14.   Design Team’s Job

15.   Mixer’s Job

16.   A2’s Job (Mic’ing Techniques)

17.   Mixing the Musical

The end of the load-in or take-in period and the beginning of the tech period are marked by the first day of cast onstage. The two names are interchangeable, but the term “take-in” is how it is worded in the Local One contract. The distinction between these two times is very important contractually. There are specific requirements in the Local One contract as to how long the take-in is and how many pink contracts will be allowed on the show. If the take-in is short then fewer pinks are allowed on the production. Also there are different rules about the responsibilities of the heads based on the length of the take-in. Once we get to the tech we finally start to get to work on the artistic part of theatre, but that doesn’t mean the load-in is completely done. It is possible that there is still a lot to do during tech to finish up the show’s load-in. But as far as the contract is concerned, the take-in is done.

On Broadway there are usually about three weeks for the load-in and then three weeks for tech and then three weeks of previews before opening. Before tech starts, everyone will be invited to the rehearsal space to see a run-through of the show. At some point during the load-in everyone will be invited to the orchestra rehearsal space for a musical run-through or sitzprobe of the show.

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