Chapter 16: Packaging Python

Python is the most popular programming language for machine learning. Combine that with the proliferation of machine learning in our day-to-day lives and it is no surprise that the desire to run Python on edge devices is intensifying. Even in this era of transpilers and WebAssembly, packaging Python applications for deployment remains an unsolved problem. In this chapter, you will learn what choices are out there for bundling Python modules together and when to use one method over another.

We start with a look back at the origins of today's Python packaging solutions, from the built-in standard distutils to its successor, setuptools. Next, we examine the pip package manager, before moving on to venv for Python virtual environments, followed by conda, the reigning general-purpose cross-platform solution. Lastly, I will show you how to use Docker to bundle Python applications along with their user space environment for rapid deployment to the cloud.

Since Python is an interpreted language, you cannot compile a program into a standalone executable like you can with a language such as Go. This makes deploying Python applications complicated. Running a Python application requires installing a Python interpreter and several runtime dependencies. These requirements need to be code-compatible for the application to work. That requires the precise versioning of software components. Solving these deployment problems is what Python packaging is all about.

In this chapter, we will cover the following main topics:

  • Retracing the origins of Python packaging
  • Installing Python packages with pip
  • Managing Python virtual environments with venv
  • Installing precompiled binaries with conda
  • Deploying Python applications with Docker

Technical requirements

To follow along with the examples, make sure you have the following packages installed on your Linux-based host system:

  • Python: Python 3 interpreter and standard library
  • pip: Package installer for Python 3
  • venv: Python module for creating and managing lightweight virtual environments
  • Miniconda: Minimal installer for the conda package and virtual environment manager
  • Docker: Tool for building, deploying, and running software inside containers

I recommend using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later for this chapter. Even though Ubuntu 20.04 LTS runs on the Raspberry Pi 4, I still prefer to develop on an x86-64 desktop PC or laptop. I choose Ubuntu for my development environment because the distribution maintainers keep Docker up to date. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS also comes with Python 3 and pip already installed since Python is used extensively throughout the system. Do not uninstall python3 or you will render Ubuntu unusable. To install venv on Ubuntu, enter the following:

$ sudo apt install python3-venv

Important note

Do not install Miniconda until you get to the section on conda because it interferes with the earlier pip exercises that rely on the system Python installation.

Now, let's install Docker.

Getting Docker

To install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, we need to do the following:

  1. Update the package repositories:

    $ sudo apt update

  2. Install Docker:

    $ sudo apt install

  3. Start the Docker daemon and enable it to start at boot time:

    $ sudo systemctl enable --now docker

  4. Add yourself to the docker group:

    $ sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

Replace <username> in that last step with your username. I recommend creating your own Ubuntu user account rather than using the default ubuntu user account, which is supposed to be reserved for administrative tasks.

Retracing the origins of Python packaging

The Python packaging landscape is a vast graveyard of failed attempts and abandoned tools. Best practices around dependency management change often within the Python community and the recommended solution one year may be a broken nonstarter the next. As you research this topic, remember to look at when the information was published and do not trust any advice that may be out of date.

Most Python libraries are distributed using distutils or setuptools, including all the packages found on the Python Package Index (PyPI). Both distribution methods rely on a project specification file that the package installer for Python (pip) uses to install a package. pip can also generate or freeze a precise list of dependencies after
a project is installed. This optional requirements.txt file is used by pip in conjunction with to ensure that project installations are repeatable.


distutils is the original packaging system for Python. It has been included in the Python standard library since Python 2.0. distutils provides a Python package of the same name that can be imported by your script. Even though distutils still ships with Python, it lacks some essential features, so direct usage of distutils is now actively discouraged. setuptools has become its preferred replacement.

While distutils may continue to work for simple projects, the community has moved on. Today, distutils survives mostly for legacy reasons. Many Python libraries were first published back when distutils was the only game in town. Porting them to setuptools now would take considerable effort and could break existing users.


setuptools extends distutils by adding support for complex constructs that make larger applications easier to distribute. It has become the de facto packaging system within the Python community. Like distutils, setuptools offers a Python package of the same name that you can import into your script. distribute was an ambitious fork of setuptools that eventually merged back into setuptools 0.7, cementing the status of setuptools as the definitive choice for Python packaging.

setuptools introduced a command-line utility known as easy_install (now deprecated) and a Python package called pkg_resources for runtime package discovery and access to resource files. setuptools can also produce packages that act as plugins for other extensible packages (for example, frameworks and applications). You do this by registering entry points in your script for the other overarching package to import.

The term distribution means something different in the context of Python. A distribution is a versioned archive of packages, modules, and other resource files used to distribute a release. A release is a versioned snapshot of a Python project taken at a given point in time. To make matters worse, the terms package and distribution are overloaded and often used interchangeably by Pythonistas. For our purposes, let's say that a distribution is what you download, and a package is the module[s] that gets installed and imported.

Cutting a release can result in multiple distributions, such as a source distribution and one or more built distributions. There can be different built distributions for different platforms, such as one that includes a Windows installer. The term built distribution means that no build step is required before installation. It does not necessarily mean precompiled. Some built distribution formats such as Wheel (.whl) exclude compiled Python files, for example. A built distribution containing compiled extensions is known as a binary distribution.

