Chapter 9. Online Gaming

This chapter outlines the basic patterns and principles for using MongoDB as a persistent storage engine for an online game, particularly one that contains role-playing characteristics.

Solution Overview

In designing an online game, there is a need to store various data about the player’s character. Some of the attributes might include:

Character attributes
These might include intrinsic characteristics such as strength, dexterity, charisma, etc., as well as variable characteristics such as health, mana (if the game includes magic), etc.
Character inventory
If our game includes the ability for the player to carry around objects, we’ll need to keep track of the items carried.
Character location/relationship to the game world
If our game allows the player to move their character from one location to another, this information needs to be stored as well.

In addition, we need to store all this data for large numbers of players who might be playing the game simultaneously, and this data needs to be both readable and writable with minimal latency in order to ensure responsiveness during gameplay.

In addition to the preceding data, we also need to store data for:

These include various artifacts that the character might interact with such as weapons, armor, treasure, etc.
The various locations in which characters and items might find themselves such as rooms, halls, etc.

Another consideration when designing the persistence backend for an online game is its flexibility. Particularly in early releases of a game, we might wish to change gameplay mechanics significantly as players provide feedback. When implementing these changes, being able to migrate persistent data from one format to another with minimal (or no) downtime is essential.

The solution presented by this use case assumes that the read and write performance is equally important and must be accessible with minimal latency.

Schema Design

Ultimately, the particulars of the schema depend on the design of the game. When designing our schema, we’ll try to encapsulate all the commonly used data into a small number of objects in order to minimize the number of queries to the database and the number of seeks in a query. Encapsulating all player state into a character collection, item data into an item collection, and location data into a location collection satisfies both these criteria.

Character Schema

In a role-playing game, then, a typical character state document might look like the following:

    _id: ObjectId('...'),
    name: 'Tim',
    character: {
        intrinsics: {
            strength: 10,
            dexterity: 16,
            intelligence: 17,
            charisma: 8 },
        'class': 'mage',
        health: 212,
        mana: 152
    location: {
        id: 'maze-1',
        description: 'a maze of twisty little passages...',
    exits: {n:'maze-2', s:'maze-1', e:'maze-3'},
        players: [
            { id:ObjectId('...'), name:'grue' },
            { id:ObjectId('...'), name:'Tim' }
        inventory: [
            { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:'scroll of cause fear' }]
    gold: 523,
    armor: [
        { id:ObjectId('...'), region:'head'},
    { id:ObjectId('...'), region:'body'},
    { id:ObjectId('...'), region:'feet'}],
    weapons: [ {id:ObjectId('...'), hand:'both'} ],
    inventory: [
        { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:'backpack', inventory: [
            { qty:4, id:ObjectId('...'), name: 'potion of healing'},
        { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name: 'scroll of magic mapping'},
            { qty:2, id:ObjectId('...'), name: 'c-rations'} ]},
        { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:"wizard's hat", bonus:3},
    { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:"wizard's robe", bonus:0},
    { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:"old boots", bonus:0},
    { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:"quarterstaff", bonus:2} ]

There are a few things to note about this document:

  • Information about the character’s location in the game is encapsulated under the location attribute. Note in particular that all of the information necessary to describe the room is encapsulated within the character state document. This allows the game system to render the room without making a second query to the database to get room information.
  • The armor and weapons attributes contain little information about the actual items being worn or carried. This information is actually stored under the inventory property. Since the inventory information is stored in the same document, there is no need to replicate the detailed information about each item into the armor and weapons properties.
  • The inventory contains the item details necessary for rendering each item in the character’s possession, including any enchantments (bonus) and quantity. Once again, embedding this data into the character record means we don’t have to perform a separate query to fetch item details necessary for display.

Item Schema

Likewise, the item schema should include all details about all items globally in the game:

    _id: ObjectId('...'),
    name: 'backpack',
    bonus: null,
    inventory: [
        { qty:4, id:ObjectId('...'), name: 'potion of healing'},
    { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name: 'scroll of magic mapping'},
        { qty:2, id:ObjectId('...'), name: 'c-rations'} ]},
    weight: 12,
    price: 160,

Note that this document contains more or less the same information as stored in the inventory attribute of character documents, as well as additional data that may only be needed sporadically in the case of gameplay such as weight and price.

