
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


capped collections, Capped collections
carted attribute, Modifying the quantity in the cart
category hierarchy (see product categories)
character data in online gaming, Solution Overview, Character Schema, Load Character Data from MongoDB, Extract Character Attributes, Inventory, and Room Information for Display
choose_ad() call, Design 3: Keyword Targeting
chunks, Limitations
chunk_size, Upload a photo
circles property, Independent Collections, Viewing a News Feed or Wall Posts
cleanup operations, Optimistic Update with Compensation, Error handling
CMS (content management systems)
comment storage, Storing CommentsSharding Concerns
content storage, Metadata and Asset ManagementSharding Concerns
capped, Capped collections
dependent, Dependent Collections
for GridFS data, GridFS
in MongoDB, Referencing for Flexibility
independent, Independent Collections
multiple, Multiple collections, single database
TTL, TTL collections
uncapped, Solution Overview
vs. indexes, Rules of index design
collstats command, Aside: managing index size
comment storage in CMS
hybrid schema design, Approach: Hybrid Schema Design
operations for, Approach: One Document per CommentOperation: Retrieve a comment via direct links
sharding for, Sharding Concerns
solution overview, Solution Overview
embedding, Approach: Embedding All Comments
non-threaded, Operation: View paginated comments
on social networking sites, Commenting on a Post
one per page, Approach: One Document per Comment
posting new, Operation: Post a new comment, Operation: Post a new comment, Operation: Post a new comment
retrieving via direct links, Operation: Retrieve comments via direct links, Operation: Retrieve a comment via direct links, Operation: Retrieve a comment via direct links
threaded, Operation: View paginated comments, Operation: View paginated comments
viewing paginated, Operation: View paginated comments, Operation: View paginated comments, Operation: View paginated comments
comments collection, Approach: One Document per Comment
complex updates, Using Complex Updates
compound documents, Compound Documents
compound shard keys, Option 4: Shard by combining a natural and synthetic key, Sharding Concerns
content storage in CMS
operations for, OperationsGenerate a feed of recently published blog articles
schema design, Schema Design
sharding for, Sharding Concerns
solution overview, Solution Overview
continue_on_error, Bulk inserts
cookies, Design 2: Adding Frequency Capping
CPC (cost per click) ads, Schema Design
CPM (cost per mille) ads, Schema Design
creating content nodes, Create and edit content nodes
cutoff variable, Creating hourly views from event collections


hashes, Limitations
helper function, Add a category to the hierarchy, Extract Armor and Weapon Data for Display
hierarchical aggregated reports
operations for, OperationsRefactor map functions
schema design, Schema Design
sharding, Sharding Concerns
solution overview, Solution Overview
hierarchical classification (see product categories)
hierarchical documents, One document per page per day, hierarchical documents
hint(), Rules of index design
historical charts, Get data for a historical chart
hourly field, One document per page per day, flat documents
hourly statistics, Creating hourly views from event collections
h_aggregate function, Refactor map functions


j (journal) option, Inserting a log record
JavaScript lock, MapReduce
join collection query, Many-to-Many Relationships
JOIN operation, So What’s the Problem?, Multiple-table inheritance
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, MongoDB Document Format


many-to-many (M:N) relationships, Many-to-Many Relationships
mapf function, MapReduce
MapReduce, MapReduce
mapreduce command, Hierarchical Aggregation, Solution Overview
$match operation, Counting requests by day and page, Counting requests by day and page
media sites, Online Advertising Networks
metadata management (see content storage in CMS)
migration scripts, Polymorphic Schemas Enable Schema Evolution
Ming, Object-Document Mappers
minute property, One document per page per day, flat documents
mongod, Scaling read performance without sharding, Sharding Concerns
aggregation framework, Counting requests by day and page
arrays of data in, To Embed or Reference
atomic update operations in, Mimicking Transactional Behavior, Using Complex Updates, Conclusion
automatic sharding, Embedding for Atomicity and Isolation
benefits and complications of, MongoDB: Who Needs Normalization, Anyway?
BSON document format, MongoDB: Who Needs Normalization, Anyway?, Schema Design
data storage for CMS, Metadata and Asset Management
distributed operation design, The Relational Approach to Consistency
document size limit, Referencing for Potentially High-Arity Relationships, Referencing for Potentially High-Arity Relationships
effective use of, Conclusion
embedding vs. referencing in, To Embed or Reference
full text index, Find movies with a particular word in the title
index design, Rules of index design
loading character data from, Load Character Data from MongoDB
mapreduce output modes, Creating hourly views from event collections
multidocument transactions, Embedding for Atomicity and Isolation
polymorphic schemas in, Polymorphic Schemas, Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming
product catalog data, The MongoDB answer
query optimizer, Rules of index design
RAM in, Aside: managing index size
schema design flexibility, Conclusion
storage efficiency, Storage (In-)Efficiency of BSON
update operators, The Relational Approach to Consistency
updating documents in, Polymorphic Schemas Enable Schema Evolution
vs. relational database model for product catalogs, Solution OverviewThe MongoDB answer
vs. relational databases, Relational Data Modeling and Normalization, Conclusion, Buy an Item
MongoEngine, Object-Document Mappers
MongoKit, Object-Document Mappers
mongos, Scaling read performance without sharding, Sharding Concerns
monthly field, One document per page per day, flat documents
monthly statistics, Weekly and monthly aggregation
multi option, Rename a category
multiple collections, Multiple collections, single database
multiple databases, Multiple databases
multistatement transactions, Embedding for Atomicity and Isolation


