Best Practices

  • Use FrontPage 2003 to browse the contents of a Document Library as well as the Lists folder in a SharePoint site. This will help you better understand the different components of each.

  • A best practice is to have the name of a document library reflect the site that houses it and/or the content of the library, without making the name too long. This makes URLs containing the library name more easily recognized.

  • The text entered in the description box when creating a new document library appears above the tool bar in the library, and helpful information or links to other related document libraries or sites can be entered here. This can be helpful for new users.

  • Instead of simply creating subfolders in document libraries (the “old way” of managing documents) consider using metadata instead of subfolders to group types of documents. Adding a “Client Name” column, or “Technology” column can achieve similar results that take advantage of metadata, and get users familiar with a new way of finding what they are looking for and organization information.

  • Since there is no undelete function by default in SharePoint 2003, determine whether this is important to the organization and research third-party solutions.

  • When uploading a document to a document library make sure the title information (accessible through File, Properties, Summary) is actually valid and up-to-date, as SharePoint will capture whatever information is in this field when it uploads the document.

  • Calculation columns in SharePoint lists and libraries can do a lot more than simply add up other columns. Reference the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Administrator's Guide for more information by searching on “About Calculated Columns” and “Functions.”

  • Use backward-compatible document libraries with caution. Microsoft might not support them in the future. The administrative and user interface for these libraries is also different than for the native SharePoint 2003 libraries, which could cause confusion.

  • Create new views that make it easier for users to view relevant subsets of files contained within document libraries. This requires understanding the types of documents that will be in the library, making sure appropriate and useful metadata columns have been added, and then creating views that leverage this information.

  • Use SharePoint's ability to control the level of access to documents contained in document libraries to ensure that the right users and groups of users have the right level of access and ability to add, edit, or delete files.

  • SharePoint should be configured to protect document libraries with antivirus software. Support for this is provided through SharePoint Central Administration. Specific virus software compatible with SharePoint must be used.

  • Approval routing can be used to control what gets published to a backward-compatible document library. It forces the document to go through a review process where individual approver(s) can be held accountable for the content made available to users.

  • Take advantage of Windows SharePoint Services' ability to block undesirable file types from being uploaded by using the Manage Blocked File Types feature.

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