An extension module is a Python module that is written in C or C++. Every extension module compiles down to a single dynamically loaded library, such as a shared object (.so) on Linux and a DLL (.pyd) on Windows. Contrast this with pure modules, which must be written entirely in Python. The Egg (.egg) built distribution format introduced by setuptools supports both pure and extension modules. Since a Python source code (.py) file compiles down to a bytecode (.pyc) file when the Python interpreter imports a module at runtime, you can see how a built distribution format such as Wheel might exclude precompiled Python files.

Say you are developing a small program in Python, maybe something that queries
a remote REST API and saves response data to a local SQL database. How do you package your program together with its dependencies for deployment? You start by defining a script that setuptools can use to install your program. Deploying with setuptools is the first step toward more elaborate automated deployment schemes.

Even if your program is small enough to fit comfortably inside a single module, chances are it won't stay that way for long. Let's say that your program consists of a single file named, like so:

$ tree follower



You could then convert this module into a package by splitting up into three separate modules and placing them inside a nested directory also named follower:

$ tree follower/


└── follower




The module is where your program starts, so it contains mostly top-level, user-facing functionality. The module contains functions for sending HTTP requests to the remote REST API and the module contains functions for saving response data to the local SQL database. To run this package as a script, you need to pass the -m option to the Python interpreter as follows:

$ PYTHONPATH=follower python -m follower

The PYTHONPATH environment variable points to the directory where a target project's package directories are located. The follower argument after the -m option tells Python to run the module belonging to the follower package. Nesting package directories inside a project directory like this paves the way for your program to grow into a larger application made up of multiple packages each with its own namespace.

With the pieces of your project all in their right place, we are now ready to create
a minimal script that setuptools can use to package and deploy it:

from setuptools import setup






    install_requires=['requests', 'sqlalchemy']


The install_requires argument is a list of external dependencies that need to be installed automatically for a project to work at runtime. Notice that I did not specify what versions of these dependencies are needed or where to fetch them from in my example. I only asked for libraries that look and act like requests and sqlalchemy. Separating policy from implementation like this allows you to easily swap out the official PyPI version of a dependency with your own in case you need to fix a bug or add a feature. Adding optional version specifiers to your dependency declarations is fine, but hardcoding distribution URLs within as dependency_links is wrong in principle.

The packages argument tells setuptools what in-tree packages to distribute with a project release. Since every package is defined inside its own subdirectory of the parent project directory, the only package being shipped in this case is follower. I am including data files along with my Python code in this distribution. To do that, you need to set the include_package_data argument to True so that setuptools looks for a file and installs all the files listed there. Here are the contents of the file:

include data/events.db

If the data directory contained nested directories of data we wanted to include, we could glob all of them along with their contents using recursive-include:

recursive-include data *

Here is the final directory layout:

$ tree follower


├── data

│   └── events.db

├── follower

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   └──



setuptools excels at building and distributing Python packages that depend on other packages. It is able to do this thanks to features such as entry points and dependency declarations, which are simply absent from distutils. setuptools works well with pip and new releases of setuptools arrive on a regular basis. The Wheel build distribution format was created to replace the Egg format that setuptools originated. That effort has largely succeeded with the addition of a popular setuptools extension for building wheels and pip's great support for installing wheels.

Installing Python packages with pip

You now know how to define your project's dependencies in a script. But how do you install those dependencies? How do you upgrade a dependency or replace it when you find a better one? How do you decide when it is safe to delete a dependency you no longer need? Managing project dependencies is a tricky business. Luckily, Python comes with a tool called pip that can help, especially in the early stages of your project.

The initial 1.0 release of pip arrived on April 4, 2011, around the same time that
Node.js and npm were taking off. Before it became pip, the tool was named pyinstall. pyinstall was created in 2008 as an alternative to easy_install, which came bundled with setuptools at the time. easy_install is now deprecated and setuptools recommends using pip instead.

Since pip is included with the Python installer and you can have multiple versions of Python installed on your system (for example, 2.7 and 3.8), it helps to know which version of pip you are running:

$ pip --version

If no pip executable is found on your system, that probably means you are on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later and do not have Python 2.7 installed. That is fine. We will merely substitute pip3 for pip and python3 for python throughout the rest of this section:

$ pip3 --version

If there is python3 but no pip3 executable, then install it as shown on Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install python3-pip

pip installs packages to a directory called site-packages. To find the location of your site-packages directory, run the following command:

$ python3 -m site | grep ^USER_SITE

Important note

Note that the pip3 and python3 commands shown from here on out are only required for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later, which no longer comes with Python 2.7 installed. Most Linux distributions still come with pip and python executables, so use the pip and python commands if that is what your Linux system already provides.

To get a list of packages already installed on your system, use this command:

$ pip3 list

The list shows that pip is just another Python package, so you could use pip to upgrade itself, but I would advise you not to do that, at least not in the long term. I'll explain why in the next section when I introduce virtual environments.

To get a list of packages installed in your site-packages directory, use the following:

$ pip3 list --user

This list should be empty or much shorter than the list of system packages.

