Chapter 6


In Chapter 5, you learned about hunting in Microsoft Sentinel. This chapter is going to cover another hunting option, using Notebooks. More precisely, Jupyter Notebooks. Besides hunting, you will explore other options, like enrichment and extending your incident triage experience using Notebooks.

A lot has already been written about Jupyter Notebooks, hereafter referenced as Notebooks. In summary, Jupyter is an interactive development and data manipulation environment. A Notebook is generally referenced as a document that integrates live code, equations, computational output, visualizations, and other multimedia resources, along with explanatory text in a single document.

The intent of this chapter is to provide you with practical information and guidance to start exploring Notebooks.

Understanding Microsoft Sentinel Notebooks

When Notebooks were introduced in Microsoft Sentinel, it initially caused some confusion related to their positioning and purpose—specifically, related to the concepts of Workbooks and Playbooks. If you are new to Microsoft Sentinel and are being introduced to Workbooks, Playbooks, and Notebooks, it generally creates confusion.


More information about the history of Notebooks, including documentation, can be found here:

Table 6-1 clarifies and positions the three different features, although Notebooks are being used more and more in the incident triage phase:

TABLE 6-1 Notebooks compared to Workbooks and Playbooks






  • SOC engineers

  • Analysts

  • SOC engineers

  • Analysts

  • SOC managers

  • Threat hunters

  • Tier 2-3 analysts

  • Data scientists

  • Security researchers


  • Automation of repeatable tasks

  • Ingestion - bring in external data

  • Enrichment (TI, GeoIP, lookups, etc.)

  • Investigation

  • Remediation

  • Visualization

  • Reporting

  • Querying Microsoft Sentinel & external data

  • Enrichment (TI, GeoIP, WhoIs lookups, etc.)

  • Investigation

  • Visualization

  • Hunting

  • Machine Learning & big data analytics


  • Best for single, repeatable tasks

  • No coding knowledge required

  • Best for viewing Microsoft Sentinel data

  • No coding knowledge required

  • Best for more complex chain of repeatable tasks

  • Ad-hoc, more procedural control – easy to pivot due to the interactive characteristics and the use of Python, a procedural language

  • Rich Python libraries for data manipulation & visualization options

  • Machine Learning & custom analysis

  • Easy to document & share analysis evidence


  • Not suitable for ad-hoc & complex chain of tasks

  • Not great for documenting & sharing evidence

  • Limited external data integration options

  • Higher learning curve, potentially requires Python knowledge

There are multiple options to run a Notebook, like running your own Jupyter server, running it on JupyterHub, or running it in a Docker container. In this chapter, you will explore running Notebooks in Microsoft Sentinel.

Referencing Microsoft Sentinel Notebooks, instead of just Notebooks, should be considered as running a Notebook within Microsoft Sentinel’s integrated environment.


Microsoft Sentinel Notebooks can be run in any Jupyter-compatible environment.

To be able to run Notebooks within Microsoft Sentinel, you have the option to run Notebooks on the Azure Machine Learning (AML) platform or Azure Synapse Analytics (in preview at the time of writing this chapter). The latter is more suitable for large-scale data processing. Because this is not the case for the samples we explore in this chapter, we will configure an AML environment in the next section.

Configuring an AML workspace and compute

To start exploring Notebooks in Microsoft Sentinel, you will first set up an AML workspace and create a compute resource to run your Notebooks. Please note that you will need AML contributor permissions to follow along.


For more information on the required AML permissions and roles, see

Follow these steps to start:

  1. Open the Azure portal and sign in as a user who has Microsoft Sentinel contributor and AML contributor privileges.

  2. Navigate to the Microsoft Sentinel page.

  3. Under Threat management, click Notebooks.

  4. In the top-middle pane, under Configure Azure Machine Learning, click Create New Azure ML Workspace, as shown in Figure 6-1.

    This is a screenshot of the Notebooks page, whereCreate New Azure ML Workspace has been selected.

    FIGURE 6-1 Create a new Azure ML workspace

  5. In the create wizard that follows, provide your custom values, as shown in Figure 6-2. (Some of them are auto-populated, but that can be changed.)

    This is a screenshot of the Create A Machine Learning Workspace wizard with values for the subscription, resource group, workspace name, region, storage account, Key Vault, application insights and container registry.

    FIGURE 6-2 Create A Machine Learning Workspace wizard


    As a security best practice, a Key Vault should be used to store sensitive information, like your workspaceId, workspaceKey, an API key, or any information that needs to be protected. How to do this will be covered in one of the sample Notebooks. Values retrieved from a Key Vault will not be stored in your Notebook.