object-document mapper (ODM), Object-Document Mappers
object-oriented (OO) programming, Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented ProgrammingPolymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming
ObjectID, Schema Design, Option 1: Shard by time, Schema Design
one-to-many relationships, Referencing for Potentially High-Arity Relationships, Conclusion
online advertising networks
operations for, Operation: Make an Ad Campaign Inactive, Operation: Choose an Ad to Serve, Operation: Choose a Group of Ads to Serve
schema design, Schema Design, Schema Design, Sharding
sharding for, Sharding Concerns, Sharding
solution overview, Solution Overview
online gaming
operations for, OperationsBuy an Item
schema design, Schema Design
sharding for, Sharding
solution overview, Solution Overview
online shopping carts
adding items to, Add an item to a shopping cart
checking out, Checking out
handling errors in, Error handling
modifying quantities in, Modifying the quantity in the cart
timed-out, Returning inventory from timed-out carts
operational architecture
CMS comment storage, Storing CommentsOperation: Retrieve a comment via direct links
CMS content storage, OperationsGenerate a feed of recently published blog articles
event data storage, OperationsCounting requests by day and page
hierarchical aggregated reports, OperationsRefactor map functions
online advertising networks, Operation: Make an Ad Campaign Inactive, Operation: Choose an Ad to Serve, Operation: Choose a Group of Ads to Serve
online gaming, OperationsBuy an Item
online shopping carts, OperationsError handling
pre-aggregated reports, OperationsGet data for a historical chart
product catalogs, OperationsConclusion: Index all the things!
product categories, OperationsRename a category
social networking, OperationsMaintaining the Social Graph
operational intelligence (see real-time analytics)
output modes for mapreduce, Creating hourly views from event collections


page faults, Referencing for Potentially High-Arity Relationships
paginated comments, Operation: View paginated comments, Operation: View paginated comments, Operation: View paginated comments
patterns (see operational architecture)
photos, Object-Document Mappers, Solution Overview, Upload a photo
plain-text logfiles, Storing Log Data
polymorphic inheritance modeling, Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming
polymorphic schemas
in MongoDB, Polymorphic Schemas
object-oriented programming, Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented ProgrammingPolymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming
schema evolution, Polymorphic Schemas Enable Schema Evolution
semi-structured domain data, Polymorphic Schemas Support Semi-Structured Domain Data
polymorphism, Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming
positional operation $, Rename a category, Modifying the quantity in the cart
posting new comments, Operation: Post a new comment, Operation: Post a new comment, Operation: Post a new comment
posting on social networking sites, Commenting on a Post, Creating a New Post
pre-aggregated reports
operations for, OperationsGet data for a historical chart
schema design, Schema DesignSeparate documents by granularity level
sharding, Sharding Concerns
solution overview, Solution Overview
pre-allocating documents, One document per page per day, flat documents, Pre-allocate
prefix regex, Find movies with a particular word in the title
product catalogs
operations for, OperationsConclusion: Index all the things!
sharding for, Sharding Concerns
solution overview, Solution OverviewThe MongoDB answer
product categories
add/insert operation, Add a category to the hierarchy
operations for, OperationsRename a category
read and display operation, Read and display a category
renaming, Rename a category
reorganizing, Change the ancestry of a category
schema design, Schema Design
sharding for, Sharding Concerns
solution overview, Solution Overview
product collection, Modifying the quantity in the cart
$project operator, Counting requests by day and page
property-value pairs, Polymorphic Schemas Support Semi-Structured Domain Data
public property, Independent Collections
$pull operator, Add an item to a shopping cart, Operation: Make an Ad Campaign Inactive, Move the Character to a Different Room
$push operator, Using Complex Updates, Operation: Post a new comment, Operation: Post a new comment, Move the Character to a Different Room
pymongo, Operations
Python, Operations
Python dict, Inserting a log record, Find movies with a particular word in the title


