create a temporary directory, and close the connection. Ansible will then open another SSH connection in order to write out the wrapped ZIP file from memory (the result of local module files, task module arguments, and Ansible boilerplate code) into a file within the temporary directory that we just created and close the connection.

Finally, Ansible will open a third connection in order to execute the script and delete the temporary directory and all its contents. The module results are captured from stdout in the JSON format, which Ansible will parse and handle appropriately. If a task has an async control, Ansible will close the third connection before the module is complete, and SSH back into the host to check the status of the task after a prescribed period until the module is complete or a prescribed timeout has been reached.

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