
Callbacks in JavaScript usually take some time getting used to. If you are coming from some other non-asynchronous programming background, you will need to understand carefully how callbacks work; you may feel like you're learning programming for the first time. As everything is asynchronous in Node, you will be using callbacks for everything without trying to carefully structure them. The most important part of the Node.js project is sometimes the code organization and module management.

Callbacks are functions that are executed asynchronously at a later time. Instead of the code reading top to bottom procedurally, asynchronous programs may execute different functions at different times based on the order and speed that earlier functions such as HTTP requests or filesystem reads happen.

Whether a function execution is sequential or asynchronous depends on the context in which it is executed:

var i=0;
function add(num){

If you run this program using Node, you will see the following output (assuming that your file is named app.js):

~/Chapter9 » node app.js

This is what we are all used to. This is traditional synchronous code execution where each line is executed in a sequence. The code here defines a function and then on the next line calls this function, without waiting for anything. This is sequential control flow.

Things will be different if we introduced I/O to this sequence. If we try to read something from the file or call a remote endpoint, Node will execute these operations in an asynchronous fashion. For the next example, we are going to use a Node.js module called request. We will use this module to make HTTP calls. You can install the module as follows:

npm install request

We will discuss the use of npm later in this chapter. Consider the following example:

var request = require('request');
var status = undefined;
request('', function (error, response, body) {
  if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
    status_code = response.statusCode;

When you execute this code, you will see that the value of the status variable is still undefined. In this example, we are making an HTTP call—this is an I/O operation. When we do an I/O operation, the execution becomes asynchronous. In the earlier example, we are doing everything within the memory and there was no I/O involved, hence, the execution was synchronous. When we run this program, all of the functions are immediately defined, but they don't all execute immediately. The request() function is called and the execution continues to the next line. If there is nothing to execute, Node will either wait for I/O to finish or it will exit. When the request() function finishes its work, it will execute the callback function (an anonymous function as the second parameter to the request() function). The reason that we got undefined in the preceding example is that nowhere in our code exists the logic that tells the console.log() statement to wait until the request() function has finished fetching the response from the HTTP call.

Callbacks are functions that get executed at some later time. This changes things in the way you organize your code. The idea around reorganizing the code is as follows:

  • Wrapping the asynchronous code in a function
  • Passing a callback function to the wrapper function

We will organize our previous example with these two ideas in mind. Consider this modified example:

var request = require('request');
var status = undefined;
function getSiteStatus(callback){
  request('', function (error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
      status_code = response.statusCode;
function showStatusCode(status){

When you run this, you will get the following (correct) output:

$node app.js

What we changed was to wrap the asynchronous code in a getSiteStatus() function, pass a function named callback() as a parameter to this function, and execute this function on the last line of getSiteStatus(). The showStatusCode() callback function simply wraps around console.log() that we called earlier. The difference, however, is in the way the asynchronous execution works. The most important idea to understand while learning how to program with callbacks is that functions are first-class objects that can be stored in variables and passed around with different names. Giving simple and descriptive names to your variables is important in making your code readable by others. Now that the callback function is called once the HTTP call is completed, the value of the status_code variable will have a correct value. There are genuine circumstances where you want an asynchronous task executed only after another asynchronous task is completed. Consider this scenario:

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  getURL(url, function (err, res) {
    getURLContent(, function(err,res) {

As you can see, we are nesting one asynchronous function in another. This kind of nesting can result in code that is difficult to read and manage. This style of callback is sometimes known as callback hell. To avoid such a scenario, if you have code that has to wait for some other asynchronous code to finish, then you express that dependency by putting your code in functions that get passed around as callbacks. Another important idea is to name your functions instead of relying on anonymous functions as callbacks. We can restructure the preceding example into a more readable one as follows:

var urlContentProcessor = function(data){
var urlResponseProcessor = function(data){
var createServer = function(req,res){

This fragment uses two important concepts. First, we are using named functions and using them as callbacks. Second, we are not nesting these asynchronous functions. If you are accessing closure variables within the inner functions, the preceding would be a bit different implementation. In such cases, using inline anonymous functions is even more preferable.

Callbacks are most frequently used in Node. They are usually preferred to define logic for one-off responses. When you need to respond to repeating events, Node provides another mechanism for this. Before going further, we need to understand the function of timers and events in Node.

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