Go back to the example project from the last section. cd into the parent follower directory where is located. Then run the following command:

$ pip3 install --ignore-installed --user .

pip will use to fetch and install the packages declared by install_requires to your site-packages directory. The --user option instructs pip to install packages to your site-packages directory rather than globally. The --ignore-installed option forces pip to re-install any required packages already present on the system to site-packages so that no dependencies go missing. Now list all the packages in your site-packages directory again:

$ pip3 list --user

Package    Version  

---------- ---------

certifi    2020.6.20

chardet    3.0.4    

follower   0.1      

idna       2.10     

requests   2.24.0   

SQLAlchemy 1.3.18   

urllib3    1.25.10

This time, you should see that both requests and SQLAlchemy are in the package list.

To view details on the SQLAlchemy package you likely just installed, issue the following:

$ pip3 show sqlalchemy

The details shown contain the Requires and Required-by fields. Both are lists of related packages. You could use the values in these fields and successive calls to pip show to trace the dependency tree of your project. But it's probably easier to pip install a command-line tool called pipdeptree and use that instead.

When a Required-by field becomes empty, that is a good indicator that it is now safe to uninstall a package from your system. If no other packages depend on the packages in the deleted package's Requires field, then it's safe to uninstall those as well. Here is how you uninstall sqlalchemy using pip:

$ pip3 uninstall sqlalchemy -y

The trailing -y suppresses the confirmation prompt. To uninstall more than one package at a time, simply add more package names before the -y. The --user option is omitted here because pip is smart enough to uninstall from site-packages first when
a package is also installed globally.

Sometimes you need a package that serves some purpose or utilizes a particular technology, but you don't know the name of it. You can use pip to perform a keyword search against PyPI from the command line but that approach often yields too many results. It is much easier to search for packages on the PyPI website (, which allows you to filter results by various classifiers.


pip install will install the latest published version of a package, but often you
want to install a specific version of a package that you know works with your project's code. Eventually, you will want to upgrade your project's dependencies. But before
I show you how to do that, I first need to show you how to use pip freeze to fix
your dependencies.

Requirements files allow you to specify exactly which packages and versions pip should install for your project. By convention, project requirements files are always named requirements.txt. The contents of a requirements file are just a list of pip install arguments enumerating your project's dependencies. These dependencies are precisely versioned so that there are no surprises when someone attempts to rebuild and deploy your project. It is good practice to add a requirements.txt file to your project's repo in order to ensure reproducible builds.

Returning to our follower project, now that we have installed all our dependencies and verified that the code works as expected, we are now ready to freeze the latest versions of the packages that pip installed for us. pip has a freeze command that outputs the installed packages along with their versions. You redirect the output from this command to a requirements.txt file:

$ pip3 freeze --user > requirements.txt

Now that you have a requirements.txt file, people who clone your project can install all its dependencies using the -r option and the name of the requirements file:

$ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

The autogenerated requirements file format defaults to exact version matching (==). For example, a line such as requests==2.22.0 tells pip that the version of requests to install must be exactly 2.22.0. There are other version specifiers you can utilize in a requirements file, such as minimum version (>=), version exclusion (!=), and maximum version (<=). Minimum version (>=) matches any version greater than or equal to the right-hand side. Version exclusion (!=) matches any version except the right-hand side. Maximum version matches any version less than or equal to the right-hand side.

You can combine multiple version specifiers in a single line using commas to
separate them:

requests >=2.22.0,<3.0

The default behavior when pip installs the packages specified in a requirements file is to fetch them all from PyPI. You can override PyPI's URL ( with that of an alternate Python package index by adding a line such as the following to the top of your requirements.txt file:


The effort required to stand up and maintain your own private PyPI mirror is not insubstantial. When all you need to do is fix a bug or add a feature to a project dependency, it makes more sense to override the package source instead of the entire package index.


Version 4.3 of the Jetpack SDK for the NVIDIA Jetson Nano is based on Ubuntu's 18.04 LTS distribution. The Jetpack SDK adds extensive software support for the Nano's NVIDIA Maxwell 128 CUDA cores, such as GPU drivers and other runtime components. You can use pip to install a
GPU-accelerated wheel for TensorFlow from NVIDIA's package index:

$ pip install --user --extra-index-url tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0+nv20.1

I mentioned earlier how hardcoding distribution URLs inside is wrong.
You can use the -e argument form in a requirements file to override individual
package sources:

-e git+

In this example, I am instructing pip to fetch the flask package sources from my team's GitHub fork of pallets/flask.git. The -e argument form also takes a Git branch name, commit hash, or tag name:

-e git+

-e git+

-e git+[email protected]

Using pip to upgrade a project's dependencies to the latest versions published on PyPI is fairly straightforward:

$ pip3 install --upgrade –user -r requirements.txt

After you have verified installing with pip:requirements.txt that the latest versions of your dependencies do not break your project, you can then write them back out to the requirements file:

$ pip3 freeze --user > requirements.txt

Make sure that freezing did not overwrite any of the overrides or special version
handling in your requirements file. Undo any mistakes and commit the updated requirements.txt file to version control.

