Lazy sequence concatenation

The challenge with the preceding approach is that the collections that we're concatenating together could actually be indexed sequences, capable of evaluating lazily. If you concatenate them into a list, then you lose any benefit to lazy evaluation. Instead, you can call the concat() method on a sequence:

const mySeq1 = Range(1, 6)
.filterNot((v) => {
console.log('mySeq1', v);
return v % 2;
const mySeq2 = Range(6, 11)
.filterNot((v) => {
console.log('mySeq2', v);
return v % 2;

.concat(mySeq1, mySeq2)
.forEach(v => console.log('result', v));
// -> mySeq1 1
// -> mySeq1 2
// -> result 2
// -> mySeq1 3
// -> mySeq1 4
// -> result 4
// -> mySeq1 5
// -> mySeq2 6
// -> result 6
// -> mySeq2 7
// -> mySeq2 8
// -> result 8
// -> mySeq2 9
// -> mySeq2 10
// -> result 10

Using this approach, you can lazily concatenate sequence values together as the forEach() side-effect iterates over the result. You can see how lazy evaluation works in the preceding example from the logging added in the filterNot() predicates.

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