Understanding safety issues

As we use the Web, especially while using online communities to post some of our multimedia works, there are some safety issues to keep in mind and we should always inform our students about these. This can be done during class and reinforced by a school's policy (an acceptable usage policy, which can be connected to other policies on certain issues such as bullying or plagiarism). Some safety issues that we should be aware of are listed here.

Personal details

Personal details are sensitive information that can be used by people with bad intentions to establish contact with people, bully them, or even to steal online identities. Depending on their age, our students should keep their details to a minimum (no online usernames, no mobile phone numbers, and so on) while creating accounts in online communities, should avoid publishing photos of themselves and their colleagues without their parents' permission, and should never arrange meetings with strangers through the Web.

Cyber bullying

Sometimes, the Web can be used to intimidate or threaten people. It might happen that in a community in Moodle or through e-mail, colleagues or others bully one of our students using threatening messages. We can only prevent this by discussing ethical issues with our students and by being aware of changes in behavior or students' comments, working with parents to solve this. For parents, a good practice is to place the computer that is connected to the Web at home in a shared area, and to engage in conversations about their children's activities on the Web (and to participate in them). Often, schools now create a parent's login so that they can see what their children are doing in Moodle.

Seeking further advice

There are some websites and organizations that can help us to address e-safety with our students, providing interesting resources and training such as:

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