Location Schema

Finally, the location schema specifies the state of the world in the game:

    id: 'maze-1',
    description: 'a maze of twisty little passages...',
    exits: {n:'maze-2', s:'maze-1', e:'maze-3'},
    players: [
        { id:ObjectId('...'), name:'grue' },
        { id:ObjectId('...'), name:'Tim' } ],
    inventory: [
        { qty:1, id:ObjectId('...'), name:'scroll of cause fear' } ],

Here, note that location stores exactly the same information as is stored in the location attribute of the character document. We’ll use location as the system of record when the game requires interaction between multiple characters or between characters and noninventory items.


In an online gaming system, with the state embedded in a single document for character, item, and location, the primary operations we’ll be performing are as follows:

  • Querying for the character state by _id
  • Extracting relevant data for display
  • Updating various attributes about the character

This section describes procedures for performing these queries, extractions, and updates. In particular, we will avoid loading the location or item documents except when absolutely necessary.

Load Character Data from MongoDB

The most basic operation in this system is loading the character state:

>>> character = db.characters.find_one({'_id': character_id})

In this case, the default index that MongoDB supplies on the _id field is sufficient for good performance of this query.

Extract Armor and Weapon Data for Display

In order to save space, the character schema just described stores item details only in the inventory attribute, storing ObjectIds in other locations. To display these item details, as on a character summary window, we need to merge the information from the armor and weapons attributes with information from the inventory attribute.

Suppose, for instance, that our code is displaying the armor data using the following Jinja2 template:

    {% if value.head %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if value.hands %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if value.feet %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if value.body %}
      <dt>Body Armor</dt>
      <dd><ul>{% for piece in value.body %}
      {% endfor %}</ul></dd>
    {% endif %}

In this case, we want the various description fields to be text similar to “+3 wizard’s hat.” The context passed to this template, then, would be of the following form:

    "head": [ { "id":..., "description": "+3 wizard's hat" } ],
    "hands": [],
    "feet": [ { "id":..., "description": "old boots" } ],
    "body": [ { "id":..., "description": "wizard's robe" } ],

In order to build up this structure, we’ll use the following helper functions:

def get_item_index(inventory):
    '''Given an inventory attribute, recursively build up an item
    index (including all items contained within other items)

    result = {}
    for item in inventory:
        result[item['_id']] = item
        if 'inventory' in item:
    return result

def describe_item(item):
    '''Add a 'description' field to the given item'''

    result = dict(item)
    if item['bonus']:
        description = '%+d %s' % (item['bonus'], item['name'])
        description = item['name']
    result['description'] = description
    return result

def get_armor_for_display(character, item_index):
    '''Given a character document, return an 'armor' value
    suitable for display'''

    result = dict(head=[], hands=[], feet=[], body=[])
    for piece in character['armor']:
        item = describe_item(item_index[piece['id']])
    return result

In order to actually display the armor, then, we’d use the following code:

>>> item_index = get_item_index(
...     character['inventory'] + character['location']['inventory'])
>>> armor = get_armor_for_dislay(character, item_index)

Note in particular that we’re building an index not only for the items the character is actually carrying in inventory, but also for the items that the player might interact with in the room.

Similarly, in order to display the weapon information, we need to build a structure such as the following:

    "left": None,
    "right": None,
    "both": { "description": "+2 quarterstaff" }

The helper function is similar to that for get_armor_for_display:

def get_weapons_for_display(character, item_index):
    '''Given a character document, return a 'weapons' value
    suitable for display'''

    result = dict(left=None, right=None, both=None)
    for piece in character['weapons']:
        item = describe_item(item_index[piece['id']])
        result[piece['hand']] = item
    return result

In order to actually display the weapons, then, we’d use the following code:

>>> armor = get_weapons_for_display(character, item_index)

Extract Character Attributes, Inventory, and Room Information for Display

In order to display information about the character’s attributes, inventory, and surroundings, we also need to extract fields from the character state. In this case, however, the schema just defined keeps all the relevant information for display embedded in those sections of the document. The code for extracting this data, then, is the following:

>>> attributes = character['character']
>>> inventory = character['inventory']
>>> room_data = character['location']

Pick Up an Item from a Room

In our game, suppose the player decides to pick up an item from the room and add it to their inventory. In this case, we need to update both the character state and the global location state:

def pick_up_item(character, item_index, item_id):
    '''Transfer an item from the current room to the character's inventory'''

    item = item_index[item_id]
        { '_id': character['_id'] },
        { '$push': { 'inventory': item },
          '$pull': { 'location.inventory': { '_id': item['id'] } } })
        { '_id': character['location']['id'] },
        { '$pull': { 'inventory': { 'id': item_id } } })

