
In this book, you’ve seen some common design patterns used with MongoDB applications:

  • Embedding subdocuments versus referencing them by _id
  • Using MongoDB’s dynamic schemas to enable polymorphic data
  • Methods of mimicking transactions with a nontransactional database

You’ve also seen examples of how you might apply these design patterns in various scenarios:

  • Real-time analytics
  • Ecommerce
  • Content management systems
  • Online advertising
  • Social networking
  • Online gaming

The truth, of course, is that the world of NoSQL, and particularly MongoDB, is exploding right now. No book can hope to be a comprehensive catalog of schema design, operational architecture, sharding, and replication setup. My hope is that this book has given you a flavor for the kinds of decisions you’re going to have to make in your own applications. By seeing concrete examples of problems and good MongoDB solutions, you should be able to extend the approaches here to the particular problems you face.

Where Do I Go from Here?

Some of the best sources for ongoing MongoDB education and networking are the MongoDB conference series and user groups. 10gen (the MongoDB company) hosts one-day conferences, sometimes accompanied by training workshops, in various cities around the world. For a list of conferences, some of the meetups, as well as other upcoming events, you can visit 10gen’s Events and Webinars page.

Additionally, several of the use cases in this book can also be found in the MongoDB Manual’s Use Cases section, along with a wealth of additional documentation.

We have a web page for this book, where we list errata, examples, and any additional information. You can access this page at

To comment or ask technical questions about this book, send email to .

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