At some point, upgrading your project dependencies will result in your code breaking. A new package release may introduce a regression or incompatibility with your project. The requirements file format provides syntax to deal with these situations. Let's say you have been using version 2.22.0 of requests in your project and version 3.0 is released. According to the practice of semantic versioning, incrementing the major version number indicates that version 3.0 of requests includes breaking changes to that library's API. You can express the new version requirements like this:

requests ~= 2.22.0

The compatible release specifier (~=) relies on semantic versioning. Compatible means greater than or equal to the right-hand side and less than the next version major number (for example, >= 1.1 and == 1.*). You have already seen me express these same version requirements for requests less ambiguously as follows:

requests >=2.22.0,<3.0

These pip dependency management techniques work fine if you only develop a single Python project at a time. But chances are you use the same machine to work on several Python projects at once, each potentially requiring a different version of the Python interpreter. The biggest problem with using only pip for multiple projects is that it installs all packages to the same user site-packages directory for a particular version of Python. This makes it very hard to isolate dependencies from one project to the next.

As we'll soon see, pip combines well with Docker for deploying Python applications. You can add pip to a Buildroot- or Yocto-based Linux image but that only enables quick onboard experimentation. A Python runtime package installer such as pip is ill-suited for Buildroot and Yocto environments where you want to define the entire contents of your embedded Linux image at build time. pip works great inside containerized environments such as Docker where the line between build time and runtime is often blurry.

In Chapter 7, Developing with Yocto, you learned about the Python modules available to you in the meta-python layer and how to define a custom layer for your own application. You can use the requirements.txt files generated by pip freeze to inform the selection of dependencies from meta-python for your own layer recipes. Buildroot and Yocto both install Python packages in a system-wide manner, so the virtual environment techniques we are going to discuss next do not apply to embedded Linux builds. They do, however, make it easier to generate accurate requirements.txt files.

Managing Python virtual environments
with venv

A virtual environment is a self-contained directory tree containing a Python interpreter for a particular version of Python, a pip executable for managing project dependencies, and a local site-packages directory. Switching between virtual environments tricks the shell into thinking that the only Python and pip executables available are the ones present in the active virtual environment. Best practice dictates that you create a different virtual environment for each of your projects. This form of isolation solves the problem of two projects depending on different versions of the same package.

Virtual environments are not new to Python. The system-wide nature of Python installations necessitates them. Besides enabling you to install different versions of the same package, virtual environments also provide an easy way for you to run multiple versions of the Python interpreter. Several options exist for managing Python virtual environments. A tool that was immensely popular only 2 years ago (pipenv) has since languished by the time of writing. Meanwhile, a new contender has arisen (poetry) and Python 3's built-in support for virtual environments (venv) is starting to see more adoption.

Venv has been shipping with Python since version 3.3 (released in 2012). Because it only comes bundled with Python 3 installations, venv is incompatible with projects that require Python 2.7. Now that support for Python 2.7 officially ended on January 1, 2020, this Python 3 limitation is less of a concern. Venv is based on the popular virtualenv tool, which is still maintained and available on PyPI. If you have one or more projects that still require Python 2.7 for one reason or another, then you can use virtualenv instead of venv to work on those.

By default, venv installs the most recent version of Python found on your system. If you have multiple versions of Python on your system, you can select a specific Python version by running python3 or whichever version you want when creating each virtual environment (The Python Tutorial, Developing with the most recent version of Python is usually fine for greenfield projects but unacceptable for most legacy and enterprise software. We will use the version of Python 3 that came with your Ubuntu system to create and work with
a virtual environment.

To create a virtual environment, first decide where you want to put it, and then run the venv module as a script with the target directory path:

  1. Ensure venv is installed on your Ubuntu system:

    $ sudo apt install python3-venv

  2. Create a new directory for your project:

    $ mkdir myproject

  3. Switch to that new directory:

    $ cd myproject

  4. Create the virtual environment inside a subdirectory named venv:

    $ python3 -m venv ./venv

Now that you have created a virtual environment, here is how you activate and verify it:

  1. Switch to your project directory if you haven't already:

    $ cd myproject

  2. Check where your system's pip3 executable is installed:

    $ which pip3


  3. Activate the project's virtual environment:

    $ source ./venv/bin/activate

  4. Check where your project's pip3 executable is installed:

    (venv) $ which pip3


  5. List the packages that came installed with the virtual environment:

    (venv) $ pip3 list

    Package       Version

    ------------- -------

    pip           20.0.2

    pkg-resources 0.0.0  

    setuptools    44.0.0

If you enter the which pip command from within your virtual environment, you will see that pip now points to the same executable as pip3. Prior to activating the virtual environment, pip probably did not point to anything because Ubuntu 20.04 LTS no longer comes with Python 2.7 installed. The same can be said for python versus python3. You can now omit the 3 when running either pip or python from within your virtual environment.

Next, let's install a property-based testing library named hypothesis into our existing virtual environment:

  1. Switch to your project directory if you haven't already:

    $ cd myproject

  2. Reactivate the project's virtual environment if it is not already active:

    $ source ./venv/bin/activate

  3. Install the hypothesis package:

    (venv) $ pip install hypothesis

  4. List the packages now installed inside the virtual environment:

    (venv) $ pip list

    Package          Version

    ---------------- -------

    attrs            19.3.0

    hypothesis       5.16.1

    pip              20.0.2

    pkg-resources    0.0.0  

    setuptools       44.0.0

    sortedcontainers 2.2.2

Notice that two new packages were added to the list besides hypothesis, attrs and sortedcontainers. hypothesis depends on these two packages. Let's say you had another Python project that depended on version 18.2.0 instead of version 19.3.0 of sortedcontainers. Those two versions would be incompatible and thus conflict with each other. Virtual environments allow you to install both versions of the same package,
a different version for each of the two projects.

