Standard tokenizer

This splits the text field into tokens, treating white space and punctuation as delimiters. It considers white spaces and punctuation (comma, dots, hyphens, semicolons, colons, hashtags, and @ ) as delimiters and discards all of them, with these exceptions:

  • Dots that are not followed by white spaces are kept as part of the token. An example is internet domains such as
  • Factory class—solr.StandardTokenizerFactory.
  • Arguments—maxTokenLength (integer, default 255) The max length of token characters. Tokens that exceed the number of characters specified by maxTokenLength will be ignored.


<fieldType name="text_en" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>

InputPlease send a mail at [email protected] by 12-11.


A total of 10 tokens have been generated by the standard tokenizer. These will be passed to its immediate successor in the chain. Standard tokenizer supports Unicode standard annex UAX#29, word boundaries with the following token types: <ALPHANUM><NUM>, <SOUTHEAST_ASIAN>, <IDEOGRAPHIC>, and <HIRAGANA>.

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