  6. Click Next, and on the Networking tab, select your preferred endpoint configuration, as shown in Figure 6-3.

    This is a screenshot of the Networking tab in the Create A Machine Learning Workspace wizard. From here, you can set the Connectivity Method to either Public Endpoint (All Networks) or Private Endpoint.

    FIGURE 6-3 The Networking tab


    A public endpoint enables data access to your workspace from outside the virtual network and is publicly routable, whereas a private endpoint is a network interface that uses a private IP address from your virtual network and connects you privately and securely.

  7. Optionally, you can configure the remainder of the wizard and click the Create button, as shown in Figure 6-4.

    This is a screenshot of the Create A Machine Learning Workspace wizard, which is summarizing the configuration before you click Create.

    FIGURE 6-4 Create A Machine Learning Workspace wizard summary

  8. When the deployment is done, go back to the Notebooks page by clicking your browser’s back button

  9. Click the Templates tab, as shown in Figure 6-5.

    This is a screenshot of the Notebooks tab, showing the available Notebook templates.

    FIGURE 6-5 Notebook templates

  10. This tab shows the Notebook templates, based on a selection of the GitHub Notebooks repository. Click once on the A Getting Started Guide For Microsoft Sentinel ML Notebooks option. In the right pane, click the Create From Template button, as shown in Figure 6-6.

    This is a screenshot of the Notebook description and the Create From Template button to create the Notebook from the selected template.

    FIGURE 6-6 Create a Notebook from a template

  11. Select your created AML workspace and click the Save button, as shown in Figure 6-7.

    This is a screenshot that shows the option to rename the cloned Notebook and select the AML workspace in which the cloned Notebook will be saved. Clicking Save allows you to clone and save the Notebook.

    FIGURE 6-7 Save the cloned Notebook

  12. Now that you have cloned and saved the Notebook, click Launch Notebook, which will open the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio page.

  13. Before you can run a Notebook, you need to create a Compute Instance, which will run your Notebook.

  14. In the upper-right pane, click the + sign, as shown in Figure 6-8.

    This is a screenshot showing the “no computes found” message, which indicates that no compute exists yet. By clicking the + sign, you can create a new compute instance.

    FIGURE 6-8 Create a compute instance

  15. On the Configure Required Settings page, provide your Compute Name, your Virtual Machine Type, and Virtual Machine Size, as shown in Figure 6-9.

    This is a screenshot of Create Compute Instance wizard. Here, you provide the Compute Name, Virtual Machine Type, and Virtual Machine Size.

    FIGURE 6-9 Create Compute Instance wizard

  16. The Advanced Settings show options to provide a Startup And Shutdown Schedule (recommended) and additional options, as shown in Figure 6-10.

    This is a screenshot of the Advanced Settings of the Create Compute Instance wizard. Here, you have the following configuration options: add a Startup And Shutdown Schedule, Enable SSH access, Enable Virtual Network, Assign To Another User, or Provision With Setup Script.

    FIGURE 6-10 Create a compute instance wizard advanced settings


    For testing purposes, it is recommended that you select the Standard_DS11_v2 VM size and configure a startup and shutdown schedule to be cost-effective.

  17. Click the Create button to create your compute instance.

  18. The compute instance status will change to Creating, as shown in Figure 6-11.

    This is a screenshot of the in-progress compute creation.

    FIGURE 6-11 Compute instance creation in progress

  19. Wait until the creation of your compute is complete and the status is Running.

  20. In the yellow notification bar, click Authenticate, as shown in Figure 6-12, which allows you to use Azure SDK.

    This is a screenshot showing an Authenticate button to authenticate your compute in order to use any Azure SDK.

    FIGURE 6-12 Authenticate the compute to use any Azure SDK

This completes the setup and configuration of the AML workspace and the required compute. You are almost ready to explore Notebooks!

Configuration steps to interact with your Microsoft Sentinel workspace

For your Notebooks to interact with Microsoft Sentinel, the last preparation step is to create a configuration file, which contains at least your workspace key and workspace identifier. MSTICpy, which will be covered later in this chapter, is a Python package developed by Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) security analysts and engineers, which will make this step very easy.

In the previous steps, you have cloned the Getting Started with Azure ML Notebooks and Microsoft Sentinel Notebook. It is highly recommended that you go through this Notebook, which is intended to give you an interactive introduction. Completing this Notebook will jumpstart your learning experience. It also contains the required steps to configure your connection to Microsoft Sentinel.


You can run a cell by either clicking the Run icon, which is shown on the left side of the cell if you hover over it or by selecting Shift+Enter.

