Setting the order with set()

Let's look at what happens when you iterate over a map:

const myMap = Map()
.set('one', 1)
.set('two', 2)
.set('three', 3);

.forEach(i => console.log('myMap', i));
// -> myMap 1
// -> myMap 2
// -> myMap 3

The iteration order is the same as the order in which you set the values. However, this iteration order isn't guaranteed. You could see a different order the next time you iterate over myMap. Let's try this with an ordered map now:

const myOrderedMap = OrderedMap()
.set('three', 3)
.set('two', 2)
.set('one', 1);

.forEach(i => console.log('myOrderedMap', i));
// -> myOrderedMap 3
// -> myOrderedMap 2
// -> myOrderedMap 1

Our map, myOrderedMap, will always have the same iteration order. The order is defined as the order in which items are set. Since we're setting the value 3 first, it has an index of 0 (internally) and a key of three. If you were iterating over this map to render data in a user interface, consistent iteration order is important—the OrderedMap collections provide this guarantee.

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