You may have noticed that switching out of a project directory does not deactivate its virtual environment. Don't worry. Deactivating a virtual environment is as easy as this:

(venv) $ deactivate


This puts you back in the global system environment where you have to enter python3 and pip3 again. You have now seen everything you need to know to get started with Python virtual environments. Creating and switching between virtual environments is common practice now when developing in Python. Isolated environments make it easier to keep track of and manage your dependencies across multiple projects. Deploying Python virtual environments to embedded Linux devices for production makes less
sense, but can still be done using a Debian packaging tool called dh-virtualenv (

Installing precompiled binaries with conda

conda is a package and virtual environment management system used by the Anaconda distribution of software for the PyData community. The Anaconda distribution includes Python as well as binaries for several hard-to-build open source projects such as PyTorch and TensorFlow. conda can be installed without the full Anaconda distribution, which is very large, or the minimal Miniconda distribution, which is still over 256 MB.

Even though it was created for Python shortly after pip, conda has evolved into
a general-purpose package manager like APT or Homebrew. Now, it can be used to package and distribute software for any language. Because conda downloads precompiled binaries, installing Python extension modules is a breeze. Another one of conda's
big selling points is that it is cross-platform, with full support for Linux, macOS,
and Windows.

Besides package management, conda is also a full-blown virtual environment manager. Conda virtual environments have all the benefits we have come to expect from Python venv environments and more. Like venv, conda lets you use pip to install packages from PyPI into a project's local site-packages directory. If you prefer, you can use conda's own package management capabilities to install packages from different channels. Channels are package feeds provided by Anaconda and other software distributions.

Environment management

Unlike venv, conda's virtual environment manager can easily juggle multiple versions of Python, including Python 2.7. You will need to have Miniconda installed on your Ubuntu system to do the following exercises. You want to use Miniconda instead of Anaconda for your virtual environments because Anaconda environments come with lots of preinstalled packages, many of which you will never need. Miniconda environments are stripped down and allow you to easily install any of Anaconda's packages should you have to.

To install and update Miniconda on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, do the following:

  1. Download Miniconda:

    $ wget

  2. Install Miniconda:

    $ bash

  3. Update all the installed packages in the root environment:

    (base) $ conda update --all

Your fresh Miniconda installation comes with conda and a root environment containing a Python interpreter and some basic packages installed. By default, the python and pip executables of conda's root environment are installed into your home directory. The conda root environment is known as base. You can view its location along with the locations of any other available conda environments by issuing the following command:

(base) $ conda env list

Verify this root environment before creating your own conda environment:

  1. Open a new shell after installing Miniconda.
  2. Check where the root environment's python executable is installed:

    (base) $ which python

  3. Check the version of Python:

    (base) $ python --version

  4. Check where the root environment's pip executable is installed:

    (base) $ which pip

  5. Check the version of pip:

    (base) $ pip --version

  6. List the packages installed in the root environment:

    (base) $ conda list

Next, create and work with your own conda environment named py377:

  1. Create a new virtual environment named py377:

    (base) $ conda create --name py377 python=3.7.7

  2. Activate your new virtual environment:

    (base) $ source activate py377

  3. Check where your environment's python executable is installed:

    (py377) $ which python

  4. Check that the version of Python is 3.7.7:

    (py377) $ python --version

  5. List the packages installed in your environment:

    (py377) $ conda list

  6. Deactivate your environment:

    (py377) $ conda deactivate

Using conda to create a virtual environment with Python 2.7 installed is as simple as
the following:

(base) $ conda create --name py27 python=2.7.17

View your conda environments again to see whether py377 and py27 now appear in the list:

(base) $ conda env list

Lastly, let's delete the py27 environment since we won't be using it:

(base) $ conda remove --name py27 –all

Now that you know how to use conda to manage virtual environments, let's use it to manage packages within those environments.

Package management

Since conda supports virtual environments, we can use pip to manage Python dependencies from one project to another in an isolated manner just like we did with venv. As a general-purpose package manager, conda has its own facilities for managing dependencies. We know that conda list lists all the packages that conda has installed in the active virtual environment. I also mentioned conda's use of package feeds, which are called channels:

  1. You can get the list of channel URLs conda is configured to fetch from by entering this command:

    (base) $ conda info

  2. Before proceeding any further, let's reactivate the py377 virtual environment you created during the last exercise:

    (base) $ source activate py377

    (py377) $

  3. Most Python development nowadays happens inside a Jupyter notebook, so let's install those packages first:

    (py377) $ conda install jupyter notebook

  4. Enter y when prompted. This will install the jupyter and notebook packages along with all their dependencies. When you enter conda list, you'll see that the list of installed packages is much longer than before. Now, let's install some more Python packages that we would need for a computer vision project:

    (py377) $ conda install opencv matplotlib

  5. Again, enter y when prompted. This time, the number of dependencies installed
    is smaller. Both opencv and matplotlib depend on numpy, so conda installs that package automatically without you having to specify it. If you want to specify an older version of opencv, you can install the desired version of the package
    this way:

