© Jarred Capellman, Louis Salin 2020
J. Capellman, L. SalinMonoGame Masteryhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6309-9_5

5. Asset Pipeline

Jarred Capellman1  and Louis Salin1
Cedar Park, TX, USA
Now that we have a firm understanding of the game engine architecture to be reviewed in this book, it is time to focus on the next major component of our engine: assets. As briefly discussed in Chapter 3, MonoGame provides an easy-to-use and expandable interface to accessing assets. Over the course of this chapter, we will
  • Learn how the MonoGame Asset Pipeline works

  • Learn how to use the MonoGame Asset Tool

  • Integrate the Asset Pipeline into our engine

  • Add a player sprite to the game

MonoGame Asset Pipeline

For those with XNA experience, the Asset Pipeline will be very familiar to you as MonoGame builds upon the XNA Asset Pipeline. The major change is that XNA required the assets to be compressed and packed at build time. This caused a major issue for larger projects where the build and testing times were considerable. Thankfully, MonoGame switched this to split the building of the Asset Pipeline and building of your code by providing the MonoGame Pipeline Tool (to be discussed in the next section).

In addition, MonoGame continues to provide all of the benefits that XNA's pipeline offered:
  1. 1.

    Extensibility to support custom file formats

  2. 2.

    Built-in support for XML, video, music, sound, and image

  3. 3.

    Image compression optimizations for each platform (DXTC, for instance, on PCs)

  4. 4.

    Loading system utilizing C#'s generics

The pipeline as of this writing supports asset optimizations and targeting for
  1. 1.

    PCs (Windows, Linux, MacOS X)

  2. 2.

    Consoles (Xbox 360, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, PSP, PS4)

  3. 3.

    Mobile (iOS and Android)

  4. 4.

    Raspberry Pi


ContentManager Class

At the core of the Asset Pipeline inside our engine that we will be continuing to evolve throughout this book is the ContentManager class . This class will provide the main interface to both load and retrieve content of various types such as sound, graphics, and levels. At a high level, the following methods are the main methods to provide this functionality. As a reminder, the source code for this class and all examples found in this book are available at www.apress.com/ISBN.

T LoadLocalized<T>(string assetName)

The LoadLocalized method as the name implies takes the assetName parameter and then builds the localized assetName in a loop like so:
string localizedAssetName = assetName + "." + cultureName

where cultureName is derived from both the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name and CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName. For example, the former would return “en-US” and the latter would return “en”. For localized fonts, text graphics and audio files using the LoadLocalized should be used instead of Load.

I should note, if no localized assets are found, MonoGame automatically falls back to the Load method.

T Load<T>(string assetName)

The Load method takes a type of T and internally calls the ReadAsset method. Unfortunately, at this time there are no constraints on the type of T; therefore, I should caution the types passed in. Upon successful reading of the asset, the object is added to the internal loadedAssets dictionary based on the assetName (it is used as the key). Not commonly known, if the type of T and the assetName match a preexisting key/value pair, the call to ReadAsset is avoided and the object is simply returned.

void Unload()

The Unload method as the name implies calls the dispose method on all of the disposable assets that were previously loaded. In addition, both the loadedAssets Dictionary and disposableAlerts List collection are also cleared.

In the Game class that we have and will utilize throughout this book, the ContentManager class is accessible via the Content property.

MonoGame Pipeline Tool

Key to the pipeline is the MonoGame Pipeline Tool (depicted in Figure 5-1). This tool provides a clear separation of concerns between the code for your MonoGame project and your assets. This separation provides an easy-to-use tool for artists, audio engineers, and software engineers collaborating on larger projects. Checking in the compiled content file and assets to source control is an easy way to develop a project following the agile process.
Figure 5-1

MonoGame Pipeline Tool

For those curious, the pipeline tool as of the 3.10 release supports MacOS X and Linux, whereas prior to that release the tool was for Windows only. The same functionality exists on all three platforms with no known differences as of this writing.

Integrate the Asset Pipeline into the Engine

Now that we have reviewed MonoGame's built-in Asset pipeline functionality, let us implement a proper way to handle asset loading and unloading in our engine.

You may recall in previous examples we simply referenced the ContentManager inside the LoadContent and UnloadContent methods in our Game States. This has the benefit of following a singleton pattern, but also doesn't provide any way to handle global assets. The reason being, when calling Unload on the ContentManager, all assets are unloaded. In a game, you more than likely have common assets such as fonts, sounds, and graphics that you wouldn't want to have to reload on every game state. You might be wondering why the ContentManager doesn't provide a way to unload certain objects – this has been discussed and requested as a feature in a future version.