As stated in the Notebook, it is important to explore and run each cell in sequence because certain cells have dependencies. After you have completed the previous steps, you will notice that the msticpyconfig.yaml file has been generated and now contains configuration information that was automatically populated based on your current Azure connection, as shown in Figure 6-13.

This is a screenshot of the contents of the msticpyconfig.yaml file, which was automatically populated by running the configuration step in the “Getting Started with Azure ML Notebooks” cell. The file contains resourcegroup, subscription, tenant, and workspace identifiers.

FIGURE 6-13 The msticpyconfig.yaml file


You might need to refresh the file listing for your msticpyconfig.yaml file to show; do this by clicking the refresh icon in the left panel.

To be able to query your Microsoft Sentinel workspace, you use the QueryProvider object. This step is listed in “A Getting Started Guide For Microsoft Sentinel ML Notebooks,” in section 3.3, “Load a QueryProvider for Microsoft Sentinel.” Upon running this cell, you will see this confirmation: …Loading KqlMagic extension…done. The next section, “Authenticate to the Microsoft Sentinel workspace,” will perform the actual authentication against Microsoft Sentinel, as shown in Figure 6-14.

This is a screenshot showing the authentication to Microsoft Sentinel.

FIGURE 6-14 Authenticating to Microsoft Sentinel

If your token has expired, you will be prompted to authenticate using a device login; if not, the authentication will be seamless.


If you load a new Notebook, you will be prompted again to log in using device authentication. If you want to log in only once, you can create a new cell and run !az login.

Running a cell sometimes installs new packages, which requires a kernel restart for the changes to be applied. If running a cell fails because of an updated package, you might want to restart the kernel and try again.

The MSTICpy library

As briefly mentioned earlier in this chapter, the MSTICpy library, developed by MSTIC’s security analysts and engineers, provides a rich set of Python tools that are intended to be used for security investigations and hunting.


For more information on MSTICpy, see

Because several sample Notebooks provide an excellent overview and examples on how to use MSTICpy, this section will cover a couple of practical examples.

To quickly test several Notebooks from the Microsoft Sentinel GitHub repo, you can easily clone the repository, as shown below:

  1. Ensure that your ML compute is running, and you are in the Microsoft Azure Learning Studio environment, as you have done in the previous steps

  2. Click the Open Terminal icon, as shown in Figure 6-15.

    This is a screenshot of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio environment’s Open Terminal button.

    FIGURE 6-15 Open Terminal

  3. This will open a terminal in a new tab. From here, you can create a new folder, or you can browse to an existing one, where you can store the Notebooks you are about to clone.

  4. Optionally, you can create a folder, navigate to that folder, and copy and paste the following code to clone the GitHub Notebooks, as shown in Figure 6-16:

    git clone
    This is a screenshot of a terminal showing commands to create a new folder, navigate to that folder, and enter a git clone command.

    FIGURE 6-16 The git clone command

  5. Press Enter to execute the command, which should show output similar to that shown in Figure 6-17.

    This is a screenshot of a terminal showing the output of the git clone command, showing received objects, and showing updated files.

    FIGURE 6-17 Output of the git clone command

  6. Refresh the folder view in the left pane, which will show your newly created folder and cloned Notebooks, as shown in Figure 6-18.

    This is a screenshot of the folder structure, showing the sample created folder, which contains the cloned Notebooks.

    FIGURE 6-18 The Samples folder with the cloned Notebooks


    The git clone command that you just used is an easy way to clone the Notebooks, but it is not how you would typically maintain a synchronized GitHub repo for CI/CD purposes.

Hunting and enrichment examples

This section provides a couple of Notebook-hunting examples to get you started. The following is based on the Notebook examples that you have cloned in the previous section and assumes that you have run through and completed the “A Getting Started Guide For Microsoft Sentinel ML Notebooks” Notebook.

s that did not pass the MFA challenge

The MSTICpy library contains several useful pre-built queries that you can use. To see a list of queries and the syntax you can use, enter this query:


When you use this query in a new cell and run it, it will show you the output, as shown in Figure 6-19, including the syntax and examples.

This is a screenshot of the MSTICpy query browser widget, which will show a list of queries and the usage.

FIGURE 6-19 MSTICpy built-in query listing

Explore the Azure.list_allsignins_geo query because you will use it in the next example. In the example below, you are going to do the following:

  1. Run a query against the SiginLogs table.

  2. Apply a filter for the ResultDescription column.

  3. Look for values that contain the User did not pass the MFA challenge string.

  4. Look for unique IP addresses in the returned results.

  5. Create a Threat Intelligence lookup object.

Check the IP addresses against VirusTotal.To follow along, create a new cell in the “A Getting Started Guide For Microsoft Sentinel ML Notebooks” Notebook. Ensure that you are authenticated and that you have executed all cells and their dependencies.

