Providing default behavior

When the caller attempts to call a behavior that doesn't exist by passing a key that doesn't exist in the behavior map, you should be able to recover from this. Thankfully, the get() method accepts a second argument that's returned if the requested key doesn't exist:

const myBehavior = action => Map.of(
true, () => console.log('thruth'),
false, () => console.log('lies')
() => console.log('default')

// -> truth
// -> lies
// -> default
// -> default

The last two calls to myBehavior() result in the default behavior running because neither call is passed a key that exists. This means that the second value passed to get() is returned, which in this case is a function that logs 'default'. In practice, this function could be a no-op, or something specific to the application you're building.

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