To work around this limitation in the current version of MonoGame, the widely accepted solution is to simply pass in the main ContentManager and create a local copy within each Game State. For the scope of this chapter, that is the solution we will apply.

Now let us dive into the enhancements to our engine!


You may recall, the abstract BaseGameState class is the primary class powering all of our game engine's states to derive from. For the scope of the chapter, we will be making several changes to support the new content loading.

The first change is to add a constant variable for the fallback texture (to be discussed in the next section):
private const string FallbackTexture = "Empty";
The second change is to add a private variable to hold the ContentManager class:
private ContentManager _contentManager;
The third change is to add a new method to initialize the private ContentManager variable:
public void Initialize(ContentManager contentManager)
    _contentManager = contentManager;
The fourth change is to swap the abstract UnloadContent method in favor of an implemented method that calls our new private ContentManager's Unload method:
public void UnloadContent()
The last change is to add a wrapper around the loading of textures along with the fallback to our fallback texture in case of a missing texture asset:
protected Texture2D LoadTexture(string textureName)
    var texture = _contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(textureName);
    return texture ?? _contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(FallbackTexture);

As noted in the ContentManager class deep dive, this approach to wrapping the texture loading avoids accidentally passing an incompatible type of T to the Load<T> method of the ContentManager and thereby causing an exception to be thrown.

With these changes in place, we can now shift focus to the next class changes.


With the majority of changes occurring in the BaseGameState, there are a few changes required to the MainGame class .

The first change is to update the designed resolution to be set to 1280x720 (720p):
private const int DESIGNED_RESOLUTION_WIDTH = 1280;
private const int DESIGNED_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT = 720;

The reason for this change from the previously used resolution of 1024x768 is a true splash screen asset being loaded in the next section.

The next change is to adjust the SwitchGameState method to support the new Initialize method and not pass in the ContentManager to the LoadContent method:
private void SwitchGameState(BaseGameState gameState)
    _currentGameState = gameState;
    _currentGameState.OnStateSwitched += CurrentGameState_OnStateSwitched;
    _currentGameState.OnEventNotification += _currentGameState_OnEventNotification;

With these changes, the engine now provides a clear method to load a texture and proper clearing of content as game states change. The changes and new assets to complete this work are discussed in the next section. In future chapters, we will expand this functionality to include audio, fonts, and XML files.

Add a Player Sprite to the Game

Now that the engine has been updated to support texture loading, we will only need to make a few small adjustments to our game code. Remember, you can access the source code by going to www.apress.com/ISBN.

As in previous chapters, there are three components in the chapter-05 directories:
  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.



The assets folder contains both the Adobe Photoshop (PSD) and PNG files for the new splash screen, the sample texture, and the new fighter sprite. These files have been provided for use in this chapter and for future use in other projects.

The start folder contains the code prior to any changes made in this chapter for you to follow along. Conversely, the end folder contains the completed code if you wish to simply refer back to the chapter.

Reviewing the New Assets

To demonstrate the new texture loading functionality, three new assets have been added to the solution.

The first is a true splash screen image as opposed to simply using the land texture used previously. This splash screen was rendered to 1280x720 (depicted in Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2

Splash screen asset

This image will act as the image in our SplashState class.

The second asset is an empty graphic to be utilized if a particular texture asset is not found or an error occurs during load (depicted in Figure 5-3).
Figure 5-3

Fallback texture

This approach will make it easy to see quickly if an asset fails to load. In your future projects, I strongly suggest either using this graphic or something not used anywhere else in your project to call out that an error occurred when testing.

The last asset is our fighter plane sprite depicted in Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-4

Player sprite

This will be used as our player sprite in future chapters and, as you might have seen, contains transparency which MonoGame will automatically pick up during the Asset Pipeline.

Adding the New Assets to Our Content

To add these new assets, double-click Content.mgcb from within Visual Studio as we have done previously. If the file opens as an XML file like that in Figure 5-5, follow the following steps.
Figure 5-5

Content.mgcb opened incorrectly as an XML file

Step 1 is to right-click the Content.mgcb like so in Figure 5-6 and click Open With….
Figure 5-6

Visual Studio Context Menu on Content.mgcb

Once the window is opened, you will be presented with a dialog. Your view might include other options not listed; the option you are looking for is MonoGame Pipeline Tool as highlighted in Figure 5-7.
Figure 5-7

Visual Studio Open With dialog

Once selected, click Set as Default (to avoid having this occur again) and then click OK. After clicking OK, the MonoGame Pipeline Tool will open.

