Securing phpMyAdmin

Security can be examined at the following various levels:

  • How we can protect the phpMyAdmin installation directory
  • Which workstations can access phpMyAdmin
  • The databases that a legitimate user can see

Protecting phpMyAdmin at directory level

Suppose an unauthorized person is trying to use our copy of phpMyAdmin. If we use the simple config authentication type, anyone knowing the URL of our phpMyAdmin will have the same effective rights to our data as we do. In this case, we should use the directory protection mechanism offered by our web server (for example, .htaccess, a file name with a leading dot) to add a level of protection. More details are available at

If we decide on using http or cookie authentication types, our data would be safe enough. However, we should take normal precautions with our password (including its periodic change).

The directory where phpMyAdmin is installed contains sensitive data. Not only the configuration file but also all scripts stored there must be protected from alteration. We should ensure that apart from us, only the web server effective user has read access to the files contained in this directory, and that only we can write to them.


phpMyAdmin's scripts never have to modify anything inside this directory, except when we use the Save export file to server feature (explained in Chapter 6).

Another recommendation is to rename the default phpMyAdmin directory to something less obvious; this discourages probing of our server. This is called security by obscurity and can be very effective—but avoid choosing other obvious names such as admin.

Another possible attack is from other developers having an account on the same web server as we do. In this kind of attack, someone can try to open our file. As this file is readable by the web server, someone could try to include our file from their PHP scripts. This is why it is recommended to use PHP's open_basedir feature, possibly applying it to all directories from which such attacks could originate. More details can be found at

Displaying error messages

phpMyAdmin uses the PHP's custom error-handler mechanism. One of the benefits of this error handler is to avoid path disclosure, which is considered a security weakness. The default settings related to this are:

$cfg['Error_Handler'] = array();
$cfg['Error_Handler']['display'] = false;

You should let the default value for display be false, unless you are developing a new phpMyAdmin feature and want to see all PHP errors and warnings.

Protecting with IP-based access control

An additional level of protection can be implemented, this time verifying the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the machine from which the request is received. To achieve this level of protection, we construct rules allowing or denying access, and specify the order in which these rules will be applied.

Defining rules

The format of a rule is:

<'allow' | 'deny'> <username> [from] <source>

The from keyword being optional; here are some examples:



allow Bob from 1.2.3/24

User Bob is allowed from any address matching the network 1.2.3 (this is CIDR IP matching, more details at

deny Alice from 4.5/16

User Alice cannot access when located on network 4.5.

allow Melanie from all

User Melanie can log in from anywhere.

deny % from all

all can be used as an equivalent to, meaning any host. Here, the % sign means any user.

Usually we will have several rules. Let us say we wish to have the following two rules:

allow Marc from
allow Melanie from all

We have to put them in (in the related server-specific section) as follows:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] =
array('allow Marc from', 'allow Melanie from all'),

When defining a single rule or multiple rules, a PHP array is used. We must follow its syntax, enclosing each complete rule within single quotes and separating each rule from the next with a comma. Thus, if we have only one rule, we must still use an array to specify it. The next parameter explains the order in which rules are interpreted.

Order of interpretation for rules

By default, this parameter is empty:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = '';

This means that no IP-based verification is made.

Suppose we want to allow access by default, denying access only to some username/IP pairs, we should use:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'deny,allow';

In this case, all deny rules will be applied first, followed by allow rules. If a case is not mentioned in the rules, access is granted. Being more restrictive, we would want to deny by default. We can use:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'allow,deny';

This time, all allow rules are applied first, followed by deny rules. If a case is not mentioned in the rules, access is denied. The third (and most restrictive) way of specifying rules order is:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] = 'explicit';

Now, deny rules are applied before allow rules. A username/IP address pair must be listed in the allow rules and must not be listed in the deny rules, for access to be granted.

Blocking root access

As the root user is present in almost all MySQL installations, it's often the target of attacks. A parameter permits us to easily block all phpMyAdmin logins of the MySQL's root account, using the following:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = FALSE;

Some system administrators prefer to disable the root account at the MySQL server level, creating another less obvious account possessing the same privileges. This has the advantage of blocking root access from all sources, not just from phpMyAdmin.

Protecting in-transit data

HTTP is not inherently immune to network sniffing (grabbing sensitive data off the wire). So, if we want to protect not only our username and password but all the data that travels between our web server and browser, then we have to use HTTPS.

To do so, assuming that our web server supports HTTPS, we just have to start phpMyAdmin by putting https instead of http in the URL as follows:

If we are using PmaAbsoluteUri auto-detection, shown as follows:

$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';

phpMyAdmin will see that we are using HTTPS in the URL and react accordingly.

If not, we must put the https part in this parameter as follows:

$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';

We can automatically switch users to an HTTPS connection with the following setting:

$cfg['ForceSSL'] = TRUE;
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