    (py377) $ conda install opencv=3.4.1

  6. conda will then attempt to solve the active environment for this dependency. Since no other packages installed in this active virtual environment depend on opencv, the target version is easy to solve for. If they did, then you might encounter
    a package conflict and the reinstallation would fail. After solving, conda will prompt you before downgrading opencv and its dependencies. Enter y to downgrade opencv to version 3.4.1.
  7. Now let's say you change your mind or a newer version of opencv is released that addresses your previous concern. This is how you would upgrade opencv to the latest version provided by the Anaconda distribution:

    (py377) $ conda update opencv

  8. This time, conda will prompt you to ask whether you want to update opencv and its dependencies for the latest version. This time, enter n to cancel the package update. Instead of updating packages individually, it's often easier to update all the packages installed in an active virtual environment at once:

    (py377) $ conda update --all

  9. Removing installed packages is also straightforward:

    (py377) $ conda remove jupyter notebook

  10. When conda removes jupyter and notebook, it removes all of their dangling dependencies as well. A dangling dependency is an installed package that no other installed packages depend on. Like most general-purpose package managers, conda will not remove any dependencies that other installed packages still
    depend on.
  11. Sometimes you may not know the exact name of a package you want to install. Amazon offers an AWS SDK for Python called Boto. Like many Python libraries, there is a version of Boto for Python 2 and a newer version (Boto3) for Python 3. To search Anaconda for packages with the word boto in their names, enter the following command:

    (py377) $ conda search '*boto*'

  12. You should see boto3 and botocore in the search results. At the time of writing, the most recent version of boto3 available on Anaconda is 1.13.11. To view details on that specific version of boto3, enter the following command:

    (py377) $ conda info boto3=1.13.11

  13. The package details reveal that boto3 version 1.13.11 depends on botocore (botocore >=1.16.11,<1.17.0), so installing boto3 gets you both.

Now let's say you've installed all the packages you need to develop an OpenCV project inside a Jupyter notebook. How do you share these project requirements with someone else so that they can recreate your work environment? The answer may surprise you:

  1. You export your active virtual environment to a YAML file:

    (py377) $ conda env export > my-environment.yaml

  2. Much like the list of requirements that pip freeze generates, the YAML that conda exports is a list of all the packages installed in your virtual environment together with their pinned versions. Creating a conda virtual environment from an environment file requires the -f option and the filename:

    $ conda env create -f my-environment.yaml

  3. The environment name is included in the exported YAML, so no --name option is necessary to create the environment. Whoever creates a virtual environment from my-environment.yaml will now see py377 in their list of environments when they issue conda env list.

conda is a very powerful tool in a developer's arsenal. By combining general-purpose package installation with virtual environments, it offers a compelling deployment story. conda achieves many of the same goals Docker (up next) does, but without the use of containers. It has an edge over Docker with respect to Python due to its focus on the data science community. Because the leading machine learning frameworks (such as PyTorch and TensorFlow) are largely CUDA-based, finding GPU-accelerated binaries is often difficult. conda solves this problem by providing multiple precompiled binary versions
of packages.

Exporting conda virtual environments to YAML files for installation on other machines offers another deployment option. This solution is popular among the data science community, but it does not work in production for embedded Linux. conda is not one of the three package managers that Yocto supports. Even if conda was an option, the storage needed to accommodate Minconda on a Linux image is not a good fit for most embedded systems that are resource-constrained.

If your dev board has an NVIDIA GPU such as the NVIDIA Jetson series, then you really want to use conda for onboard development. Luckily, there is a conda installer named Miniforge ( that is known to work on 64-bit ARM machines like the Jetsons. With conda onboard, you can then install jupyter, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, and most of the other popular Python data science libraries out there.

Deploying Python applications with Docker

Docker offers another way to bundle Python code with software written in other languages. The idea behind Docker is that instead of packaging and installing your application onto a preconfigured server environment, you build and ship a container image with your application and all its runtime dependencies. A container image is more like a virtual environment than a virtual machine. A virtual machine is a complete system image including a kernel and an operating system. A container image is a minimal user space environment that only comes with the binaries needed to run your application.

Virtual machines run on top of a hypervisor that emulates hardware. Containers run directly on top of the host operating system. Unlike virtual machines, containers are able to share the same operating system and kernel without the use of hardware emulation. Instead, they rely on two special features of the Linux kernel for isolation: namespaces and cgroups. Docker did not invent container technology, but they were the first to build tooling that made them easy to use. The tired excuse of works on my machine no longer flies now that Docker makes it so simple to build and deploy container images.

The anatomy of a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile describes the contents of a Docker image. Every Dockerfile contains a set of instructions specifying what environment to use and which commands to run. Instead of writing a Dockerfile from scratch, we will use an existing Dockerfile for a project template. This Dockerfile generates a Docker image for a very simple Flask web application that you can extend to fit your needs. The Docker image is built on top of an Alpine Linux, a very slim Linux distribution that is commonly used for container deployments. Besides Flask, the Docker image also includes uWSGI and Nginx for better performance.

Start by pointing your web browser at the uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker project on GitHub ( Then, click on the link to the python-3.8-alpine Dockerfile from the file.