When adding content like in previous chapters, be sure when prompted to select “Add a link to the file” instead of “Copy the file to the directory” as shown in Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8

MonoGame Pipeline Tool Add File dialog

By clicking the “Add a link to the file” option, we will avoid having duplicate content locations. When working on a multiperson team or simply wanting one source of truth, this process avoids unnecessary churn forgetting to update multiple locations.

After adding the Empty, Fighter, and Splash assets, be sure to click Build ➤ Build, or hit the F6 key as noted in Figure 5-9.
Figure 5-9

MonoGame Pipeline Tool Build Menu

After building the content package, you should see the same message as in Figure 5-10.
Figure 5-10

MonoGame Pipeline Tool showing the build completes

Game Code Changes

With the changes to our engine completed in the previous section, there are only a handful of changes required to change in our game code.


The SplashState class as you might recall is the state that launches when our game launches. In future chapters, we will expand the functionality to include transition effects and music.

For the scope of this chapter, there are three changes required. If the following code is not clear, please refer back to Chapter 4 or follow along with the included complete source code for this chapter.

The first change is the removal of the UnloadContent method with the engine handling the unloading of content automatically inside the BaseGameState class. This removal will simplify and reduce the duplicated code as we continue to add more game states (following the don’t repeat yourself mantra).

The second change is in the LoadContent method. Previously, we were using the MonoGame ContentManager class directly to load a texture. As reviewed earlier in this chapter, the LoadTexture method provides an abstraction between MonoGame and our engine. There are several reasons for this, but a few include better handling of changes to MonoGame (i.e., if the syntax changes for how to load a texture, it can be handled in one location vs. all throughout your code) in addition to extensibility within your own code.

With the changes made to the engine, we can now simply call LoadTexture like so:
public override void LoadContent()
    AddGameObject(new SplashImage(LoadTexture("splash")));
The last change is in the HandleInput method. Previously, this method looked for any key press. Keeping with the theme of making the Splash State a true splash screen, the method now looks only for the Enter key being pressed. The code behind the new method:
public override void HandleInput()
    var state = Keyboard.GetState();
    if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
        SwitchState(new GameplayState());


The GameplayState class as you might recall is the state that will hold our main gameplay as we progress through the chapters.

For the scope of this chapter, four changes are required.

The first change is the addition of declaring our textures as constant variables to avoid magic strings in our code:
private const string PlayerFighter = "fighter";
private const string BackgroundTexture = "Barren";

In future chapters, we will convert these constants to utilizing JSON files to create more flexibility and avoid having to hard-code textures.

The second change, like in the SplashState class, is the removal of the UnloadContent method since it is being handled inside the base class.

The third change to be made is the loading of both our sample ground texture and the fighter sprite we reviewed in the previous section. We can achieve this functionality like so:
public override void LoadContent()
    AddGameObject(new SplashImage(LoadTexture(BackgroundTexture)));
    AddGameObject(new PlayerSprite(LoadTexture(PlayerFighter)));
The last change is to switch the keyboard input to only listen for the Escape key being hit like so:
public override void HandleInput()
    var state = Keyboard.GetState();
    if (state.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))

In the next chapter, we will overhaul this to not be tied specifically to just keyboard input; however, for now we are mapped to only the keyboard.

Running the Application

Now that the code changes have been made, simply running the application should show the splash screen as depicted in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11

Chapter 5 example showing the splash screen

After hitting Enter, you should be presented with the ground texture and our player's fighter sprite as shown in Figure 5-12.
Figure 5-12

Chapter 5 example showing the player sprite overlaid on top of the barren sprite

To exit, tap the Escape key on your keyboard or click the X to close the window.


In this chapter, you learned about the MonoGame Asset Pipeline. We also dove into integrating the Asset Pipeline into our engine to support textures and creating an approach that we will use in the coming chapters to quickly add audio and video support. Lastly, we demonstrated how to use our new functionality to load a splash image in addition to our player sprite into our evolving game engine.

In the next chapter, we will dive into the handling of input in our game engine by adding support for touch, keyboard, mouse, and controller types of input.

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