Log settings using the admin web interface

Using Solr's admin web interface, we can set various log levels. Go to the admin interface by typing the following URL:


You should see the following admin screen:

You will see that on the left-hand side, there is a Logging option. Click on it and there will be a submenu item called Level, which will open up the following screen:

Here, we can set the logging level for many different log categories in a hierarchical order. For example, let's say I want to set org.apache.http.conn.ssl to log level and set all the subcategories under it to debug level; I will click on the edit icon next to ssl, as shown here:

This will open up a small popup with various log levels that we can set.

Any log level set in this manner will be lost during the next restart of the server.

Various log level settings are listed here:

  • ALL: Logs everything
  • TRACE: Logs everything but leaves the least important messages
  • DEBUG: Logs debug-level messages
  • INFO: Logs info-level messages
  • WARN: Logs all warning messages
  • ERROR: Logs all errors
  • FATAL: Logs every fatal message
  • OFF: Removes logging
  • UNSET: Removes the previously selected logging option

You can also set the log level using an API:

curl -s http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/info/logging --data-binary "set=root:WARN"

The preceding curl command sets the root category to the WARN level.

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