
Bookmarks are a way for you to mark various locations in your files. When I first started testing bookmarks, I wasn’t sure what the difference was between comments in the Task List and bookmarks. Task List comments and other tokens are found in the file, meaning that these have the potential of getting checked into your source code repository and being visible to everyone. On the other hand, bookmarks are for your eyes only. They are stored outside the file in the Bookmarks window. For more information on Task List features, see Chapter 5.

Managing Bookmarks

These next tips walk you through creating and using bookmarks.

Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them

Press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K to toggle a bookmark. The command is Edit.ToggleBookmark.

Press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N to navigate to the next bookmark. The command is Edit.NextBookmark.

Press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P to navigate to the previous bookmark. The command is Edit. PreviousBookmark.

Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them

You can also quickly get rid of all your bookmarks by pressing Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L. The command is Edit.ClearBookmarks.

All of these commands can be found under the Edit–Bookmarks menu and on the Text Editor toolbar. Note that on the Text Editor toolbar, the Previous Bookmark In Document and Next Bookmark In Document items don’t have keyboard shortcuts bound to them, but they are listed on the Text Editor toolbar.

Tip 2.27: How to set bookmarks and navigate among them

Tip 2.28: How to navigate among bookmark folders in the Bookmark window

There’s a Bookmarks window that allows you to organize and arrange your bookmarks. You can create folders and store bookmarks within them.

Tip 2.28: How to navigate among bookmark folders in the Bookmark window

Once you’ve organized your bookmarks, you can add the Shift key to the bookmark navigation keyboard shortcuts to navigate within the folder:

  • Use Ctrl+Shift+K, Ctrl+Shift+P to move to the previous bookmark in the folder.

  • Use Ctrl+Shift+K, Ctrl+Shift+N to move to the next bookmark in the folder.

Tip 2.29: You can bookmark all of your Quick Find results

Sara Aside

If you hit Bookmark All instead of Find Next, bookmarks will be dropped at all the found locations.

And if you’ve accidentally bookmarked half of your code by searching for a frequently used search term (like I did the first time I tried this), simply open the Bookmarks window (View–Bookmarks Window), press Ctrl+A to select all bookmarks, and then hit Delete.

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