While the preceding code may be for a single-player game, if we allow multiple players or nonplayer characters to pick up items, that introduces a problem where two characters may try to pick up an item simultaneously. To guard against that, we can use the location collection to decide between ties. In this case, the code is now the following:

def pick_up_item(character, item_index, item_id):
    '''Transfer an item from the current room to the character's inventory'''

    item = item_index[item_id]
    result = db.location.update(
        { '_id': character['location']['id'],
          '': item_id },
        { '$pull': { 'inventory': { 'id': item_id } } },
     if not result['updatedExisting']:
         raise Conflict()
        { '_id': character['_id'] },
        { '$push': { 'inventory': item },
          '$pull': { 'location': { '_id': item['id'] } } })

By ensuring that the item is present before removing it from the room in the update call, we guarantee that only one player/nonplayer character/monster can pick up the item.

Remove an Item from a Container

In the game described here, the backpack item can contain other items. We might further suppose that some other items may be similarly hierarchical (e.g., a chest in a room). Suppose that the player wishes to move an item from one of these “containers” into their active inventory as a prelude to using it. In this case, we need to update both the character state and the item state:

def move_to_active_inventory(character, item_index, container_id, item_id):
    '''Transfer an item from the given container to the character's active

    result = db.item.update( 1
        { '_id': container_id,
          '': item_id },
        { '$pull': { 'inventory': { 'id': item_id } } },
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
        raise Conflict()
    item = item_index[item_id]
    container = item_index[item_id]
    character['inventory'].append(item) 2
    container['inventory'] = [ 3
        item for item in container['inventory']
        if item['_id'] != item_id ]
    db.character.update( 4
        { '_id': character['_id'] },
        { '$push': { 'inventory': item } } )
    db.character.update( 5
        { '_id': character['_id'], '': container_id },
        { '$pull': { 'inventory.$.inventory': { 'id': item_id } } } )

Note in this code that we:


Ensure that the item’s state makes this update reasonable (the item is actually contained within the container). Abort with an error if this is not true.


Update the in-memory character document’s inventory, adding the item.


Update the in-memory container document’s inventory, removing the item.


Update the character document in MongoDB.


In the case that the character is moving an item from a container in his own inventory, update the character’s inventory representation of the container.

Move the Character to a Different Room

In our game, suppose the player decides to move north. In this case, we need to update the character state to match the new location:

def move(character, direction):
    '''Move the character to a new location'''

    # Remove character from current location
        {'_id': character['location']['id'] },
        {'$pull': {'players': {'id': character['_id'] } } })
    # Add character to new location, retrieve new location data
    new_location = db.location.find_and_modify(
        { '_id': character['location']['exits'][direction] },
        { '$push': { 'players': {
            'id': character['_id'],
            'name': character['name'] } } },
    character['location'] = new_location
        { '_id': character['_id'] },
        { '$set': { 'location': new_location } })

Here, note that the code updates the old room, the new room, and the character document. Since we’re using $push and $pull operations to update the location collection, we don’t need to worry about race conditions.

Buy an Item

If the character wants to buy an item, we need to do the following:

  1. Add that item to the character’s inventory.
  2. Decrement the character’s gold.
  3. Increment the shopkeeper’s gold.
  4. Update the room.

The following code does just that:

def buy(character, shopkeeper, item_id):
    '''Pick up an item, add to the character's inventory, and transfer
    payment to the shopkeeper

    price = db.item.find_one({'_id': item_id}, {'price':1})['price']
    result = db.character.update(
        { '_id': character['_id'],
          'gold': { '$gte': price } },
        { '$inc': { 'gold': -price } },
        safe=True )
    if not result['updatedExisting']:
         raise InsufficientFunds()
        pick_up_item(character, item_id)
        # Add the gold back to the character
        result = db.character.update(
            { '_id': character['_id'] },
            { '$inc': { 'gold': price } } )
    character['gold'] -= price
        { '_id': shopkeeper['_id'] },
        { '$inc': { 'gold': price } } )

Note that the buy() function ensures that the character has sufficient gold to pay for the item using the updatedExisting trick used for picking up items. The race condition for item pickup is handled as well, “rolling back” the removal of gold from the character’s wallet if the item cannot be picked up.


If the system needs to scale beyond a single MongoDB node, we’ll want to use a sharded cluster. Sharding in this use case is fairly straightforward, since all our items are always retrieved by _id. To shard the character and location collections, the commands would be the following:

>>> db.command('shardcollection', 'dbname.character', {
...     'key': { '_id': 1 } })
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.character", "ok" : 1 }
>>> db.command('shardcollection', 'dbname.location', {
...     'key': { '_id': 1 } })
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.location", "ok" : 1 }
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