
Whether you’re building the newest and hottest social media website or developing an internal-use-only enterprise business intelligence application, scaling your data model has never been more important. Traditional relational databases, while familiar, present significant challenges and complications when trying to scale up to such “big data” needs. Into this world steps MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, to address these scaling challenges while also simplifying the process of development.

However, in all the hype surrounding big data, many sites have launched their business on NoSQL databases without an understanding of the techniques necessary to effectively use the features of their chosen database. This book provides the much-needed connection between the features of MongoDB and the business problems that it is suited to solve. The book’s focus on the practical aspects of the MongoDB implementation makes it an ideal purchase for developers charged with bringing MongoDB’s scalability to bear on the particular problem you’ve been tasked to solve.


This book is intended for those who are interested in learning practical patterns for solving problems and designing applications using MongoDB. Although most of the features of MongoDB highlighted in this book have a basic description here, this is not a beginning MongoDB book. For such an introduction, the reader would be well-served to start with MongoDB: The Definitive Guide by Kristina Chodorow and Michael Dirolf (O’Reilly) or, for a Python-specific introduction, MongoDB and Python by Niall O’Higgins (O’Reilly).

Assumptions This Book Makes

Most of the code examples used in this book are implemented using either the Python or JavaScript programming languages, so a basic familiarity with their syntax is essential to getting the most out of this book. Additionally, many of the examples and patterns are contrasted with approaches to solving the same problems using relational databases, so basic familiarity with SQL and relational modeling is also helpful.

Contents of This Book

This book is divided into two parts, with Part I focusing on general MongoDB design patterns and Part II applying those patterns to particular problem domains.

Part I: Design Patterns

Part I introduces the reader to some generally applicable design patterns in MongoDB. These chapters include more introductory material than Part II, and tend to focus more on MongoDB techniques and less on domain-specific problems. The techniques described here tend to make use of MongoDB distinctives, or generate a sense of “hey, MongoDB can’t do that” as you learn that yes, indeed, it can.

Chapter 1: To Embed or Reference
This chapter describes what kinds of documents can be stored in MongoDB, and illustrates the trade-offs between schemas that embed related documents within related documents and schemas where documents simply reference one another by ID. It will focus on the performance benefits of embedding, and when the complexity added by embedding outweighs the performance gains.
Chapter 2: Polymorphic Schemas
This chapter begins by illustrating that MongoDB collections are schemaless, with the schema actually being stored in individual documents. It then goes on to show how this feature, combined with document embedding, enables a flexible and efficient polymorphism in MongoDB.
Chapter 3: Mimicking Transactional Behavior
This chapter is a kind of apologia for MongoDB’s lack of complex, multidocument transactions. It illustrates how MongoDB’s modifiers, combined with document embedding, can often accomplish in a single atomic document update what SQL would require several distinct updates to achieve. It also explores a pattern for implementing an application-level, two-phase commit protocol to provide transactional guarantees in MongoDB when they are absolutely required.

Part II: Use Cases

In Part II, we turn to the “applied” part of Applied Design Patterns, showing several use cases and the application of MongoDB patterns to solving domain-specific problems. Each chapter here covers a particular problem domain and the techniques and patterns used to address the problem.

Chapter 4: Operational Intelligence
This chapter describes how MongoDB can be used for operational intelligence, or “real-time analytics” of business data. It describes a simple event logging system, extending that system through the use of periodic and incremental hierarchical aggregation. It then concludes with a description of a true real-time incremental aggregation system, the Mongo Monitoring Service (MMS), and the techniques and trade-offs made there to achieve high performance on huge amounts of data over hundreds of customers with a (relatively) small amount of hardware.
Chapter 5: Ecommerce
This chapter begins by describing how MongoDB can be used as a product catalog master, focusing on the polymorphic schema techniques and methods of storing hierarchy in MongoDB. It then describes an inventory management system that uses optimistic updating and compensation to achieve eventual consistency even without two-phase commit.
Chapter 6: Content Management Systems
This chapter describes how MongoDB can be used as a backend for a content management system. In particular, it focuses on the use of polymorphic schemas for storing content nodes, the use of GridFS and Binary fields to store binary assets, and various approaches to storing discussions.
Chapter 7: Online Advertising Networks
This chapter describes the design of an online advertising network. The focus here is on embedded documents and complex atomic updates, as well as making sure that the storage engine (MongoDB) never becomes the bottleneck in the ad-serving decision. It will cover techniques for frequency capping ad impressions, keyword targeting, and keyword bidding.
Chapter 8: Social Networking
This chapter describes how MongoDB can be used to store a relatively complex social graph, modeled after the Google+ product, with users in various circles, allowing fine-grained control over what is shared with whom. The focus here is on maintaining the graph, as well as categorizing content into various timelines and news feeds.
Chapter 9: Online Gaming
This chapter describes how MongoDB can be used to store data necessary for an online, multiplayer role-playing game. We show how character and world data can be stored in MongoDB, allowing for concurrent access to the same data structures from multiple players.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:

Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.
Constant width
Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.
Constant width bold
Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.
Constant width italic
Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


This icon signifies a tip, suggestion, or general note.


This icon indicates a warning or caution.

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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “MongoDB Applied Design Patterns by Rick Copeland (O’Reilly). Copyright 2013 Richard D. Copeland, Jr., 978-1-449-34004-9.”

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Many thanks go to O’Reilly’s Meghan Blanchette, who endured the frustrations of trying to get a technical guy writing a book to come up with a workable schedule and stick to it. Sincere thanks also go to my technical reviewers, Jesse Davis and Mike Dirolf, who helped catch the errors in this book so the reader wouldn’t have to suffer through them.

Much additional appreciation goes to 10gen, the makers of MongoDB, and the wonderful employees who not only provide a great technical product but have also become genuinely close friends over the past few years. In particular, my thanks go out to Jared Rosoff, whose ideas for use cases and design patterns helped inspire (and subsidize!) this book, and to Meghan Gill, for actually putting me back in touch with O’Reilly and getting the process off the ground, as well as providing a wealth of opportunities to attend and speak at various MongoDB conferences.

Thanks go to my children, Matthew and Anna, who’ve been exceedingly tolerant of a Daddy who loves to play with them in our den but can sometimes only send a hug over Skype.

Finally, and as always, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to my wonderful and beloved wife, Nancy, for her support and confidence in me throughout the years and for inspiring me to many greater things than I could have hoped to achieve alone. I couldn’t possibly have done this without you.

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