Creating interactive timelines using Tiki-Toki

Interactive timelines can be very useful for illustrating historical events and change through time, allowing us to have a better visual perspective on the succession of events that lead to a particular moment. From major events in your life to the history of a game, a country, a theory, a person, or a sequence of news items that came out about a subject, many uses can be thought of for this kind of tool. Now imagine adding images, audio, video, and hyperlinks to it, along with some nice navigation, and you'll realize the added value of this tool.

In our course, in Module 1, Music evolves, one of the activities will require students to create timelines of particular music genres selected by them, and include audio, video, and hyperlinked references related to this genre.

Tiki-Toki ( is an online tool that allows us to create interactive multimedia timelines. It requires registration, and is free to use, so every student can create his or her own account.

Creating interactive timelines using Tiki-Toki

After signing up, we have to create a timeline by filling up some information about it, and click on the Create new timeline button, as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating interactive timelines using Tiki-Toki

Adding a story

After creating the timeline, the first step is to create a new story. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the ADMIN item in the top-right corner.
  2. Click on CREATE NEW STORY.
  3. Fill the information in the Basic Info tab (Title, Start date, End date, Intro, and Link):
Adding a story

Adding multimedia

We can now add multimedia content to our story by clicking on the Story media tab, and then clicking on ADD NEW MEDIA.

Adding multimedia

We can then add a link to an image, video, or audio. Let's try a video.

Adding multimedia

After we click on the Save button, the timeline will show a new story with the picture that we have selected as thumb:

Adding multimedia

And if we click on the More button, we can read all the information and watch the video, as shown in the following screenshot:

Adding multimedia


After adding all of the events to the timeline, we can get the link to the timeline on our browser and share it in our Moodle course. Unfortunately, the embed code is disabled for free accounts, (and group editing as well).

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