Post script

Solr, by default, includes a post script for indexing various kinds of documents directly to the Solr server. This utility is very helpful when you have huge files present and you want to end up writing a program that reads each line and then sends it to the Solr server via HTTP end points.

To run this utility on Windows, please install Cygwin. Otherwise, you will have to navigate to $solr_homeexampleexampledocspost.jar.

The following screenshot helps us to understand how we can execute a post script from the command line:

This table consists of some example commands used for the same purpose:


post -c chintan *.xml

This adds all files with extension .xml to the core or collection named chintan

post -c chintan -d '<delete><id>42</id></delete>'

Deletes a document from the chintan collection or core that has ID 42

post -c chintan *.csv

Indexes all CSV files with auto field mappings on

post -c chintan *.json

Indexed all JSON files

post -c chintan *.pdf

Indexes all PDF files

post -c chintan abc/

Indexes all files inside the abc folder

post -c chintan -filetypes ppt,html abc/

Indexes only PPT and HTML files inside the abc folder

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