
  • actual
  • Aitken estimator
  • alternative hypothesis
  • amplitude of the variable
  • analytical form
  • annual results of debt recovery
  • application of the model
  • autocorrelation
  • autocorrelation coefficient
  • autonomous process
  • autoregressive dependencies
  • autoregressive process
  • average forecast error
  • average net wage
  • average prediction error
  • average wage
  • bank credit
  • basic transformation
  • capital investments
  • cash inflows
  • chain prediction
  • closed cycle of relations
  • closed cycles
  • closed feedback
  • coefficient of determination
  • company
  • company’s liquidity
  • complementarity
  • confidence interval
  • consistent estimator
  • consumption
  • convergence factor
  • correlation coefficient
  • costs
  • debt recovery efficacy measures
  • decisional variable
  • decisions
  • demand for labor
  • demographic situation
  • dependent variable
  • depreciation
  • detached equations
  • direct feedback
  • distribution of the residuals
  • double least squares method (2LS)
  • dummy variable
  • Durbin–Watson test
  • DW statistic
  • econometric forecasting
  • econometric forecast theory
  • econometric methods
  • econometric model
  • econometric prediction
  • economic activity
  • economic growth
  • economic interrelations
  • economic measurements
  • economic phenomena
  • economic system
  • effective estimator
  • effectiveness of debt recovery
  • empirical model
  • employment
  • employment magnitude
  • endogenous variable
  • enterprises
  • equivalent
  • error
  • estimator
  • estimator’s precision
  • EViews 4 package
  • ex ante type
  • exogenous variables
  • explanatory
  • exponential
  • ex post type
  • extrapolation
  • financial condition
  • financial liquidity
  • financial management
  • financial situation
  • fiscal factors
  • fitted
  • fixed assets
  • forecast
    • errors
    • estimation
  • forecasted period
  • forecasted variable
  • forecasting mechanism
  • forecasting of financial liquidity
  • function
  • GRETL package
  • gross sales income
  • Hess matrix
  • hypothetical
  • identifiable ambiguously
  • identifiable explicitly
  • identification of the model
  • immeasurable properties
  • indirect feedback
  • individual labor efficiency
  • inequality
  • initial equation
  • initial value
  • interdependent stochastic equations
  • interdependent variables
  • interval
  • interval forecasting
  • investment(s)
    • aimed
    • objectives
    • opportunities
    • outlays
  • Janus coefficient
  • labor intensity of production
  • labor quality
  • labor resources
  • limited variable
  • linear model
  • linear trend
  • liquidity
  • logit transformation
  • 2LS see double least squares method (2LS)
  • machinery and equipment
  • management
  • manufactured assortments
  • manufacturing potential
  • marketing
  • marketing activity
  • mathematical expectation
  • matrix of observations
  • matrix of variances and covariance’s
  • measurement
  • measurement scales
  • measure of debt recovery efficacy
  • mechanism
  • microeconometrics
  • minimum
  • minimum wage
  • monthly financial liquidity
  • monthly seasonal fluctuations
  • more precise estimator
  • multiplicative models
  • natural units
  • necessary condition
  • net payroll
  • nominal
  • nonlinear models
  • null hypothesis
  • observation
  • observation period
  • office worker’s efficiency
  • OLS estimator
  • ordinary least squares method (OLS)
  • overestimated forecasts
  • payroll fluctuations
  • personal characteristics
  • potential efficiency
  • potential labor efficiency
  • practical applicability
  • predetermined variables
  • prediction error
  • prediction horizon
  • predictor
  • predictor correction
  • probability
  • product
    • assortments
    • properties
  • production
    • entropy
    • specialization
  • prognoses
  • qualifications
  • qualitative forecast
  • quantification
  • quantitative forecast
  • quarterly
    • forecasts
    • liquidity
  • random component
  • random fluctuations
  • ratio
  • ready-made production
  • recursive models
  • reduced form
  • relative average error of prediction
  • relative limiting prediction error
  • relative liquidity
  • relative prediction error
  • residual variance
  • residual vector
  • risk of bankruptcy
  • sales income
  • salesman
  • sales person
  • salesperson’s work efficiency
  • seasonal fluctuations
  • selection of an efficient worker
  • sequential correcting
  • sequential prediction
  • significance level
  • simple models
  • simultaneous impact
  • small enterprises
  • specification of the model
  • staff
  • standard deviation
  • standard error
  • statistical analysis of debt recovery efficacy
  • statistical data
  • statistical deviation
  • statistically significant
  • statistical quality
  • stochastic
    • characteristics
    • equations
    • structure parameters
  • structural form
  • structural parameters
  • structure of monthly cumulated financial liquidity
  • structure of the efficacy measure
  • substitution
  • successful debt recovery
  • sufficient estimator
  • systems of interdependent equations
  • tangible fixed assets
  • technical devices
  • technical labor equipment
  • technical progress
  • theoretical values
  • time series
  • trade fairs
  • transposition
  • unbiased estimator
  • variable
  • variation
  • vector
  • verification of the model
  • wage
    • effectiveness
    • increase
  • weights
  • working time
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