  1. You are going to use the Python Pandas library, create a new cell, copy and paste the line below and execute the cell by pressing Shift+Enter:

    import pandas as pd
  2. Create a new cell and paste in the following:

    #this query comes from the query provider:
    signin_df = qry_prov.Azure.list_all_signins_geo()
    #show the first 5 results:
  3. Execute the cell.

  4. You should see a similar output as shown in Figure 6-20.

    This is a screenshot of a Notebook cell and the output, which shows the results of querying the signinlog table.

    FIGURE 6-20 Query the signinlog table. (Some information has been intentionally blurred.)

  5. Create a new cell and copy and paste the following into it:

    #create a new pandas dataframe and filter for a specific string:
    signin_mfa_df = signin_df[signin_df["ResultDescription"].str.contains("User did
    not pass the MFA challenge")]
    #look for unique IP addresses
    signin_mfa_df = (pd.unique(signin_mfa_df['IPAddress']))
    #show the array of unique IP addresses:
  6. That should return similar results as shown in Figure 6-21.

    This is a screenshot of query results, based on filtering for “User did not pass the MFA challenge,” and showing an array of IP addresses.

    FIGURE 6-21 Results of the signinlog table with a filter condition

  7. Now that you have values stored based on your filter condition, you are going to create a threat intelligence lookup object. Copy and paste the following into a new cell:

    #create a Threat Intelligence object:
    ti = TILookup()
    #use the IPAddress column values and check these against VirusTotal:
    ti.lookup_iocs(signin_mfa_df, obs_col="IPAddress", providers=["VirusTotal"])
  8. That should return similar results as shown in Figure 6-22.

    This is a screenshot of a VirusTotal lookup based on the signinlogs IP addresses and showing the results and severity.

    FIGURE 6-22 Results of a VirusTotal lookup

  9. If you want to filter on specific threat intelligence columns, such as a Severity value of warning or Result == True, you can adapt the query by using something like this:

    #create a Threat Intelligence object:
    ti = TILookup()
    #use the IPAddress column values and check these against VirusTotal:
    ti_warning = ti.lookup_iocs(signin_mfa_df, obs_col="IPAddress",
    #filter out the column "Result" for a value of "True"
  10. That will return results similar to those shown in Figure 6-23.

    This is a screenshot of a VirusTotal lookup, which is based on the Python code to filter for the column Results == True.

    FIGURE 6-23 Results of a VirusTotal lookup based on a Result filter

  11. You can easily use a visualization by taking the same data frame and plotting it, using something similar to this:


See Figure 6-24.

This is a screenshot of a VirusTotal pie chart based on True and False results.

FIGURE 6-24 VirusTotal results visualized

Creating interactive cells

For triaging an incident, it is very common to use interactive cells that will prompt you for input. The example below is based on Maxmind’s GeoLiteLookup for retrieving geo IP information. The installation and configuration are covered in the sample Notebook that you have been using so far.

  1. Add a new cell in the Notebook that you have been working on.

  2. Copy and paste the following into your new cell:

    # Investigate an IP address, ask for user input:
    IPaddress = input("Which IP address to investigate? ")
    # use as sample: ''
    iplocation = GeoLiteLookup()
    loc_result, ip_entity = iplocation.lookup_ip(ip_address=IPaddress)
    print('Raw result')
    print('IP Address Entity')
  3. Execute the cell. Your output should look like Figure 6-25.

    This is a screenshot showing the Which IP Address To Investigate? Cell, where you enter the IP address you want to investigate.

    FIGURE 6-25 GeoIP look up

  4. After pasting in an IP address and clicking Submit, you should see something similar to what’s shown in Figure 6-26.

    This is a screenshot of a GeoIP lookup showing geographic information.

    FIGURE 6-26 GeoIP look up results

The intention of this chapter was to provide you with an interactive introduction to Notebooks, with practical examples for you to try out. This chapter only scratched the tip of the iceberg. To continue your exploration and Notebook learning path, a copy of the next steps, as listed in the sample Notebook you have been using, is summarized below:

  1. Run the Getting Started Notebook in Azure Sentinel. This will help you get your configuration set up.

  2. Try the MSTICPy Lab at

  3. Read the documentation at

  4. Learn more about Pandas at

  5. Check out our other Notebooks for ideas! See

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