Now look at the first line in that Dockerfile:

FROM tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx:python3.8-alpine

This FROM command tells Docker to pull an image named uwsgi-nginx from the tiangolo namespace with the python3.8-alpine tag from Docker Hub. Docker Hub is a public registry where people publish their Docker images for others to fetch and deploy. You can set up your own image registry using a service such as AWS ECR or Quay if you prefer. You will need to insert the name of your registry service in front of your namespace like this:


Otherwise, Docker defaults to fetching images from Docker Hub. FROM is like an include statement in a Dockerfile. It inserts the contents of another Dockerfile into yours so that you have something to build on top of. I like to think of this approach as layering images. Alpine is the base layer, followed by Python 3.8, then uWSGI plus Nginx, and finally your Flask application. You can learn more about how image layering works by digging into the python3.8-alpine Dockerfile at

The next line of interest in the Dockerfile is the following:

RUN pip install flask

A RUN instruction runs a command. Docker executes the RUN instructions contained in the Dockerfile sequentially in order to build the resulting Docker image. This RUN instruction installs Flask into the system site-packages directory. We know that pip is available because the Alpine base image also includes Python 3.8.

Let's skip over Nginx's environment variables and go straight to copying:

COPY ./app /app

This particular Dockerfile is located inside a Git repo along with several other files and subdirectories. The COPY instruction copies a directory from the host Docker runtime environment (usually a Git clone of a repo) into the container being built.

The python3.8-alpine.dockerfile file you are looking at resides in a docker-images subdirectory of the tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker repo. Inside that docker-images directory is an app subdirectory containing a Hello World Flask web application. This COPY instruction copies the app directory from the example repo into the root directory of the Docker image:


The WORKDIR instruction tells Docker which directory to work from inside the container. In this example, the /app directory that it just copied becomes the working directory. If the target working directory does not exist, then WORKDIR creates it. Any subsequent non-absolute paths that appear in this Dockerfile are hence relative to the /app directory.

Now let's see how an environment variable gets set inside the container:


ENV tells Docker that what follows is an environment variable definition. PYTHONPATH is an environment variable that expands into a list of colon-delimited paths where the Python interpreter looks for modules and packages.

Next, let's jump a few lines down to the second RUN instruction:

RUN chmod +x /

The RUN instruction tells Docker to run a command from the shell. In this case, the command being run is chmod, which changes file permissions. Here it renders the
/ executable.

The next line in this Dockerfile is optional:


ENTRYPOINT is the most interesting instruction in this Dockerfile. It exposes an executable to the Docker host command line when starting the container. This lets you pass arguments from the command line down to the executable inside the container. You can append these arguments after docker run <image> on the command line. If there is more than one ENTRYPOINT instruction in a Dockerfile, then only the last ENTRYPOINT is executed.

The last line in the Dockerfile is as follows:

CMD ["/"]

Like ENTRYPOINT instructions, CMD instructions execute at container start time rather than build time. When an ENTRYPOINT instruction is defined in a Dockerfile, a CMD instruction defines default arguments to be passed to that ENTRYPOINT. In this instance, the / path is the argument passed to / The last line in
/ executes /

exec "$@"

The / script comes from the uwsgi-nginx base image. / starts Nginx and uWSGI after / has configured the container runtime environment for them. When CMD is used in conjunction with ENTRYPOINT, the default arguments set by CMD can be overridden from the Docker host command line.

Most Dockerfiles do not have an ENTRYPOINT instruction, so the last line of a
Dockerfile is usually a CMD instruction that runs in the foreground instead of default arguments. I use this Dockerfile trick to keep a general-purpose Docker container running for development:

CMD tail -f /dev/null

With the exception of ENTRYPOINT and CMD, all of the instructions in this example python-3.8-alpine Dockerfile only execute when the container is being built.

Building a Docker image

Before we can build a Docker image, we need a Dockerfile. You may already have some Docker images on your system. To see a list of Docker images, use the following:

$ docker images

Now, let's fetch and build the Dockerfile we just dissected:

  1. Clone the repo containing the Dockerfile:

    $ git clone

  2. Switch to the docker-images subdirectory inside the repo:

    $ cd uwsgi-nginx-flask-docker/docker-images

  3. Copy python3.8-alpine.dockerfile to a file named Dockerfile:

    $ cp python3.8-alpine.dockerfile Dockerfile

  4. Build an image from the Dockerfile:

    $ docker build -t my-image .

Once the image is done building, it will appear in your list of local Docker images:

$ docker images

A uwsgi-nginx base image should also appear in the list along with the newly built my-image. Notice that the elapsed time since the uwsgi-nginx base image was created is much greater than the time since my-image was created.

Running a Docker image

We now have a Docker image built that we can run as a container. To get a list of running containers on your system, use the following:

$ docker ps

To run a container based on my-image, issue the following docker run command:

$ docker run -d --name my-container -p 80:80 my-image

Now observe the status of your running container:

$ docker ps

You should see a container named my-container based on an image named my-image in the list. The -p option in the docker run command maps a container port to a host port. So, container port 80 maps to host port 80 in this example. This
port mapping allows the Flask web server running inside the container to service
HTTP requests.

To stop my-container, run this command:

$ docker stop my-container

Now check the status of your running container again:

$ docker ps

my-container should no longer appear in the list of running containers. Is the container gone? No, it is only stopped. You can still see my-container and its status by adding the -a option to the docker ps command:

$ docker ps -a

We'll look at how to delete containers we no longer need a bit later.