race conditions, Using Complex Updates, Optimistic Update with Compensation, Error handling, Move the Character to a Different Room
document size and, Referencing for Potentially High-Arity Relationships
index size and, Aside: managing index size, Sharding Concerns, Creating a New Post
random seeks, So What’s the Problem?
raw transactional data, Storing Log Data
RDBMS (relational database modeling system), Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming, Storage (In-)Efficiency of BSON, Conclusion
read_preference keyword argument, Scaling read performance without sharding
real-time analytics
hierarchical aggregated reports, Hierarchical AggregationSharding Concerns
pre-aggregated reports, Pre-Aggregated ReportsSharding Concerns
schema requirements for, Schema Design
real-time charts, Retrieving data for a real-time chart
reduce function, Creating hourly views from event collections
redundancy, What Is a Normal Form, Anyway?
regex (regular expression), Find movies with a particular word in the title
relational databases
atomic multistatement transactions, Mimicking Transactional Behavior
isolation levels, Embedding for Atomicity and Isolation
maintaining consistency, The Relational Approach to Consistency
multistatement transactions, Embedding for Atomicity and Isolation
normal forms, What Is a Normal Form, Anyway?What Is a Normal Form, Anyway?
performance issues, So What’s the Problem?
polymorphic schemas in, Polymorphic Schemas to Support Object-Oriented Programming
product catalog data models, Solution OverviewAvoid modeling product data altogether
schema evolution, Polymorphic Schemas Enable Schema Evolution
vs. MongoDB, Conclusion, Buy an Item
remove(), TTL collections
replication, Inserting a log record
retire_transaction, Optimistic Update with Compensation
retrieving comments via direct links, Operation: Retrieve comments via direct links, Operation: Retrieve a comment via direct links
right-aligned indexes, Aside: managing index size, Creating a New Post
role-playing games, Online Gaming


safe mode, Add an item to a shopping cart, Create and edit content nodes
.save(), Error handling
schema design
basic ad serving, Schema Design
CMS comment storage, Approach: Hybrid Schema Design
CMS content storage, Schema Design
event logs, Schema Design
flexibility of MongoDB, Conclusion
frequency capping, Schema Design
hierarchical aggregated reports, Schema Design
inventory management, Schema
keyword targeting, Schema Design
online gaming, Schema Design
pre-aggregated reports, Schema DesignSeparate documents by granularity level
product categories, Schema Design
social networking, Schema DesignDependent Collections
sd property, Object-Document Mappers
semi-structured domain data, Polymorphic Schemas Support Semi-Structured Domain Data
serving ads, Operation: Choose an Ad to Serve, Operation: Choose an Ad to Serve, Operation: Choose a Group of Ads to Serve
$set modifier, Modifying the quantity in the cart
shard clusters, Sharding Concerns, Sharding
shard keys
compound, Option 4: Shard by combining a natural and synthetic key, Sharding Concerns, Sharding Concerns
files_id field, Sharding Concerns
hashes, Limitations
in MongoDB, Limitations
node_id, Sharding Concerns
path field, Option 3: Shard by an evenly distributed key in the data set
selecting, Test with your own data
semi-random, Option 2: Shard by a semi-random key
slug or full slug, Sharding Concerns
three-part, Sharding Concerns
timestamps, Limitations
type field, Sharding Concerns
unique indexes, Sharding Concerns
user_id, Sharding
_id field, Sharding Concerns, Sharding
shardcollection command, Sharding Concerns, Sharding Concerns
ad serving, Sharding Concerns
automatic, Embedding for Atomicity and Isolation, Sharding Concerns
CMS comment storage, Sharding Concerns
CMS content storage, Sharding Concerns
event data, Sharding ConcernsTest with your own data
frequency capping, Sharding
hierarchical aggregated reports, Sharding Concerns
inventory management, Sharding Concerns
online gaming, Sharding
pre-aggregated reports, Sharding Concerns
product catalogs, Sharding Concerns
product categories, Sharding Concerns
social networking, Sharding
shopping carts (see online shopping carts)
short_description field, Object-Document Mappers
site_id, Design 1: Basic Ad Serving, Operation: Choose an Ad to Serve, Design 3: Keyword Targeting
$size query, Dependent Collections
skip(), Referencing for Flexibility
$slice operator, Operation: View paginated comments
slug field, Read and display a category, Schema Design
social graphs, Solution Overview, Maintaining the Social Graph
social networking
operations for, OperationsMaintaining the Social Graph
schema design, Schema DesignDependent Collections
sharding for, Sharding
solution overview, Solution Overview
SQL equivalent statements, Counting requests by day and page
status updates, Solution Overview
$sum statement, Counting requests by day and page
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