
This is the default page that opens up whenever we open Solr. The dashboard contains various pieces of information:

  • Instance details: Tells us when the instance was started.
  • Versions information: This gives us detailed information about the Solr and Lucene specs and implementation versions.
  • JVM information: This details out information about JVM. It covers the JVM runtime environment found, processors, and arguments supplied to Solr. All the configurational arguments passed in various Solr config files can be seen combined here.
  • System: This shows a pictorial view of the system status occupied right now and how much is available. The first and last gray bars show the physical and JVM memory available. The first is a measure of the amount of memory available in the hosting machine. The second shows the amount assigned to the startup of Solr in units of -Xms and -Xmx options.
  • JVM memory: This shows info about the JVM memory and the memory and percentage that Solr occupies at any point in time.
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