Fetching a Docker image

Earlier in this section, I touched on image registries such as Docker Hub, AWS ECR, and Quay. As it turns out, the Docker image that we built locally from a cloned GitHub repo is already published on Docker Hub. It is much quicker to fetch the prebuilt image from Docker Hub than to build it yourself on your system. The Docker images for the project can be found at To pull the same Docker image that we built as my-image from Docker Hub, enter the following command:

$ docker pull tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask:python3.8-alpine

Now look at your list of Docker images again:

$ docker images

You should see a new uwsgi-nginx-flask image in the list.

To run this newly fetched image, issue the following docker run command:

$ docker run -d --name flask-container -p 80:80 tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask:python3.8-alpine

You can substitute the full image name (repo:tag) in the preceding docker run command with the corresponding image ID (hash) from docker images if you prefer not to type out the full image name.

Publishing a Docker image

To publish a Docker image to Docker Hub, you must first have an account and log in to it. You can create an account on Docker Hub by going to the website,, and signing up. Once you have an account, then you can push an existing image to your Docker Hub repository:

  1. Log in to the Docker Hub image registry from the command line:

    $ docker login

  2. Enter your Docker Hub username and password when prompted.
  3. Tag an existing image with a new name that starts with the name of your repository:

    $ docker tag my-image:latest <repository>/my-image:latest

    Replace <repository> in the preceding command with the name of your repository (the same as your username) on Docker Hub. You can also substitute the name of another existing image you wish to push for my-image:latest.

  4. Push the image to the Docker Hub image registry:

    $ docker push <repository>/my-image:latest

    Again, make the same replacements as you did for Step 3.

Images pushed to Docker Hub are publicly available by default. To visit the web page for your newly published image, go to<repository>/my-image. Replace <repository> in the preceding URL with the name of your repository (same as your username) on Docker Hub. You can also substitute the name of the actual image you pushed for my-image:latest if different. If you click on the Tags tab on that web page, you should see the docker pull command for fetching that image.

Cleaning up

We know that docker images lists images and docker ps lists containers. Before we can delete a Docker image, we must first delete any containers that reference it. To delete
a Docker container, you first need to know the container's name or ID:

  1. Find the target Docker container's name:

    $ docker ps -a

  2. Stop the container if it is running:

    $ docker stop flask-container

  3. Delete the Docker container:

    $ docker rm flask-container

Replace flask-container in the two preceding commands with the container name or ID from Step 1. Every container that appears under docker ps also has an image name or ID associated with it. Once you have deleted all the containers that reference an image, you can then delete the image.

Docker image names (repo:tag) can get quite long (for example, tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask:python3.8-alpine). For that reason, I find it easier to just copy and paste an image's ID (hash) when deleting:

  1. Find the Docker image's ID:

    $ docker images

  2. Delete the Docker image:

    $ docker rmi <image-ID>

Replace <image-ID> in the preceding command with the image ID from Step 1.

If you simply want to blow away all the containers and images that you are no longer using on your system, then here is the command:

$ docker system prune -a

docker system prune deletes all stopped containers and dangling images.

We've seen how pip can be used to install a Python application's dependencies. You simply add a RUN instruction that calls pip install to your Dockerfile. Because containers are sandboxed environments, they offer many of the same benefits that virtual environments do. But unlike conda and venv virtual environments, Buildroot and Yocto both have support for Docker containers. Buildroot has the docker-engine and docker-cli packages. Yocto has the meta-virtualization layer. If your device needs isolation because of Python package conflicts, then you can achieve that with Docker.

The docker run command provides options for exposing operating system resources to containers. Specifying a bind mount allows a file or directory on the host machine to be mounted inside a container for reading and writing. By default, containers publish no ports to the outside world. When you ran your my-container image, you used the -p option to publish port 80 from the container to port 80 on the host. The --device option adds a host device file under /dev to an unprivileged container. If you wish to grant access to all devices on the host, then use the --privileged option.

What containers excel at is deployments. Being able to push a Docker image that can then be easily pulled and run on any of the major cloud platforms has revolutionized the DevOps movement. Docker is also making inroads in the embedded Linux space thanks to OTA update solutions such as balena. One of the downsides of Docker is the storage footprint and memory overhead of the runtime. The Go binaries are a bit bloated, but Docker runs on quad-core 64-bit ARM SoCs such as the Raspberry Pi 4 just fine. If your target device has enough power, then run Docker on it. Your software development team will thank you.


By now, you're probably asking yourself, what does any of this Python packaging stuff have to do with embedded Linux? The answer is not much, but bear in mind that the word programming also happens to be in the title of this book. And this chapter has everything to do with modern-day programming. To succeed as a developer in this day and age, you need to be able to deploy your code to production fast, frequently, and in a repeatable manner. That means managing your dependencies carefully and automating as much of the process as possible. You have now seen what tools are available for doing that with Python.

In the next chapter, we will look in detail at the Linux process model and describe what a process really is, how it relates to threads, how they cooperate, and how they are scheduled. Understanding these things is important if you want to create a robust and maintainable embedded system.

Further reading

The following resources have more information about the topics introduced in this chapter:

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