Configuring the bootstrap server

The first step is to configure the bootstrap server. Go to the bootstrap portal and click Add new client bootstrap configuration. The web portal will allow you to create a bootstrap configuration, where the client connects to the bootstrap server using unencrypted CoAP, and then gets redirected to one LWM2M server using either unencrypted or encrypted CoAP. The interface supports configuring credentials using pre-shared keys, as shown in Figure 3. Add the name of the LWM2M client under Client endpoint and leave the LWM2M Server URL as it is. The default URL will work. We can reutilize the client name in the Identity field if we want, as long as we make sure to use the same identity when we configure the LWM2M server.

As a key, enter a random hexadecimal string. Also, add a similar configuration for the actuator:

Configuring the bootstrap server
If you host a Leshan server locally, you will have more options on how to configure the bootstrap and LWM2M servers.
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