SolrCloud in interactive mode

Let's set up SolrCloud. Go to the SOLR_HOME/bin directory and start the server in interactive mode using the following command: 

solr -e cloud

As you can see, an interactive session starts up, asking you how many nodes the cluster should start with, the default being 2. We can start up to 4 nodes, but we will leave it as the default.

Next, you will be asked to select ports for the two nodes. Leave the default ports of 8983 and 7574 as is and continue. Once both nodes are started, you will be prompted to name the schema, the default being gettingstarted. Leave it as is and continue. As shown in the preceding screen, you are prompted to select the number of shards and replicas. Leave the default value of 2 as  is and continue; finally, you will get a message stating that the SolrCloud example is running at http://localhost:8983/solr

Navigate to the browser and type the specified URL; you will see Solr as follows:

As you can see, the node is started with two shards and a replication factor of two for the gettingstarted schema. 

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